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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2015 in all areas

  1. [EN] : you have a point .... they are using many bots and got unranked by GT As far as the community administration we have rules that ban this sort of behavior CsBlackDevil.Com - Recomandam Fair-Play ! : Started by Sethhh., In urma aparitiei a mai multor divergente intre serverele comunitare din ultima perioada, CsBlackDevil va aduce la cunostiinta: ¤ Folosirea HLTV-urilor pe serverele CS1.6 este strict interzisa. ¤ Orice fel de conflict intre administratorii serverelor care poate influenta negativ comunitatea, va fi luat sub observatie si sanctionat in functie de gravitatea acestuia. ¤ Nu dorim in niciun fel patarea imaginii comunitatii noastre in lumea GAMING-ului. Cu stima, Staff-ul CSBD Im sure the administration will take serious mesurements , but there is no need for violent language [RO] : ai dreptate .... pe care le folosesc in mai multe boti și-au NeEvaluată de GT În ceea ce privește administrația comunitară avem reguli care interzic acest tip de comportament . CsBlackDevil.Com - Recomandam Fair-Play ! : Started by Sethhh., In urma aparitiei a mai multor divergente intre serverele comunitare din ultima perioada, CsBlackDevil va aduce la cunostiinta: ¤ Folosirea HLTV-urilor pe serverele CS1.6 este strict interzisa. ¤ Orice fel de conflict intre administratorii serverelor care poate influenta negativ comunitatea, va fi luat sub observatie si sanctionat in functie de gravitatea acestuia. ¤ Nu dorim in niciun fel patarea imaginii comunitatii noastre in lumea GAMING-ului. Cu stima, Staff-ul CSBD Sunt sigur că administrația va lua masuratori serioase, dar nu este nevoie pentru limbaj violent
    5 points
  2. Maybe you've heard about eclipse thats its been so talked these days for these who dont know whats eclipse is. : A solar eclipse is probably the most spectacular celestial event that people can experience. The Moon slowly turns broad daylight into night as it glides in front of the Sun, hiding it from view. If the eclipse is total, at mid- eclipse, the Sun has completely vanished, but its ephemeral corona surrounds the blackened Moon like a crown. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, and casts its shadow on the Earth. For obvious reasons, an eclipse of the Sun can happen only when the Moon is new, and thus lies on the Sun-side of the Earth. If the Moon's orbit lay in the same plane as that of the Earth, there would be an eclipse every month. However, because the lunar orbit is tilted at an angle of about five degrees, most times the New Moon passes unseen either above or below the Sun in the sky and no eclipse is seen on Earth. This phenomen its going to happen with 20 March , 2015 (Tomorrow) as NASA confirmed. i think only God knows when this will happen. Good luck.
    2 points
  3. Ma si miram cum a ajuns asa de repede in top 50 mondial. Frumos baietii eu bag milioane in server i-ar voi stati in top pe neveu.
    2 points
  4. =)) Scoate-ti fratilor serverul de pe comunitate , ne faceti de ras.. =)) Asa ducem servere in top? Spectatori si boti?
    1 point
  5. Mama florine taci ca rad astea de tine :o... daca tu crezi ca la asta m-am referit eu esti mai bot ca boti de pe RS. ) ) Pe server sunt 5 playeri reali, restu sunt niste boti care joaca ca playerul normal. EDIT: Intra pe GT.COM si dai la RS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM si uita-te la timp, o sa vezi ca toti au acelasi timp. Posibil are si un sv_restart 1 acolo pus la misto sa le mai reseteze scorul si etc. Mai invata si dupa vorbesti.. Inca un ex:
    1 point
  6. Salutare, Aceste lucruri trebuie vorbite cu un administrator , din cate am inteles acesta este contul tau vechi : http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/user/14012-zeth-x/ , trebuie sa clarifici cu administratorii de ce ai primit ban . O seara buna in continuare!
    1 point
  7. Rusine, nu e prima data cand acesti fondatori recurg la asemenea gesturi. De aici si remarcile "CSBD are serverele 32/32 noaptea pline de botii". Asadar , fara cuvinte.
    1 point
  8. This happened today
    1 point
  9. Salutare, Imi cer scuze, nu am cercetat foarte bine acest caz. Dupa cum vezi acest server a primit unranked din cauza motivului spus si de colegul meu ,Adm- , mai sus . Nu cred ca trebuie sa facem scandal pentru asa ceva , fiecare are server-ul lui sa se ocupe de el, cat timp il plateste este exact treaba lui si el suporta consecintele , prin urmare nu avem ce dezbate aici.
    1 point
  10. Welcome to our entertainment CSBD
    1 point
  11. Hello there! We'd like to welcome you to our lovely community. Before you'll get to enjoy our servers and forums, please make sure you've read our forum rules ,Don't forget to also check sticky topics specific for each and every board before you submit a new post in them. Violating any of CsBlackDevil rules will get you punished. If you have any questions, don't be discouraged to ask, we're happy and willing to help you.
    1 point
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