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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2015 in all areas

  1. Stop vot. v1 - 3 voturi [revan] v2 - 5 voturi [d3v0uTT] v3 - 7 voturi [Mr.ShKoDrA] Winner Mr.ShKoDrA!
    4 points
  2. Salutare ! În primul rănd aş vrea să-mi cer scuze că am deschis acest topic aici deoarece mi s-a părut locul ideal pentru acest subiect ! Dacă nu vă convine îl puteţi muta unde credeti voi că este mai bine ! În al 2-lea rănd aş vrea să vă urez un călduros "LA MULŢI ANI" ! Să aveţi parte de tot ce vă doriţi , amintiri plăcute , iubire şi fericire ! La mulţi ani 2015 !
    3 points
  3. anyway guys, zmoldschool win this poll zmoldschool win in all.
    3 points
  4. what is skype qik : Skype Qik is a video messaging service by Skype. It was created from the technology Skype Technologies acquired through the purchase of Qik. The service, offered for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone devices, allows users to exchange video messages between individuals or within a group. Previously, the Qik service offered a mobile-based live video-sharing website and two-way video conferencing application that allowed users to stream live video from their cell phones to the internet. Qik enabled users to record and upload video directly from supported cell phones. Qik, a Silicon Valley startup, launched its alpha version in December 2007 and went into public beta in July 2008. Look : What is The Good : Skype Qik is fast at recording and sending video messages. The bad thing : The app's design is confusing and you can only send messages to people already in your phone's address book. The Bottom Line : Limited features and a complicated interface mean that you should skip Qik for other video messaging apps. Setup & Design : The app isn't at all like Skype; you don't log in with your Skype account and you don't get access to your Skype contacts. Instead, you log into the app with your phone number and only communicate with the contacts on your phone that also have Qik. Because you login with you phone number, you cannot use Qik on more than one device, but that might not matter since there are no tablet versions of the app. There's no way to enter someone's phone number or email address manually in the app (I tried), they need to be part of your phone contacts in order to send a message to them. For me, that's a sticking point, because for an app with Skype in the name, I expect to be able to chat with my Skype contacts. The app's main screen (left) shows all of your conversations. Tap any of them to see the videos in the chat (right). If you friends don't already use Qik, they'll get a text with a link to download the app, and they'll need to install it to watch your videos. Again, if you need to use the app to send messages, as opposed to sending them as texts or emails, I don't see why I couldn't create an optional username that I could share with people not already in my phone contacts so that I can send messages to them. When you first open the app, you get a blank slate of gradient blue bars and a prominent bright red record button at the top. As you send videos to your friends, the app's home screen fills up with conversations, with blurred out still shots from the latest sent or received video as a background. From there, you'll enter different conversations with your friends to send new messages. You can only send videos with Qik, not text or still photos. While simple video messaging is po[CENSORED]r these days, I'd still rather have the flexibility of sending multiple types of messages. To Get Qik : 1 - Google Play Store 2 - Windows Phone Store 3 - Apple App Store
    2 points
  5. oooooo salut domnu crazy hotu catelus cu paru cret fura rata din cotet si se jura ca nu fura si la`m prins cu rata`n gura ..dute omoarate sarmane.....deci eu daca as` pune mana pe tine ti-as rupe tot in tine ...sarmanule ce esti dute , frate de aicia din comunitate ca nu ai ce sa faci aicia HOTULE.. esti un copil frustrat si vai samar de tine , u veziti de blidu tau ..nemancatule ! hai pa ! cap de pluta
    2 points
  6. ø Modalitate de contact (Y!m / Skype): rusu_micro4 , orice aplicatie. ø Produs(e) scoase la vânzare: Cont Steam , CS 1.6 , CSCZ. ø Preţul produsului(elor): 5 euro ø Poze produs(e): - ø Metodă de plată: Transfer credit sau cod reincarcare in Vodafone , PayPall ø Alte specificaţii: Fara steam alert sau ban VAC. Locked , Sold.
    1 point
  7. Loading if u love arabian come to tunisia we are waiting for you man
    1 point
  8. Salutare, Aceasta este o intrebare ce mi-a fost adresata de foarte multe ori in perioada vacantei de iarna si am incercat pe cat posibil sa ma fac cat mai inteles. Dupa cum stiti este momentul in care apar cele mai multe exploit-uri pentru a crea probleme atat firmelor de hosting cat si ownerilor de servere. In ceea ce priveste flood-ul si automat crash-ul pe serverele krond, va rog sa aveti in vedere Cu alte cuvinte reinstalarea dproto-ului din panou pentru aplicarea unui nou fix de securitate din 21-22 decembrie 2014 + modificari de engine ceea ce rezolva si problema semnalata. Va rugam nu ezitati sa ne contactati in cazul in care problemele persista sau apar noi metode de crash.
    1 point
  9. Hello, This is a question that I was asked many times during the winter holiday and I tried as much as possible to make myself understood. As you know this is where most appear exploits to create problems both hosting companies and server owner. In terms of flooding and automatic crash the servers Krondor, please keep in mind In other words the panel's dproto installation of a new security fix from 21 to 22 December 2014 + engine modifications that solve the problem detected. Please do not hesitate to contact us if the problem persists or there are new ways to crash.
    1 point
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=492BeLBvWqw
    1 point
  11. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=837240046340814&set=vb.569196926478462&type=3&video_source=pages_video_set
    1 point
  12. Dar de unde sti tu ca Playfast sta pe bani parintilor saracie? sau poate te uiti prea mult la desene, ar fi frumos din partea ta sa iti vezi de cersit in continuare. Unii oameni impreuna cu compania Dur#x isi cere scuze pentru nasterea TA
    1 point
  13. Cate ore in fata pc-ului am stat pentru codurile tale de ne picai mereu , ****tule nush cum ai tupeu sa postezi ca iti ceri scuze , 3 servare din csbd ai distrus cand krond nu avea solutie de a opri codurile alea , fane un bine si da drumu din comunitate *****ule ... EDIT: Cenzurat Edit by Mr.Love : Sa iti fie rusine pentru limbajul prestat aici, si sa imi fie rusine MIE pentru ca m-am gandit la propunerea ta de a fi moderator.
    1 point
  14. will you return the money you stool from people ? its better than apologizing
    1 point
  15. and you will refund the payment?) for me always you will be a scam ) y cannot trust you
    1 point
  16. 1 point
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