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  1. NYPD 'monitoring' terror attack in Sydney where hostages are forced to hold jihadist flag as U.S. Police in New York are monitoring a terrorist attack in Syndey, Australia, in which as many as 20 people have been taken hostage. An armed siege is developing after either one of two gunmen marched into a Lindt cafe in the center of the city and forced sobbing hostages against the window. Australian police have sealed off the surrounding streets amid fears the attacker or attackers have a shotgun and explosives. In light of the attack, the NYPD said they are 'aware of what's happening in Australia', and later added: 'We are monitoring the situation in Sydney.' The U.S. government has also evacuated its consulate in Sydney, which is very close to the scene of the confrontation. Terrorists were today holding hostages in an armed siege in a cafe in Sydney where an extremist flag was held up in the window Terrified customers and employees were among those standing with their hands against the window at the Lindt cafe in Sydney A spokesman confirmed the evacuation. The consulate also issued an emergency warning to U.S. citizens in Sydney, urging them to 'maintain a high level of vigilance and take appropriate steps to enhance your personal security'. President Obama has also been briefed on the situation by a homeland security and counter-terrorism adviser. ISIS, the terror organization to which the hostage-takers are believed to be linked, routinely encourage their supporters to make small-scale 'lone wolf' attacks to be made against the West, particularly in the United States. The FBI recently warned military personnel to disguise their presence on social media and suppress identifying information in case they become targets in a surprise attack. The Sydney incident began just hours after a 25-year-old suspect was arrested in a terror raid in Sydney. Officials have also evacuated the Sydney Opera House after reports of a suspicious device. Martin Place has been shut down and scores of police are surrounding the building after the alarm was raised about 9.45am. Hostages: People could be seen with their hands pressed against the window of the Lindt cafe in Sydney Martin Place has been shut down and scores of police are surrounding the building after the alarm was raised about 9.45am Journalist Chris Kenny, who was in the shop about 20 minutes before the siege began, said he understood the automatic glass sliding doors had been disabled. 'I did speak to a couple of people who saw a bit more of this unfold than I did,' he said. 'One woman said she tried to go into the shop just after I came out with my takeaway coffee but the doors wouldn't open. 'So obviously whoever is doing this has disabled the automatic glass sliding doors to stop anyone else going in and she said immediately she could see there was a weapon. 'The woman was quite frantic but very clear what she was telling (the police). 'I know the faces of the people who are sitting there enjoying a morning coffee.' It is unclear how many people are involved in the siege in a Lindt cafe in Martin Place but people could be seen with their hands pressed against the windows 'Aware': New York police said they are monitoring the hostage situation to see whether any action needs to be taken in the city Patrols: ISIS extremists often urge their supporters in the West to make 'lone wolf' attacks The Seven Network newsroom, which is in a building opposite the cafe, has been evacuated. Other buildings in Martin Place, including the nearby Westpac building, have been cleared. 'We're just recommending no one go near Martin Place at the moment,' a New South Wales Police spokeswoman said. Martin Place train station has been closed and public buses are being turned away. A staff member at the Reserve Bank told Daily Mail Australia they were unable to be evacuated because Martin Place had been closed. Staff have been told to move away from the windows. Another woman who works in the government building opposite the cafe tried to call her her office to say she couldn't get past cordons and all the phone lines were down. It was alleged that Omarjan Azari, the 22-year-old Sydney man arrested on terrorism charges in September, was planning a public beheading in Martin Place. NSW Police are telling people to stay away from the area as the train station in Martin place has been closed Armed NSW police officers surrounded the busy cafe following reports of armed gunmen inside The alleged terror plot, mentioned in a conversation between Australian terrorism recruiter in Syria, Mohammad Ali Barylei and Azari, involved selecting a member of the public at random, beheading them and then covering their body in a flag. The whole incident was going to be filmed, and then used as propaganda for the ISIS cause. Federal prosecutors said the alleged terror plot was 'clearly designed to shock, horror and terrify the community' Police Prosecutor Michael Allnutt said that Azari had made a threat which involved a 'random selection of persons to execute' during a telephone conversation with Baryalei. Azari was arrested on September 18 and charged with preparing for an act of terrorism. He is due in court this week for a bail application. The flag being held up in the window of the cafe is believed to be a Shahada flag, which is used by the group Jabhat al Nusra. At least two gunmen are involved in the siege but dozens of armed police have sealed off the streets surrounding the site Jabhat al Nusra was formed in January 2012, in the Syrian civil war to fight the Syrian government forces. Jabhat al Nusra, or JN, aims to overthrow the Assad regime and replace it with a Sunni Islamic state. Although the group is affiliated with al-Qaeda, Jabhat al-Nusra does not emphasize Western targets or global jihad, focusing instead on the 'near enemy' of the Syrian state. Martin Place is one of Sydney's busiest streets and is at the center of the CBD. The Lindt cafe where the hostages are being held specializes in chocolate and has a number of branches across the city. The flag being held up in the window of the cafe is believed to be a Shahada flag, which is used by the group, Jabhat al Nusra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-GdMKw4p_o Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2873949/NYPD-monitoring-terror-attack-Sydney-gunmen-force-Australian-hostages-hold-jihadist-flag-police-standoff-develops.html
    3 points
  2. Hello CsBlackDevil! ^^ I am interested to know, how many players like Zombie Outstanding! And if they whant more servers from this Mod ! And If you whant then you can also add a comment with pros and cons about this two types! If Outstanding will won then i will open a server again!
    2 points
  3. Nici eu nu m-am putut abtine, WARNED! ----- Atentie cum completati modelul, nu o faceti in bataie de joc, post-hunt-ul e-n floare.
    2 points
  4. Imi cer scuze ca postez aici dar nu ma pot abtine =)) Numar de sloturi : 32/24 ? =)) Primele 7 cifre din cnp : : ?=)))))))))) Oameni neseriosi...
    2 points
  5. si sa rad si eu unpic cu pofta de sfarsit de an =)))))))))))))) ca mare e gradina ta doamne )
    2 points
  6. Majoritatea deschideti server numa pentru a lua bani de pe jucatori...ce sever se mai numeste ala?...si 1000 fps pe svr? omg sa imi zici si mie hostu ! ))))))
    2 points
  7. ø Modalitate de contact (Y!m / Skype) : Nu folosesc Y!M dar mă puteţi contacta pe teamspeak 3 ! ø Produs(e) scoase la vânzare : Vând cont de steam cu 24 de jocuri ! http://steamcommunity.com/id/abcd077/ ø Preţul produsului(elor) : Aştept ofertele voastre ! Încă nu m-am hotărât ! ø Poze produs(e): ø Metodă de plată : PaySafeCard ø Alte specificaţii : Nu am chef de toţi copilaşii ! Cine doreşte să ma contacteze şi vom discuta !
    1 point
  8. Ce ai scris mai sus stii din propria experienta, nui asa ? :-j Vad ca nu te-ai putut abtine, nu vreau nici un ban de la nimeni, platesc hostul din banii mei, din banii adminilor/playerilor v-or fi preconizate boosturile. Dupa cum ai vazut, nu eram beat cind a facut acest topic si da hostul ofera Index de calitate (sys_ticrate) tactat la 1000 FPS. Si incearca sa te abtii data viitoare! multumesc de intelegere!
    1 point
  9. Romanian clothing retailer Mizar opens a new store in Baneasa Shopping City in northern Bucharest, after an investment of EUR 100,000. The new unit, which covers an area of 120 sqm, brings the brand’s network to a total of 11 stores. Mizar, which was established in 1996, ended 2013 with a turnover of EUR 2 million and estimates sales of EUR 2.25 million for this year. The company plans to open new stores in 2015 and also diversify its collections. Mizar currently employs over 150 people. It owns 11 stores, over 1,200 sqm of modern production facilities, creation workshops and annual collections with over 1,000 new models.
    1 point
  10. I like really ZombieOutStanding Because i like there Point's System and i have already 3 Server Which are ZombieOutStanding e,e but in some things Zp is good
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. ¤ Nume în joc:pomelo ¤ Vârsta:19 ¤ Nume:Mihai ¤ Oraș:1tg-jiu ¤ Județ:gorj ¤ Țară:romania ¤ Jocuri preferate:cs mu fifa gta ... ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine:Glumet ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil:il stiu de mai mult timp! ¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!):nu am deocamdata ¤ O poză cu tine (în cazul în care ai deja una și vrei să o postezi):http://postimg.org/image/p71ky4c2v/
    1 point
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    1 point
  14. Add pe facebook Beatrice Gabriela , sunt din Bucuresti
    1 point
  15. Nick: NarCotiC Server: PGL.CsBlackDevil.Com
    1 point
  16. Nick: NarCotiC & Narcotic [de pe telefon] ) Server: PGL.CsBlackDevil.Com
    1 point
  17. Nick: NaRCoTiC[r.g.v] Server: RS.CsBlackDevil.Com 200-1(nu se vede clar)
    1 point
  18. Nick: NaRCoTiC[r.g.v] Server: HighLife.CsBlackDevil.Com Poze:
    1 point
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