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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/2014 in all areas

  1. In categoria respectiva exista functia ”Bump this topic” , aceasta functie este adaugata pentru a nu mai exista posturi de acest gen: ”up/ mai vreau/etc” Butonul este atasat in partea dreapta-sus a topicului. Warn-ul a fost acordat corect. In mod normal, cererea ar trebuii inchisa, acum ramane la aprecierea designerilor. Utilizatorul RevO a fost sanctionat conform regulamentului general. Data viitoare te rog sa folosesti functia report. Topic Closed.
    5 points
  2. Buna seara ! Din cate am observat, in regulamentul sectiunii aceea spune asta: Aveti dreptul doar la un BUMP per cerere. Deci cred ca a avut dreptul la un bump la cererea dumnealui. Cererea fiind aceasta http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/topic/130578-cerere-avatar/
    3 points
  3. Acolo nu scrie postHUB ci postHUNT iar hunt in engleza - vanezi adica faci posturi doar de dragu de a avea posturi facute. Sper ca te-am lamurit
    3 points
  4. Maybe you break this rule of forum. Anyway, wait the resquest of the administrator or supermoderator.
    3 points
  5. ¤ Name in game : TheDemon. ¤ Age : 16 ¤ Name : Yousef ¤ City : Ramallah ¤ Country : Palestine ¤ Favorite Games : Cs 1.6 , Battle Feild 3 , Need for Spped UderGround6 ¤ A short description about you : Just i want to behave good. with all, ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : By Mr.LoVe ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : hmm, i think here all servers Zp and i like Zombie-OutStanding but here's good is NewLifeZM & ThunderZM & StreetZM ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): Nope...
    2 points
  6. De fapt nu, nu are dreptate, nu a actionat cum trebuie deoarece acela este ca un bump la cererea lui, dupa cum observi a scris si "UP,UP,UP,UP".
    2 points
  7. Are dreptate. Skrilex a actionat conform regulamentului ca deobicei.
    2 points
  8. Welcome and enjoy your stay.
    1 point
  9. Salut CSBD . Nu am stiut unde sa fac accest topic asa ca l-am facut aici . Nu inteleg de ce am primit WARN . Nu am facut nici un POSTHUB ! Am zis doar " Multumes foarte mult.Mai astept si alte avatare. VA MULTUMESC !! UP,UP,UP,UP " M-am documentat si am vazut ca acest supermoderator mi-a dat WARN doar mie ... Uitati aici alt post care dupa regulamentul acestui supermoderator este posthub . >> http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/topic/130690-request-avatar/ Va`s ruga daca credeti ca nu am facut nici un posthub sa imi scoateti cele 2 WARN-uri . MULTUMESC Dovada :
    1 point
  10. For more crazy and strange to think these things are not the result of photoshop, and there really are out there making the world even more rare. A ice paddle called "iPhone 5". A completely black house in Germany. A Hamburgers with that name. Very creative. A printer Hot Cakes. Cheetos Jumbo. To let your cat out painter within. A vending machine burritos. Interesting. Grumpuccino. Medical Marijuana as cotton candy. A cheeseburger in a can. Spray dough fritters, just heat up oil and go.
    1 point
  11. Welcome / Bine ai venit !
    1 point
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