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ø Produs oferit: Steam CS:GO ø Detalii produs: Steam-ul are rank Legendary Eagle Master. ø Preț: 25 euro transfer bancar / 2 gift-uri CS:GO ø Contact: ts.csblackdevil.com , private fuzy #VALOAREDAIAMARE , sau PM pe forum ø Imagini: http://s13.postimg.org/3ylz0euxz/Untitled.png -edit- Steam-ul a fost vandut cu succes, rog un moderator sa inchida acest topic.3 points
3 points
Jordan Mathewson, un cunoscut jucător american de "Counter-Strike" ale cărui meciuri sunt urmărite de sute de mii de fani din întreaga lume, a fost victima unei glume bolnave, întregul incident fiind transmis în direct de una dintre camerele video pe care le folosea pentru a-şi transmite o partidă online. În timp ce Mathewson, cunoscut sub pseudonimul "Kootra", se afla în mijlocul unui joc transmis online, uşa camerei în care se afla a fost spartă de o echipă antitero, acesta trezindu-se cu arme reale îndreptate spre el şi fiind someat să se trântească la pământ. Camera fixată pe jucător arată cum acesta este înjurat, bruscat şi încătuşat de echipa antitero. Ulterior s-a aflat că toată scena a fost urmarea unei farse. Un necunoscut a sunat la poliţie, afirmând că se află în clădirea de unde Mathewson îşi transmitea partida online, că a omorât doi oameni şi că ţine alţi oameni ostatici. Cel care a făcut apelul a adăugat că este înarmat până în dinţi şi că va trage asupra unei eventuale echipe care ar încerca să spargă uşa. Poliţia din oraşul Littletown, în care a avut incidentul, spune că astfel de farse pot avea urmări tragice. "Oamenii legii au experienţa unor situaţii reale de genul acesta, în care un om înarmat ameninţă că va omorî alte persoane. Agenţii noştri sunt antrenaţi să acţioneze rapid şi să neutralizeze situaţia. Din fericire, în acest caz nu au fost victime, însă o astfel de acţiune a poliţiei are costuri enorme şi poate rezulta în rănirea sau uciderea unor oameni nevinovaţi", se arată într-un comunicat. Se pare că astfel de farse au început să se înmulţească în ultima vreme, jucătorii de tipul lui Kootra, care are 220.000 de fani pe reţelele de socializare, fiind o ţintă predilectă. Poliţia încearcă acum să dea de urma celui care a făcut farsa. Jordan Mathewson a fost eliberat la scurt timp după ce problema a fost lămurită. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0F9kXpr4SE3 points
2 points
Hello, I think his problem is that he got suspended: He should talk with an administrator and to find out what is the reason he got suspended.2 points
Try: Am optimizat avatarul la dimensiunea de 188kb. P.S: Pe viitor dati un titlu sugestiv topicului deschis pentru a primi un raspuns cat mai rapid posibil.2 points
1. Uploadăm acea imagine pe site-ul: http://postimage.org/ 2. Dăm click pe butonul "Caută", şi vom bifa optiunea "Conţinut simplu". 3. Selectăm o imagine din propriul computer, apoi vom da click pe butonul "Open", şi butonul "Porneşte!". 4. Vom da click pe butonul "Copiază în clipboard" (butonul încercuit). 5. Acum vom apăsa pe butoanele CTRL şi V în acelaş timp, pentru a ne apărea link-ul cu imaginea. Rezultat:2 points
2 points
¤ Name in game : ZaKro0oS ¤ Age : 17 ¤ Name : Ali ¤ City : Baghdad ¤ Country : Iraq ¤ Favorite Games : Counter-Strike 1.6 (Zombie) ¤ A short description about you : Counter-Strike 1.6 Is my Life !!! ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : From The Old server "ZmDarkNight.CsBLackDevil.Com", I really miss CsBlackDevil! ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : Walkingdead.CsBlackDevil.Com ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): ...1 point
Pro or Contra??? Stop being a baby, all the Administrators know how to work and know to whom they can give (ban or suspended), and there is no need to open this discussion. Topic Closed!1 point
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Eu inca nu am cumparat de la el , dar din sursele mele sigure am inteles ca e foarte de treaba, si e un om de incredere.... Va recomand sa cumparati de la el.1 point
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Iti ofer eu 5 boost-uri pe luna (fara grad) , daca pui in mesaje.ini - Te-ai plictisit de classic? hai la un jb pe jb.csblackdevil.com Daca vrei lasa reply1 point
INFORMATION: State of Decay: Breakdown raises an important question: does downloadable content still count as content when it takes out more content than it adds? After all, this is still Trumbull Valley as we left it back in June, but here there are no squabbles with military hard-asses or heroic attempts to overcome blocked mountain passages. This, rather, is a bleak scramble for survival, and one in which the zombies are all but guaranteed to win. In short, it's the sandbox so many of us wanted back in the early days of summer. Though bootable as a separate experience from the main narrative, it's meant to address the perception that there was little left to do once the trajectory of the story cut off progression, and thus the potential for replay, aside from milking the last save file. But this addition, priced at almost half the cost of the full game, adds no new enemies or locations; instead, it guts the story completely aside from side missions. GamePlay: Breakdown is an apt title. The core experience involves the usual business of fortifying communities and scrounging for supplies, but it also throws in the need to repair a busted RV and to select five survivors to take along on the most awkward road trip of all time. Alas, it's a road trip to nowhere, because "escape" leads you back to the same town, but the circumstances grow direr upon each visit. You may start in a random location at a higher level than in the previous playthrough and with the buddies you brought along, but cars become more scarce, zombies become stronger and more numerous, and resources don't respawn. It's a Sisyphean vision of hell, and one where success is rewarded with misery. Repeat it long enough, and survival seems less and less likely. The goal, simply, is to survive as long as possible. I'm currently sitting at the seventh difficulty level out of 10, and already I've reached the point where I'm about ready to take up the undead on their pushy invitations to join their numbers. It has taken many hours to reach this point, and in the process, the brutal difficulty has forced a welcome adoption of different tactics that were only toyed with in the core narrative. Firecrackers, mines, and Molotov cocktails become more valuable than standard weapons, for instance, and firing a gun has such horrifying consequences that I tried to avoid firing one altogether. By the fourth difficulty tier, even cars are weak, which means no more joyrides where you mow zombies down like grass. REQUIREMENTS : CPU: Intel Core i5 series or equivalent CPU Speed: Info RAM: 2 GB OS: Windows 7 Video Card: Radeon HD 4750 / GeForce GT 240 / Intel HD 4000 Sound Card: Yes Free Disk Space: 3 GB TRAILER:1 point
INFORMATIONS: Based solely on its Japanese-history-inspired setting and ornately costumed, sharp-steel-wielding heroes, Toukiden: The Age of Demons could pass for another sequel or spin-off in developer Omega Force's Dynasty Warriors series. Before your oversized sword can draw its first drop of blood, however, you find the game's surface similarities give way to an experience that shares more with Capcom's Monster Hunter games than anything in the developer's existing library of Warriors titles. From its save-the-world storyline and screen-swallowing boss battles to its party-based play and grinding loop of laying waste to uglies, looting their corpses, and leveling up your character and gear, Toukiden will feel comfortably familiar to anyone who has ever invested an evening into besting a towering beast in Capcom's creature-slaying series. More than a mere copycat, though, Toukiden complements its cloned Monster Hunter elements with enough fresh features, nuance, and ideas to earn its own identity. For starters, the pacing of its combat is driven by more than the light and heavy attacks it initially teaches you. As an appropriately dubbed slayer, you must rid the world of oni, demons that aren't particularly interested in living peacefully among humankind. Battling these netherworld baddies requires the expected hacking, slashing, and elemental magic casting, but purifying their dismembered body parts adds a satisfying wrinkle to the slaughter. The act temporarily leaves you vulnerable, but ensures the lopped limbs won't regenerate. Purifying also loots resources from downed foes and siphons life from bigger bads who are still kicking despite losing an arm, leg, or spiky tentacle. GamePlay: This extra strategic element is further complemented by mitama, souls of fallen slayers that are occasionally released through purification. These rare drops, representing the different offensive and defensive disciplines--combat, regeneration, speed, and so on--of their previous owners, can be assigned to slots in your weapons. Once a mitama is firmly rooted in the handle of a sword--or the grip of another upgradable death-dealer (spear, dual daggers, bow, gauntlets, chain and sickle)--it can be triggered during battle. By activating mitama, you can unleash various table-turning powers, all of which have limited quantities per mission and run on cooldown timers. Finding new mitama, which also unlocks collectible-card-like pictures and backstories of their slayers, quickly becomes a compelling little metagame, but managing them during boss battles brings a welcome strategic layer to the otherwise button-mashy combat. You monitor a regenerating focus meter, which can be activated to identify enemy weak points as well as other invaluable intel and items, adding yet another resource to your arsenal. REQUIRMENTS : CPU: Intel Core i5 2400s or AMD Phenom II X4 955 CPU Speed: Info RAM: 4 GB OS: Windows Vista Video Card: nVidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti or better / AMD Radeon HD 7850 or better Sound Card: Yes Free Disk Space: 8 GB TRAILER :1 point
INFORMATIONS: come to the [CENSORED]ure!" The song that welcomes you into Trials Fusion is so catchy, so sincere, and so cheesy that it wonderfully sets the tone for the insanity that's about to unfold. Like its predecessors, Fusion relishes in the absurd. The writhing body of your fallen rider, the warning of a furry of squirrels from the announcer, and the slapstick deaths that meet you at the finish line all converge to keep your spirits high as you fight through the treacherous, postapocalyptic landscapes. Trials Fusion is another great entry in the series that embraces its comedic and devious nature to create a mesmerizing motorcycle adventure in the land of chaos. The spirit of Trials is unchanged in this newest iteration. Obstacle courses stretch before you, confining you to a 2D line in which you have little choice but to meet your fate straight on, dead ahead. Your focus is on staying upright. Twist the throttle, lean forward and back, and try not to land wrong after a three-story drop. It's readily apparent that the uncomplicated controls hide the complexity boiling just under the surface. Although the physics aren't realistic, they are consistent. Any bump can send you reeling if you hit it at the wrong angle, so be wary, and don't gun the accelerator on an uphill climb unless you want to end up flat on your back. GAMEPLAY: Sound intimidating? Don't worry. Fusion eases you into its challenges through tutorials that may make veteran riders yawn but ensure things aren't so scary for novices. Once you come to grips with the handling, perfection is within your grasp in the early going. Beginner, easy, and medium courses test your knowledge of the basic maneuvers through a series of fantastic tracks that spit in the face of those who swear by natural laws. Ramps assemble themselves as you speed toward them in a metallic space station, Cretaceous fog swirls in a swamp, and nuclear silos hint at what has become of this ravaged world. For half of Fusion, you're on a whirlwind tour of an arctic wilderness, arid deserts, and other locales that encompass your adventure. Speed is your goal. Can you shave seconds off your time? Cross the finish line without crashing? With a little practice, the answer is yes, so you spend hours testing yourself against the best the leaderboards have to offer. Or, at least whatever your friends are up to. Fusion has a single-screen, local multiplayer mode that's a fun diversion for up to four, but the real competition lies in chasing your friends' best times. Markers showing how well they performed dot tracks, so you always know exactly how you stack up, and know that it's only a matter of time before they're looking up at you. REQUIREMNTS : CPU: Intel Core i5 2400s or AMD Phenom II X4 955 CPU Speed: Info RAM: 4 GB OS: Windows Vista Video Card: nVidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti or better / AMD Radeon HD 7850 or better Sound Card: Yes Free Disk Space: 8 GB TRAILERS:1 point
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UP Vand urgent CS Complete Pack ( CS 1.6, CS:GO, Source si Condition zero) la 13 EURO!!!!1 point
Alatura-te comunitatii noastre incepand cu o prezentare! Bine ai venit! ¤ Reguli ¤ Fiecare topic va avea titlul: [Prezentare] Nume Orice prezentare va fi deschisa 24 ore. Dupa 24 de ore Moderatorii au obligatia sa inchida topicul. Reply-ul in prezentarea dumneavoastra nu este interzis, cu exceptia cazurilor in care se incalca regulamentul comunitar. Puteti folosii orice culori in prezentarea dvs.1 point
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