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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2014 in all areas

  1. Aceste întrebări sunt adesea întâlnite în viaţa de zi cu zi, aşa că hai să aflăm mai multe răspunsuri personale, caractere diferte. Mereu m-am întrebat, cum este definită dragostea adevărată, şi cum ar fi viaţa fără acest sentiment puternic influenţat de către propriul suflet. Am încercat să definesc aceste întrebări, să înţeleg ce înseamnă cu adevarat, dragostea. În zadar am căutat acel sentiment pe care îl percepeam ca fiind adevarata iubire, dar m-am pierdut de multe ori "pe traseu", încât am încetat să mai caut adevărata dragoste. M-am confruntat cu atât de multe dezamagiri şi eşecuri încat, dacă m-aţi întreba "Crezi în dragostea adevărată?", v-aş răspunde probabil că aşa ceva există doar în filme, dar eu sper în continuare la filmul meu. Ce reprezintă dragostea pentru tine? Acel sentiment nu pote fi explicat prin cuvinte, dar pot spune că dragostea cuprinde nenumărate sentimente. Acelea fiind, iubirea, gelozia, tristeţea, dorul, şi multe alte sentimente ce le întâlnim în timp. Pot spune că, sigura mea slăbiciune ar fi, dragostea. Cum ar fi viaţa fără dragoste? Mai mult ca sigur ar fi un pas spre apocalipsă, o lume plină de ură, duşmănie, şi alte sentimente ce caracterizează încăpăţânarea diavolului, mai pe scurt, ar fi sfârşitul.
    1 point
  2. A stylish and original Spaghetti Western mulitplayer combat game. Secret Ponchos ambitiously delivers a new style of combat – isometric quick-twitch fighting. It’s fast-paced, tactical and addictively competitive. Watch the bounty on your head increase as you gun down others in both solo and gang fights. What's your Head Worth? About the Game ATTENTION: Please read the REQUIREMENTS carefully, we've had a lot of support requests from people who purchase the game without reading the requirements, and while we are happy to try and help everyone who reaches out, it does take time away from developing the game. REQUIREMENT : PS4 DUALSHOCK CONTROLLER, MICROSOFT XBOX 360® CONTROLLER FOR WINDOWS® (OR EQUIVELANT) IS REQUIRED. Keyboard & Mouse support is currently in development, but NOT available at this moment. REQUIREMENT : It is REQUIRED to have a Directx11 supported video card, not just the directx11 software installed. We're working on adding DirectX10 support, but we do not want anyone stuck in the meantime. SUGGESTED PLAYTIMES : 12pm & 8pm PST: Secret Ponchos is a newly released Early Access multi-player title, with a small po[CENSORED]tion that is currently ramping up. The number of players will fluxuate at certain times of the day. To provide everyone opportunities for solid play sessions, we have created suggested play-times to saturate the community po[CENSORED]tion. You are welcome to play Secret Ponchos whenever you like, but these times are there for you if you encounter any troubles as we ramp up our po[CENSORED]tion. The Dev team will also join in at these hours, and we've been having a great time playing with the community About Secret Ponchos creates a new compelling format of combat. It's quick-twitch action gaming, that is fast paced, fun and competitively addictive. Presenting combat from an overhead isometric view dramatically changes the feel of the Fighting Game and Team Shooter genres. You have a 360 degree view of the action unfolding around you, and gameplay is driven by both what you choose to do, and how well you can control timing and spacing for quick-twitch battles. Compete to survive in 1 vs 1 duels, free-for-all mode, or get your friends together for gang combat against rivals (up to 8 players). Create your outlaw from a dynamic set of western characters, each with its own weapon types and different combat styles. As you gun down other players you will define your legacy as you increase your notoriety with each kill. But watch out – as the price on your head increases, it becomes a more valuable target, and others will be gunning for you in this Wild West setting. In a nutshell Secret Ponchos is an isometric action-based PvP fighting game, taking place in a stylish Spaghetti Western universe. Key Features Line of Sight: Take cover behind the environment to break line-of-sight between you and enemies. When breaking line-of-sight you will disappear from your enemies view, allowing you to ambush, flank, or take a moment to reload and regroup. Combat Modes : 2-8 Players supported. Play 1v1 intense duels, or team shootouts supporting 2v2 , 4v4 and even 8 Player FFA matches. Modes available in early access can be seen in the Early Access Schedule (above). Local PvP Coop/SplitScreen : Have a friend over, and use split screen to either play against each other or cooperatively against other teams online. *Splitscreen PC is disabled in the first version of Early Access, but it will be supported as an upcoming feature Persistent Characters & Upgrades: As you gun down opponents the game tracks your characters match history and bounties you have collected. Unlock perks, skins, and reputation classes as you earn notoriety and the bounty on your own head rises. Early Access + Full Release on Launch + 1 Free Expansion Character as a Thank-You Screen Shots Game Trailer: System Requirements Minimum: OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 Processor: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 460GTX or AMD Radeon HD 6800 1GB DirectX: Version 11 Network: Broadband Internet connection Hard Drive: 3 GB available space Sound Card: Direct X 11 sound device Additional Notes: Controller / Gamepad Required : Sony PS4 Dual shock, Microsoft Xbox 360® Controller for Windows® Keyboard/Mouse supported NOT supported in this Version. Please note: these specifications are deliberately high as we are in the early stages of optimization. They will be gradually reduced.
    1 point
  3. Salut, aici este Magazinul Steam, deci se vand/cumpara/schimba doar obiecte steam. O zi buna!
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Xenonauts is a strategy game in which you control a multi-national military organisation defending a Cold War-era Earth from alien invasion, using small squads of persistent soldiers to eliminate the extraterrestrials and recover their technology in turn-based ground combat. About the Game Xenonauts is a strategy game in which you control a multi-national military organisation defending a Cold War-era Earth from alien invasion, using small squads of persistent soldiers to eliminate the extraterrestrials and recover their technology in turn-based ground combat. A detailed strategic layer allows you to co-ordinate the defence of the planet, using your interceptors to shoot down UFOs and researching captured artefacts to learn about your foes and unlock new combat equipment to use on your missions. Xenonauts is a spiritual successor to the classic X-Com strategy games from the 1990s. We aim to improve the graphics, add new content and streamline the interface whilst still retaining all of the key mechanics of the original games. Devoted fans should love this game, but we're also keen to introduce the joys of old-school grand strategy to a whole new generation of players who might not otherwise experience it! Key Features Ground Combat: Xenonauts delivers tense turn-based combat across realistic, varied and fully-destructible battlefields, against almost fifty different variants of enemy. Missions range from capturing crashed UFOs or alien bases to defending cities (or even Xenonaut facilities) against alien attack. You'll experience the chill of encountering a new alien for the first time and the joys of test-firing a new weapon for the first time. Deeply asymmetric combat keeps the battles interesting - after all, you're fighting intergalactic invaders with 1970's ballistic technology! Strategic Management: You will also be managing the defence of the planet, dealing with the invading alien UFOs with your customisable interceptors. You need to balance the needs of your funding nations with your own. Your funds are limited - are you going to spend them on battlefield equipment, more scientists, or expanding your coverage of the planet? Your priorities must be balanced carefully if you are to win the war. Research Tree: Xenonauts has an extensive research tree with almost a hundred projects to unlock, each with its own unique description and painted artwork. It slowly reveals the intentions and origins of the invaders, while also unlocking new battlefield equipment, aircraft and vehicles for you to use as you harness alien technology and turn it against them. Persistent Soldiers: Soldiers in Xenonauts are persistent from mission to mission, improving their stats and gaining ranks with combat experience - but their deaths are always only a single bad move away. You will grow to care about the brave men and women under your command as they slowly grow from green rookies into hardened veterans, but that only makes it more painful when their heroic tale is cruelly cut short by a burst of plasma fire... Detailed, Emergent Simulation: Xenonauts contains no scripted missions, just broad rules setting the pace of the invasion. As such, no game plays out the same twice. If you shoot a Scout UFO down over a polar area, you get a Crash Site mission where you can capture a crashed Scout UFO in an Arctic tileset. Commence a battle at night and you'll be fighting the mission in the darkness with reduced sight range. If your base is attacked, you fight the defence in a perfect replica of your base. A lot of time has gone into weaving the two very different halves of the game together into something that feels both natural and enjoyable. Screen Shots: Game Trailer System Requirements Minimum: OS:Windows 8 / 7 SP1 / Vista SP2 Processor:Intel 2 GHz Memory:1 GB RAM Graphics:Integrated Graphics Hard Drive:3 GB HD space Sound:Integrated Monitor:1280x720 pixels minimum Recommended: Memory:2 GB RAM Graphics:512 MB DirectX 9.0c Compliant Video Card Hard Drive:Solid State Hard Drive
    1 point
  6. Va multumesc tuturor pentru urari si promit ca atata timp cat voi putea, voi fi alaturi de csblackdevil community. Multumesc inca odata si aceleasi ganduri bune le indrept si eu catre voi. Sa fiti cuminti si iubiti de toata lumea. Doamne ajuta !
    1 point
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=CnnnxrdCGJg
    1 point
  8. 1. Apăsăm pe funcţia "My settings". 2. Din lista de opţiuni din partea stânga vom selecta opţiunea "Profile Settings". 3. Dăm mai jos de scroll-ul mouse-ului, până în drept cu "Profile Inormation". Acolo vom completa căsuţa "Steam" cu ceea ce apare în propriul profil de Steam (Custom URL). Unde găsim "Custom URL" ? 3.1. Intrăm pe profilul de Steam, dăm click pe săgeata din dreata din dreptul numelui contului de Steam, şi vom selecta opţiunea "View Profile". 3.2. Acum vom da click pe butonul "Edit Profile". 3.3. Mai jos vom completa în dreptul căsuţei "Custom URL: (?) http://steamcommunity.com/id/" cu ceea ce dorim noi să apară. În cazul meu am pus "vacasick", deoarece este ID-ul meu de Steam. 3.4. Dacă am procedat exact ca în acest tutorial, celor ce ne va vizita profilul de pe forum le va apărea exact ca în imaginea de mai jos.
    1 point
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