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,,Povestea inimii. Într-o zi, un tânar s-a oprit în centrul unui mare oras si a început sa le spuna trecatorilor ca are cea mai frumoasa inima din împrejurimi. Nu dupa multa vreme, în jurul lui s-a strâns o mare multime de oameni si toti îi admirau inima care era într-adevar perfecta. Nu vedeai pe inima lui nici un semn, nici o fisura. Da, toti au cazut de acord ca era cea mai frumoasa inima pe care au vazut-o vreodata. Tânarul era foarte mândru de inima lui si nu contenea sa se laude singur cu ea.Când deodata, de multime s-a apropiat un batrânel. Cu glas linistit, el a rostit ca pentru sine:- Si totusi, perfectiunea inimii lui nu se compara cu frumusetea inimii mele.Oamenii din multimea strânsa în jurul tânarului au început sa-si întoarca privirile spre inima batrânelului. Pâna si tânarul a fost curios sa vada inima ce îndraznea sa se compare cu inima lui. Era o inima puternica, ale carei batai ritmate se auzeau pâna departe. Dar era plina de cicatrice,locuri unde bucati din ea fusesera înlocuite cu altele care nu se potriveau chiar întru totul, liniile de unire dintre bucatile straine si inima batrânului fiind sinuoase, chiar colturoase pe alocuri.Ba mai mult, din loc în loc lipseau bucati întregi din inima concurenta, rani larg deschise, înca sângerânde.”Cum poate spune ca are o inima mai frumoasa”, îsi sopteau uimiti oamenii.Tânarul, dupa ce examinase atent inima batrânelului, si-a ridicat privirea si i-a spus râzând:- Cred ca glumesti, mosnege. Priveste la inima mea – este perfecta! Pe când a ta este toata o rana, numai lacrimi si durere.- Da, a spus blând batrânelul. Inima ta arata perfect, dar nu mi-as schimba niciodata inima cu inima ta. Vezi tu,fiecare cicatrice de pe inima mea reprezinta o persoana careia i-am daruit dragostea mea – rup o bucata din inima mea si i-o dau omului de lânga mine, care adesea îmi da în schimb o bucata din inima lui, ce se potriveste în locul ramas gol în inima mea. Dar pentru ca bucatile nu sunt masurate la milimetru, ramân margini colturoase, pe care eu le pretuiesc nespus de mult deoarece îmi amintesc de dragostea pe care am împartasit-o cu cel de lânga mine. Uneori am daruit bucati din inima mea unor oameni care nu mi-au dat nimic în schimb, nici macar o bucatica din inima lor. Acestea sunt ranile deschise din inima mea, gaurile negre – a-i iubi pe cei din jurul tau implica întotdeauna un oarecare risc. Si desi aceste rani sângereaza înca si ma dor, ele îmi amintesc de dragostea pe care o am pâna si pentru acesti oameni; si, cine stie, s-ar putea ca într-o zi sa se întoarca la mine si sa-mi umple locurile goale cu bucati din inimile lor. Întelegi acum, dragul meu, care este adevarata frumusete a inimii? a încheiat cu glas domol si zâmbet cald batrânelul.Tânarul si-a privit inima, care nu mai era perfecta, dar care acum era mai frumoasa ca niciodata, fiindca în inima cândva perfecta pulsa de-acum dragoste din inima batrânelului. Cei doi s-au îmbratisat, si-au zâmbit si au pornit împreuna la drum.Cât de trist trebuie sa fie sa mergi pe calea vietii cu o inima întreaga în piept. O inima perfecta, dar lipsita de frumusete. "4 points
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Nick: =.S.A.S.= Name Of Server:ThunderZm.Csblackdevil.Com Picture Of Score:2 points
2 points
Valve has a great reputation as a game developer for a number of reasons. Half-Life is probably the number one product everyone associates with the company, although the Steam digital games service is also very high profile now. But if you enjoy your multiplayer FPS games, then your number one Valve product has to be Counter-Strike. It was originally released as a mod in June 1999, but then got a retail release over a year later in November 2000. Since then it has seen multiple updates with major versions including 1.6, Condition Zero, Source, and the most recently announced Global Offensive. During this decade+ period, tweaks have been made, but the core gameplay has remained pretty much the same. The most noticeable update? The evolution of the environments, or maps as they are more commonly known. de_train for CS:1.6 / CS:S and CS:GO The differences between all versions of Counter-Strike: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o495tVAAgyg de_dust2 from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive If you’ve been a regular player since Counter-Strike first appeared, you’ve probably only noticed the map changes when upgrading between versions, and it’s easy to forget how basic your favorite levels used to look. With the Global Offensive launch slated for early next year, the maps are set to get their biggest visual update yet. They show transitions of the maps de_dust and de_dust2 from 1.6 right through to Global Offensive, and you can see them both below. As someone who started playing Counter-Strike when it first got released, it’s surprising to see how much has changed with the look of the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V34_aJ2pVZc#t=301 point
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Package Details Title: Star Wars Collection - 2014 Genre: Action, Simulation, RPG, Strategy Developer: Pandemic Studios, Raven Software,LucasArts, Krome Studios, Aspyr Studios,BioWare, Petroglyph, Obsidian Entertainment Publisher: LucasArts Release Date: 22 Feb 2013 Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish Discount - 66% Actual price- $99.99 Offer price - $33.99 USD1 point
Discount Percentage- 75% Actual Amount - 29.99$ Discount Amount - 7.49 $ About the Game FIGHT THE PAST TO SAVE THE [CENSORED]URE. STOP THE SINGULARITY. Learn the truth behind a massive cover-up of the catastrophic SINGULARITY, an event that fractured time and threatens the world as we know it. Armed with powerful, advanced weaponry and the experimental Time Mani[CENSORED]tion Device, fight enemies from the past, the present, and abominations caught somewhere in between. System Requirements *Supported Chipsets for Windows® XP/Vista/Windows 7 - All NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 GT 256 MB RAM and better chipsets (excluding 9400 cards) - All ATI Radeon™ X1800 256 MB RAM and better (excludes X1800 GTO, HD2400, HD2600, and HD3450) - Motherboard integrated video chipsets not supported OS: Windows® XP/Vista/Windows 7 (Does not support Windows 2000) Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.8 GHz or AMD Ahtlon 64 x2 Dual-Core 4800+ or better Memory: 1GB for XP, 2GB for Vista/Win7 Graphics: 3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 256 MB video card and drivers* DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c (Included) Hard Drive: 8GB of uncompressed hard disk space (plus 400 MB for the Windows® swap file and 12 KB free for saved games) Sound: 100% DirectX® 9.0c-compliant true 16-bit sound card and drivers Other Requirements: A 100% Windows® XP/Vista/Windows 7-compatible computer systemKeyboard/Mouse:100% Windows® XP/Vista/Windows 7-compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers1 point
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Name: Age of Wonders III Gender: Strategy, Real Time (Fantasy) Platform: PC Release Date: March 31, 2014 Fabricator: Triumph Studios Distributor: Triumph Studios Description Age of Wonders III is a 4X turn-based strategy video game developed and published by Dutch developer Triumph Studios. It is the fourth game in the Age of Wonders series, following Age of Wonders, Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne and Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic released in 1999, 2002, and 2003 respectively. It was released on March 31, 2014 through digital distribution, as well as through retail in select territories for Microsoft Windows. The game is set in a high fantasy fictional setting, where players take the role of a leader to explore the world, interacting with other races and kingdoms, both diplomatically and through warfare while progressively expanding and managing their empire. It features a new graphics engine for the series, in addition to an updated soundtrack. The gameplay has also been updated, featuring a new role-playing style leader class based system and interchangeable choices of strategy and appearances for each playable race. It also supports online and local multiple player modes and a level editor along with a new story driven single player campaign mode. Gameplay Age of Wonders III, like the previous games in the series is a turn-based strategy game set within a high fantasy universe where the player assumes the role of a political-military leader. Gameplay is 4X-based (explore, expand, exploit and exterminate) where players explore the world map, slowly building an empire through colonization, warfare and diplomacy with rival powers. However new to III is the greater addition of role-playing game features, where players must first choose and customize their leader, all options dependant on the player's chosen style of play. There are six available races in the initial release: humans, draconians, high elves, dwarves, orcs, and goblins, all that will determine the race of their empire with each having unique perks and abilities. The leader and empire is further shaped by the choice from skill sets based on traditional RPG classes along with further specializations and skills to select. Each leader class also has access to their own unique units with a distinct visual look based on their corresponding race, each to accommodate their own unique approach to strategy, both in combat and when managing their empire. On release there are six different classes a leader can be. Trailer System Requirement Recommended Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600@2.4 Ghz or AMD Phenom X4 9900@2.6 Ghz Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics Card: nVidia GeForce 460 1GB or AMD Radeon HD 6850 1GB DirectX: Version 9.0c Wireless broadband Internet Hard drive: 10 GB of free space Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible Recommended screen resolution: 1920x1080 Other images1 point
Name: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Gender: RPG, Action (Fantasy) Platform: PC / Xbox 360 / PS3 Release Date: February 10, 2012 Fabricator: Big Huge Games Distributor: EA Description Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is an action RPG in a diner open world in Amalur, a mysterious and magical new fantasy world created by best-selling author of the New York Times as RA Salvatore. Created visually recognized through the style of renowned artist and Spawn creator Todd McFarlane, Reckoning brings a new level of visual style and visceral action combat to the RPG genre. Gameplay kingdoms of Amalur features five distinct regions, four playable races, and three class trees with 22 abilities per tree. The four playable races are the Almain (Civilized Humans), the Dokkalfar (Dark Elves), the Ljosalfar (Light Elves), and the Varani (Nomadic Humans). The player starts off as a "blank slate", but can afterwards choose a class among the three available in the game, which are called Might, Finesse, and Sorcery; they correspond to the fighter, rogue, and mage classes respectively. As the player fights and gains experience, additional levels are unlocked. With each level gained, the player gains three ability points which can be invested in the skill-tree system to unlock or augment the 22 abilities. By completing Faction quests and investing ability points, the player can also unlock various "destinies", which add positive buffs to the player. Combat is based on the timing of button presses, similar to an action role-playing game, with occasional quick time event cutscenes. The combat includes a 'fate' system which allows players to accumulate 'fate points' and ultimately enter 'Reckoning Mode', a slow motion mode that allows the player to quickly dispatch enemies. The Reckoning Mode may end on player's command, with the depletion of the fate bar or by the act of 'Fateshifting' an enemy. Fateshifting involves performing a brutal finishing move on a single enemy. During the cosmetic Fateshifting phase, the player may rapidly tap a random button (chosen and displayed by the game) to increase the experience yield up to 100%. After the Fateshifting, all weakened enemies also die. Trailer System Requirement Recommended Platform: Windows XP with Service Pack 3/Windows Vista with Service Pack 2/Windows 7 Service Pack 1 CPU: Intel Core2 Quad (or similar) at 2.4GHz or higher. AMD Phenom X4 (or similar) to 2.6GHz or higher RAM: At least 3 GB Windows XP / 4 GB At least in Windows Vista and Windows 7 Hard Drive Space: 10 + GB. Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX260 1GB RAM or higher. ATI Radeon HD4850 1GB or higher. Support for Pixel Shader 3.0 DirectX: 9.0c Compatible Other images1 point
Alatura-te comunitatii noastre incepand cu o prezentare! Bine ai venit! ¤ Reguli ¤ Fiecare topic va avea titlul: [Prezentare] Nume Orice prezentare va fi deschisa 24 ore. Dupa 24 de ore Moderatorii au obligatia sa inchida topicul. Reply-ul in prezentarea dumneavoastra nu este interzis, cu exceptia cazurilor in care se incalca regulamentul comunitar. Puteti folosii orice culori in prezentarea dvs.1 point
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v2 : Revan cu 12 voturi v1: Dayew cu 2 voturi Eu sunt multumit dupa 1 an de absenta cred ca este ok )) Felicitari amigo.1 point
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SI plecand de la ideea : Un cocalar si-ar tatua intotdeaua un dragon, dar un dragon niciodata nu si-ar tatua un cocalar ; multe dintre aceste tatuaje sunt simple fite, aere. Unii se simt mai sus decat altii daca au un tatuaj. Daca ati urmarii acele emisiuni de pe Discovery veti observa adevarata arta. Tatuaje care reprezinta ceva moral, si care sunt facute in aducerea aminte a unei intamplari sau a cuiva. Nota bene : Nu luati decizii care va pot afecta intr-un mod negativ viitorul !1 point