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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2014 in all areas

  1. Foarte probabil serverul a fost înlăturat din GameTracker, ori de un admin cu acces cvar, ori de administratorul de la GameTracker din diferite motive ce ţin de regulament. Pe viitor dezactivează comenzile la cvar/rcon, aşa ca măsură de precauţie pentru securitatea serverului. P.s.: Nu s-a găsit nici un cont care să corespundă cu acea adresă de IP.
    3 points
  2. With my friends and here i was smoking xd
    3 points
  3. Va multumesc celor miatzi sters serverul din Gametracker ce sa faci ura asta doare nu-i asa deschideti tu ala care ai sters server si fii pe primul lo0c oricum multumesc mult poate a fost o prostie sa cred in toti copii anyway life goes on !!!! daca esti din csblackdevil mersi mult pretene care ai ip asta!!!
    2 points
  4. Racing : Blur Need For Speed : Most Wanted Need For Speed : Most Wanted 2 Need For Speed : Carbon Need For Speed : World Need For Speed : Hot Pursuit 2011 Need For Speed : The Run Need For Speed : Underground 2 Need For Speed : Porsche Need For Speed : Rivals Teaser Ford Racing 2 Driver San Francisco Nascar Grand Turismo 5 Dirt 2 Dirt 3 Dirt ShowDown Actiune : Assasin's Creed 3 Assasin's Creed : Revelation GodFather Sleeping Dogs Tomb Rider Infernal Deadpool : The Game Mortal Kombat : Legacy RolePlay : GTA San Andreas GTA 3 GTA 4 GTA Vice City Euro Truck Simulator Euro Truck Simulator 2 German Truck Simulator Horror : Prototype Prototype 2 F.E.A.R 3 Metro 2033 Until Dawn Left 4 Dead Arme : Counter Strike 1.6 Counter Strike Global Offensive Counter Strike Condition Zero Call Of Duty 4 Call Of Duty : World at War Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 Call Of Duty : Black Ops Call Of Duty : Black Ops 2 Battlefield 4 Battlefield 3 District 187 World Of Tanks Wasteland 2 Bioshock Infinite God Of War : Ascension Command & Conquer Fantezie : Dota 2 Last Chaos Cabal Liniage 2 Warcraft III Warcraft : Frozen Throne Drakensang The Lord of The Rings : Return of The King Metin 2 Sport : Uefa Champions League 2006-2007 Fifa 02 Fifa 09 Fifa 08 Fifa 07 Fifa 13 Fifa 12 PES 13 PES 12 PES 10 Comics : Neighbour From Hell Neighbour From Hell : On Vacation
    1 point
  5. Platform: Pc / Ps3 / Xbox 360 / ps2 Need for speed [All series] Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1-2 Call of Duty Black ops 1-2 Left 4 dead Half life 2 : episode 1 SouthPark : The stick of truth (The game has side Quests after completing after orignal story) Gta [All series] Splinter Cell Double Agent The Walking Dead Game Last of us Bully [including Scholarship Version] Octodad Outlast NOTE: Keep in consideration these are all the games i ended in 2014 (Some of them are Eneded before too.)
    1 point
  6. Salut, Sunt sigur că unii dintre voi aţi auzit că renumitul programator, raiz0, a realizat un nou eXploit, acest eXploit se bazează pe clonarea SteamID-ului. Ce face acest eXploit? Atacatorul în cauză îşi alege un server drept ţintă, acesta accesează comanda amx_who / admin_who în consolă pentru a vedea adminii online, acesta va scrie tot în consolă "status" pentru a putea vedea SteamID-ul unuia dintre adminii online. Ce poate face atacatorul cu SteamID-ul? Atacatorul va scrie în consolă o comandă din SteamID.ini, ceva de genu: hack STEAM_0:1.456646464, iar acesta va putea clona SteamID-ul ales. Doar în cazul în care victima a părăsit serverul, iar atacatorul va scrie "retry" în consolă va fi funcţionabilă clonarea SteamID-ului, şi bine înţeles clonarea accesului de admin. Dacă, ulterior adminul victimă va încerca să se conecteze pe server cât timp atacatorul are accesul acestuia, evident acesta va fi un simplu player. Doar în cazul în care unul dintre cei 2 va părăsi serverul, evident celălalt online va avea accesul de admin. Cam aşa se prezintă eXploitul: Un exploit foarte ingenios din punctul meu de vedere, dar am găsit şi o rezolvare foarte simpă, includerea parolei pentru cei cu accesul pe SteamID. Cum ? După schimbarea flagului "ce" în "ca" automat veţi avea nevoie de o parolă, veţi fi nevoiţi să vă autentificaţi cu comanda "setinfo _pw password". P.s.: Am primit de la un prieten acest eXplot, şi m-am gândit la o rezolvare şi totodată m-am gândit să o fac publică. Cu stimă, Staff CSBD! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Attention owner of servers CS1.6 (eXploit SteamID) Hello, I'm sure some of you have heard the famous raiz0 made ​​a new exploit, this exploit is based on cloning SteamID. What makes this exploit? Concerned attacker chooses a target server, this access control amx_who / admin_who console to see admins online, it will write all the console "status" for one could see Steam-ID one of the admins online. What can an attacker with SteamID? The attacker writes a command console SteamID.ini, something like: hack STEAM_0:1.456646464, and it will be clone Steam-ID chosen. Only when the victim left the server, and the attacker will write "retry" the console will be functional cloning Steam-ID, and of course cloning access admin. only, admin victim will then attempt to connect to the server as long as the attacker has access to its, Obviously it will be a simple player. Only if one of the 2 will leave the server, other online course will have access to admin. Kind presents exploit: A very cleverly exploits in my opinion, but I found a very simple solution, include those with password access Steam-ID. How ? After changing the flag "ce" to "ca" automatically you will need a password, you will have to login with the command "setinfo _pw password". P.s: I received from a friend that exploit, and I thought of a solution and while I thought I make it public. Sincerely, Staff CSBD!
    1 point
  7. Joc: CS:GO Nume dorit (Nume.CsBlackDevil.Com):csgo.csblackdevil.com Numar de sloturi: 18(momentan) Oferta gazduire: (Krond Premium / Special Offer) : am cautat aici si nu am gasit este o alta firma Mod de joc: - Contact proprietar, administrator ( Y!M / Skype): rob3rt_seful_tau@yahoo.com (Y!M) Caut 1 fondator care poate veni cu o donatie de 8 euro pentru a putea deschide sv(hostu costa 16 euro) Preturi: Pret fondator -----> 8 EURO OFER: FTP FULLL + MANAGER CS 1.6 Caut oamnei maturi nu copii de 15 ani care habar nu au ce este ftp,astept sa ma contactati la Y!M:rob3rt_seful_tau@yahoo.com
    1 point
  8. Name: F.E.A.R 3 Gender: First-person shooter Platform: Microsoft Windows PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 Release Date: June 21, 2011 Fabricator: Day 1 Studios Distributor: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment GamePlay In both Campaign and Multiplayer, players control their characters from a first-person perspective. Players can carry two weapons at a time, and can pick up ammo from dead soldiers and weapon crates. The cover system has been altered: instead of a tilting mechanic, players can peek around edges of their cover and fire from there. The game shows player damage as a red vingette on the screen; if it fills the screen to a certain degree, the player will die, resulting a game over. In co-op and multiplayer, the player will instead enter Final Stand, giving teammates time to revive the downed player. History Nine months after the events of both games, the Point Man was captured by Armacham soldiers and interrogated at an asylum in Central America. Paxton Fettel, now a "Spectre", interrupts the interrogation and helps free the Point Man. The two form an uneasy alliance and escape the Asylum through the slums. During their escape, the brothers discover that they - and their tortured mother, Alma Wade - are being hunted by "the Creep", a monster unintentionally formed from the cruel memories of Harlan Wade. Hijacking a helicopter, the Point Man and Fettel return to Fairport to regroup with F.E.A.R. operative Jin Sun-Kwon. Upon arriving, they discover that most of Fairport's surviving po[CENSORED]tion have been either driven insane by the paranormal activity or executed by Armacham personnel. Despite their differing goals, the brothers successfully meet up with Jin, who plays recorded video footage of Sgt. Michael Becket, who revealed his rape by Alma and is slated by Armacham for transport. Minimum System Requirements: CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 4800+ RAM: 2GB VGA: NVIDIA 8800 GT 512MB RAM, ATI 3850HD 512Mb RAM or better DX: DirectX 9.0c OS: Windows XP Recommended System Requirements: CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.93Ghz+, Intel quad core 2.66Ghz+, AMD Phenom II X2 550, 3.1Ghz+ RAM: 4GB VGA: NVIDIA 9800 GTX+ 512MB RAM, ATI 5750HD 512Mb RAM or better DX: DirectX 11 OS: Windows 7 HDD: 10GB Free Hard Drive Space Trailer Other images
    1 point
  9. il luai eu azi:)))) deh asta e:) stiam chestia asta dar .... si extazy ma avertizat sa scot cvar dar deh nu l-am ascultat:)
    1 point
  10. Am fost fraier ca am dat admin pe steam la fondator:)) si clonare steam = gametrackerclaimserver da nui problema asta ca mau sters din gt ca in 1 saptamana juma doua sunt la loc .Dar nu inteleg de ce fac chestii de genul asta chiar nu m-am certat cu nimeni in comunitatea asta .Poate ca a facut bine ca l-a sters akuma ca voi scoate cvar de pe server si voi da doar la 3 grade fondator team leader si owner iar ca sa ajunga in gradele astea va trebui sa faca multe pentru server .Asta e akuma invatam din greseli ma asteptam la asta sincer bine ca sa intamplat akum nu cand era in top 50 am facut ceva playeri le ofer server full 22/24 si toate bune si frumoase . Ce mare smecherie au clonatr steamul lu ice si au sters serverul akum dispar adminele pe steam si recomand tuturor sa nu mai dea admine pe steam pt ca se poate ajunge la chestii de genul .
    1 point
  11. A photo not very new, but also not very old, here was with a girlfriend :v
    1 point
  12. Un istoric impresionant, de gaming Good Job
    1 point
  13. Mulţumesc tuturor pentru like-uri ) până la urmă facem facebook din asta , am revenit şi eu cu câteva poze noi :
    1 point
  14. excellent game, looks fun
    1 point
  15. Name: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Gender: Fighting, action, platformer Platform: Wii Release Date: January 31, 2008 Fabricator: Ad hoc development team Distributor: Nintendo GamePlay Following its predecessors, Brawl uses a battle system unlike that of typical fighting games. Players can choose from a large selection of characters, each attempting to knock their opponents off the screen as they fight on various stages. The characters in Brawl include most of the same ones as the predecessors, such as the well-known Mario and Pikachu. Instead of using traditional health bars that start at a maximum value and lose value, Brawl characters start the game with 0%; the value rises as they take damage and may rise over 100% to a maximum of 999%. As a character's percentage increases, the character flies further back when hit. When a character is knocked beyond a stage's boundary and disappears from the screen, the character loses either a life, a point, or coins, depending on the mode of play. Brawl includes a function which allows players to create profiles with personalized button configurations for each control method along with their chosen username History Super Smash Bros. Brawl has been critically acclaimed and commercially successful worldwide. In the United States, the game sold 874,000 units on launch day and 1.4 million units in its first week to become the fastest-selling video game in Nintendo of America's history, according to Nintendo.According to the NPD Group, it was the best-selling game of March 2008 in Canada and the United States, selling 200,000 and 2.7 million units, respectively; the game is the best-selling game of 2008 in Canada as of April 1, 2008.Electronic Entertainment Design and Research analyst Jesse Divnich attributed the game's strong US sales to it fulfilling "the needs of the casual, social, and sub-13-year-old markets". Upon release in PAL regions, Brawl reached number one on both European and Australian sales charts. According to the NPD Group, GfK Chart-Track, and Enterbrain, the game has sold 3.539 million units in the United States, 213,000 in the United Kingdom, and 1.681 million in Japan, respectively, for a total of 5.433 million units as of August 1, 2008. It is also the fifth best-selling game of Japan in 2008, selling 1,747,113 copies.It was the fourth best-selling game of 2008, selling over 4.17 million copies. By March 31, 2013, the game has sold 11.49 million units worldwide, according to Nintendo Trailer Other images
    1 point
  16. Aceasta fotografie a fost luată la 14 decembrie. Eu am 25 de ani. a fost însoțită de mireasă mea
    1 point
  17. Hop si eu Ma numesc George am aproape 17 ani Poza e facuta cam de 1 saptamana
    1 point
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