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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2013 in all areas

  1. Numele celui care il provoci: Cr!s Tema Lucrari: Tipul lucrari (semnatura,banner,avatar,userbar,logo,Large Piece):Semnatura Marime:400x200 Text:Natures Watermark:CsblackDevil Timp de lucru: 2 ore de la acceptare Finalizare (voturi):10
    3 points
  2. Oferim spre vanzare serverul Star.CsBlackDevil.Com [ ip = ]. Acesta va ramane prin oferta comunitatii KROND PREMIUM. Asteptam oferte si oameni seriosi care sa il preia. Cu Stima , akN
    2 points
  3. Hello! I'm here to recommend this community to everyone, from each location! In Romania are usually many gaming communities, but no one is as nice as CsBlackDevil.Com! Here you may find a lot of nice gaming servers, that have as owners persons from Romania and many other countries! We are getting really excited when knowing that everyone would like to join us! Then, CsBlackDevil.Com forever!
    2 points
  4. Vad ca Cr!s nui ! Asa ca Collection vs SNapRO ! v.1 - v.1 - START VOT !
    2 points
  5. Joc: Counter Strike 1.6 Nume dorit (Nume.CsBlackDevil.Com): ZmTng.CSBlackDevil.Com Numar de sloturi: 32 Clasa IP dorita : 89.52.244 Mod de joc: ZOMBIE Contact proprietar, administrator ( Y!M / Skype): Y!M : skype : skillful.ozil Caut: 2owner that financial help , paypal / visa / mastercard
    1 point
  6. Costa 100 RON doar plata hostului!
    1 point
  7. Dota 2. Mult mai avansat si jucat cam peste tot.
    1 point
  8. Stop vot lucrarea 1. Nescafe (6 voturi) lucrarea 2. Crissing (1 vot) Nes win , felicitari si tie cris
    1 point
  9. v1. v2. Start vot + argument
    1 point
  10. am sa schimb renderul in maxim 2 ore pun altul edit : nu pot in 2 ore sa pun dar garantez ca pana maine pun altul
    1 point
  11. Este de la instalare, unde e instalat, probabil e Diskul full, goleste din el !
    1 point
  12. Dute la filter, / render, / Lens Flare ...
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Având grupul primar de Manager CS 1.6, puteți beneficia doar de o semnătură de tip imagine, cu extensia limitată la 400x180. O zi bună !
    1 point
  15. Link - http://www.girlshare.ro/1625550.3 Daca v-a fost de folos Like.
    1 point
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