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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2013 in all areas

  1. ¤ Nume în joc: Andreelinio^ ¤ Vârsta: 20 de ani ¤ Nume: Andrei ¤ Oraș: Bucuresti ¤ Județ: Bucuresti ¤ Țară: Romania ¤ Jocuri preferate: Counter - Strike.. ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: Sunt o persoana calma.. ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: Nu mai stiu exact. Aveam cateva Server-e .. la favorite ¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!): PGL.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM .. Romania.CsBlackDevil.Com ¤ O poză cu tine (în cazul în care ai deja una și vrei să o postezi): Eh .. nu conteaza O zi buna ! ^^
    2 points
  2. Proprietarul serverului PGL-Zombie.CsBlackDevil.Com doreste sa renunte la acesta si il pune spre vanzare. Serverul va ramane prin oferta comunitatii KROND PREMIUM. Asteptam oferte si oameni seriosi care sa il preia. Cu stima, Mr.Love!
    1 point
  3. Everything starts from account creation. If you do not know how to make your account more secure, your chances of being stolen are higher. The tutorial is done in a few steps and contains screenshots for better understanding. Now, let's get started! Video / photos: Step 1 Immediately after installing the Steam program window will appear that allows you to log on, or create a new account. Click Create a new account .... Step 2 Now you will see a window requesting confirmation that you have a different Steam account. If you click on Cancel so you can log into that account, otherwise click Next. Step 3 A third window, which contains the conditions of the Steam to create your account, will now appear. It is recommended to read carefully what it says, it is possible that some of the conditions imposed by Steam do not be like. If you fully agree to these terms, click I Agree. Step 4 This is a very important step for your account security, so that we have more to discuss. After entering the desired user name (maximum 64 characters consisting only of letters, numbers and _), you must enter your password. Passwords are not stored in the database exactly as you entered, it is first encrypted with an algorithm that can be reversed only by using brute force (using a program that tries passwords along with incredibly high speed). It is therefore recommended that passwords do not contain personal information so it can not be guessed and be as long and consist of letters (small and large), numbers and special characters (!, #,%, &,?, _, @ and so on). An example of a strong password is "A2c3 # 47b", but something easy to remember, like "S0m31_Wh0_Kn0wz"​​. After entering the password, you will have to enter it again for verification. When you are ready, click Next. Step 5 It's time to enter the e-mail. This is very important because you will need it if you forget your password is stolen or account. Password must be entered twice for verification. It is also recommended to read "Valve Privacy Policy" to be able to tell the quality of Valve. Then please click Next. Step 6 secret question is the question you have to answer if you forget your password, or you will steal your account. Choose a question from the list, and then write a response memorable for you but hard for others to guess. Then click on Next. Step 7 To prevent any typo, Steam will show the input. Warning: password is visible, make sure the people around you do not see it! If everything is entered correctly, click Next. Step 8 Click Finish and you will be automatically logged. Tips + If your PC is used by other people, not check the box on the right "Remenber my password"! + Never tell your password to anyone, no matter how close you think it is that person! Steam + If you are contacted by someone claiming to be representative of Steam, immediately terminate any discussion with him. Steam representatives contact you by e-mail only and under no circumstances do not require password
    1 point
  4. As vrea sa fac eu un proiect cu xREDIRECT nu cer bani ! Vreau 3/4 servere afiliate sa facem un lant de xREDIRECT bine inteles daca bagi boost ziua Fiecare server care va avea xREDIRECT in lant sa bage 1 boost pe 1 zi sa po[CENSORED]m servere daca tu esti interesat de LANT contact me ionuts4you@yahoo.com
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. ¤ Name in game : DJ-SBIK_*SToRE* ¤ Age : 25 ans ¤ Name : youness ¤ City : Agadir ¤ County : --- ¤ Country : MoRoCco ¤ Favorite Games : Counter-Strike 1.6 , PES . ¤ A short description about you : i love CSBD and i m DJ really. ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : RaMpO ,warrior within, KaMiKaZi,M9ar9aB ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : Zombie - ZmOldSchool , Furien - FURIEN , Clasic - KILLZONE ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): http://www.4shared.com/photo/RwZ1PNof/is_me_DJ-SBIK.html (DJ-SBIK MASH UP) http://www60.zippyshare.com/v/55951336/file.html https://soundcloud.com/dj-sbik/the-new-iberican-get-from visite my page in facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DjSbik?ref=ts&fref=ts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_guD_nPau1A
    1 point
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