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¤ Numele dvs: Enzy .

¤ Administrator acuzat: Bellingham, Cruel

¤ Ora și data: 14:03.2024 /  14:30

¤ Motivul raportului: Power trip, aroganta, impreuna cu Cruel. Baneaza playeri pentru nimicuri doar pentru a se simtii si ei importanti, iar serverul si comunitatea are de pierdut, eu nu am de pierdut nimic dar nu ma pot simtii bine decat sunt alti admini pe server care nu ar permite chestii de genu. Nu am jignit pe nimeni, am primit gag pe niciun motiv, apoi am dat retry si am vrut sa intreb de ce am primit.  ban direct la comanda unui alt admin in chatul adminilor. Nu mi se pare normal, am avut discutii si pe discord unde nu am avut parte decat de 0 empatie, asta e comunitate, am fost aici si acum 10 ani in aceasta comunitate, in primul server de zm. Nu stiu daca o sa va intereseze dar daca a-ti primii ban asa aiurea cred ca v-ar deranja catusi de putin. Acesta este adminul care respecta regulile care traieste dupa reguli. Eu o sa mai joc, eu o sa mai donez ammo packs si o sa intreb mereu cine are nevoie, spre deosebire de acesti 2 indivizi. Nu i-am intrebat pe ei, am spus doar odata daca are cineva ammo pentru mod? cum de asemenea intreb si eu daca are cineva nevoie, am luat mod odata sa aiba si restu, mi se pare o normalitate, jucam aici de fun nu sa fim obsedati de un grad va salut! 

¤ Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/UK4lrp5

Screenshot 2024-03-14 150914.png

Posted (edited)

First of all, welcome
In the beginning, you were asking for permission to know that @CrueL had warned you, then you mocked him and said, “Gag Me” and continued, then I Gagged you to keep silent because you broke the rules, then you mocked the admin, After that, you log out of the server and then log in again, according to the rules, I must ban you for that.
What I did was not wrong because im following the rules 

Everyone has seen the evidence

You gave us the evidence yourself https://imgur.com/a/UK4lrp5

and You must speak with respect first

and read this plz 

Search as you wish in my account, this will not change anything

I don't know who you are, but I'm just enforcing the rules
See you soon

Edited by Bellingham
  • I love it 1
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Enzy . said:


Yes, he will tell me that because he is admin like me and does the same job

And you did not speak respectfully to him
You have the right to object
 and He has the right to say this


Edited by Bellingham
  • I love it 1
Posted (edited)

Too harsh? That't the behaviour i got banned for? asking for and why? i just wanted to know why i got muted? i asked one time not many. not you, no one responded, you immediately wanted to assert your power and at the last i got banned for your trip power. There is the proof that you can't be admin, you have no empathy, i tried to be symphatetic and gentle but you really ain't able to be admin, as i can see in the console, "Cruel"; BAN HIM" i wouldn't ban an player even if he says "[CENSORED] your mom little *****" you making this server lose players, bellingham banlist is full of RR not other motives and you want upgrade to the admin you already have, On the discord everybody said im the wrong one because of the rules and im crying, you guys, are ruining other people fun and im sure there are many. You are just an kid and you got some power on a cs server, stop ruining people fun. Stayed on that console like you wanted to kill me..


As i can see in the rules "Players who keep asking" I asked just one time, you got the wrong rules and the power trip consumed you quick.

Edited by Enzy .
Posted (edited)

@Enzy .

My friend
Can you stop the drama?
It's simple, you broke the rules and I did my job about it, (these are the rules)

I do not make anything of my personal decisions, I rely on rules and a system
ban time ended hours ago

Go and play as you want. I am not preventing you, but do not repeat the mistake because I will do the same thing i did (I will apply the law of the game)

Edited by Bellingham
  • I love it 1

Ok man take care, im done frying my brains. Please T/C.



Whoever seeks honour and power, then ˹let them know that˺ all honour and power belongs to Allah. To Him ˹alone˺ good words ascend, and righteous deeds are raised up by Him. As for those who plot evil, they will suffer a severe punishment. And the plotting of such ˹people˺ is doomed ˹to fail˺.


  • I love it 1
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