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Model for a Report Seller/Buyer

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Nimanui nu ii place sa fie pacalit intr-o tranzactie, cu promisiuni nerespectate si "tepe", astfel incat daca ati intalnit vreun membru al comunitatii CsBlackDevil care se ocupa cu astfel de "afaceri", va asteptam cu un topic prin care sa il reclamati si cu ajutorul caruia sa preveniti restul membrilor de eventuale tranzactii neserioase cu acest membru. Ulterior, daca dovezi vor fi concludente, user-ul respectiv va fi trecut in Lista vanzatorilor/cumparatorilor neseriosi, capatand interdictie pe intreaga sectiune dedicata Magazinului si pierzandu-si orice urma de respect pe care ar fi avut-o din partea noastra.


Pentru a reclama un astfel de user, deschideti un topic in care postati respectand acest model:

  • Profil user neserios:
  • O adresa de contact a acestuia:
  • Topic-ul in care vi s-a prezentat:
  • O scurta detaliere a evenimentului:
  • Dovezi:


Nota*: La "Topic-ul in care vi s-a prezentat" este nevoie de un topic deschis la sectiunea Magazinului in care dumneavostra vindeti/cumparati un anumit produs sau acesta cauta o tranzactie.


Va multumim pentru intelegere si ne cerem scuze pentru eventualele neplaceri.


Cu stima,

Staff-ul CsBlackDevil



Nobody likes to be tricked into a transaction with unfulfilled promises and "teases", so if you met any member of the CsBlackDevil community dealing with such "business," we are waiting for you with a topic to complain about the member with which you can prevent the rest of the members from possible unserious transactions with this member. Subsequently, if the evidence is conclusive, the user will be placed on the Untrustworthy Buyers List, with a ban on the entire section dedicated to the Store and losing any trace of respect on our part.

To denounce such a user, open a topic where you post by following this model:

  • Untrustworthy member profile:
  • A contact address of his:
  • Topic in which you were presented:
  • A brief breakdown of the event:
  • Evidence:

Note *: The "Topic in which you were presented" requires an opened topic in the Store section where you sell / buy a particular product or it is looking for a transaction.

Thank you for your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience.


CsBlackDevil Staff

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