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WtiKIUH.gif STREETZM.CsBlackDevil.Com


Introducing Server Rules


1: Gag.

WtiKIUH.gif Players Who Continuously Spam Will Receive Gag .(3 min).
WtiKIUH.gif Players Who KEEP on Asking For Ammo/Mods/Jetpack Will Receive (Warning before) Gag. (3 min).
WtiKIUH.gif Players Who Insult/abuse Must Receive (Warning before) Gag. (6 min). [ Regardless of the language spoken ] 


2: Slap.

WtiKIUH.gif Players Who Are Under Map. (Maximum 3 Slap).
WtiKIUH.gif Zombies Who Are Camping To Extend The Round. (Warning 3 Slap Next Slay).
WtiKIUH.gif  Admins have to wait till 2:00 Round time To start slapping and Slaying.
WtiKIUH.gif Players who are not in reach of the zombies. ( 3 Slap then slay )
WtiKIUH.gif Admins should note that There should be a minimum time gap of 3 seconds between the slaps, instant 3 slaps without breaks will lead to Warning and then suspension.


3: Slay.

WtiKIUH.gif Players Who Block (Warnings --> Slay).
WtiKIUH.gif If Someone Buys Nemesis or any mod And Kills Everyone But Protects An Enemy, Receives Slay.
WtiKIUH.gif Giving Free in Armageddon Round With Nemesis is NOT ALLOWED,  Blocking other Nemesis From Attacking Will Also Be Followed By Slay. [ AFK will not be slayed ].
WtiKIUH.gif It's Also Given To Those Who Shoots And Even Destroys Other Persons lm. (Warnings-->Slay).
WtiKIUH.gif Admins Who are found slaying after the Match timer runs out [ 0: 00 ], Will be punished. [ Warning ---> Suspension ]. 
WtiKIUH.gif Admins have to wait till 2:00 Round time To start slapping and Slaying.
WtiKIUH.gif Players/Admins who give free as a nemesis, should warn players that he will attack, then wait 5 seconds before attacking. 
WtiKIUH.gif Admins who instant attack after saying run can get a suspension, and Players get slayed ( WARNING first )


4: Freeze.

WtiKIUH.gif  If Zombies Don't Attack in Mods, 3 times slap Followed by Freeze (Plague , Nightmare , Sniper , Survivor, Swarm)
WtiKIUH.gif If Zombies Camp in Water They Receive Freeze.
WtiKIUH.gif Zombies who camp in normal infections will receive 3 Slaps Followed by a freeze.
WtiKIUH.gif Admins have to wait till 2:00 Round time To start slapping and Freezing.


5: Ban.
WtiKIUH.gif Players Who Are Using m6 When They Are Zombie Gets Ban. (60 Minutes)
WtiKIUH.gif  Players Who Retry As Last Zombie Gets Ban. (60 Minutes)

WtiKIUH.gif Player Who Change Model For Fooling Others Ban.(60 Minutes)
WtiKIUH.gif Players Who Use Hacks/Scrips Will Receive Ban (5000 Minutes)
WtiKIUH.gif Players Who Advertise For Other Servers Gets Ban. (Permanent)


6: Destroy.

WtiKIUH.gif Players Who Insult God/Religion/Any Part of The Family.
WtiKIUH.gif Players Who Are in The Blacklist/Banned For Using Hacks/Reconnect After Temporary Ban.


7: Vote map.

WtiKIUH.gif It's Allowed To Use This Command For A Map That Has Been Played Before (If the maps is in last maps) .
WtiKIUH.gif If You Want To Vote map First Talk With Your Admins Colleagues.[ Suspension of 2 days if map changed without consulting anyone ]
WtiKIUH.gif After The Default Vote Of The Server Talk With Your Colleagues If You Are Going To Keep The Map Or Choose Another.
WtiKIUH.gif Don't Change The Map Like You Want, Always Start A Vote For The Players And Make A Vote With Maps For The Right Quantity Of Players. 
WtiKIUH.gif It's not Allowed To Use Vote map In The Middle Of The Map Time. 
WtiKIUH.gif If The Map Is Extended For The 2nd Time , Admins Must Vote map After You Talk With Your Admins Colleagues. [ Have to VOTE if an admin does not get any replies ] 
WtiKIUH.gif It is recommended to change maps within the map extending 2 times as it gets boring of a single map.

8: Zp_Human & Zp_Respawn & Zp_Zombie.

WtiKIUH.gif Commands Such as Zp Human,Zp Zombie,Zp Respawn Can Be Used Only if The Current Mode is Normal infection.
WtiKIUH.gif Admins Must Choose One of These Commands per Map.
WtiKIUH.gif It's Not Allowed To Use Them In First Two Rounds Of The Map.


WtiKIUH.gif When the server exceeds 32/32 every afk player/admin may get kicked [one by one, not at once, also a player/admin is AFK should be confirmed ] 
WtiKIUH.gif Its Disallowed to kick from 1:00-10:00 AM Server time.


10: Zp_Nemesis & Zp_Assassin

WtiKIUH.gif Commands Zp_nemesis, Zp_assassin Can Be used Twice In 12 Hours (One Time For An Player One Time For An Admin).
WtiKIUH.gif If An Admin Has Given A Player Nemesis/Assassin Mod , You Are Not Allowed To Give Again To That Person Nemesis/Assassin Mod on the same day. 
WtiKIUH.gif zp_nemesis and zp_assassin Will only be used when Any Players/Admins have less than 130 ammo in the map. [ To Avoid Any collision or 2 mods/ within a match ]Violation leads to suspension. 
WtiKIUH.gif  zp_nemesis and zp_assassin It's recommended to be used during the period of 11:00 - 22:00 [ Untill Happy Hours start ] 


11: Zp_Sniper & Zp_Survivor .

WtiKIUH.gif Admins Are Not Allowed To use zp sniper, zp survivor.
WtiKIUH.gif These Commands Can Be Used Only For Founders

WtiKIUH.gif Can be used only with 25 online players


12: Zp_Jetpack.

WtiKIUH.gif Can Be Used Only After 2 Rounds Have Passed Since The Map Started.
WtiKIUH.gif Can be used only Once every Map. 


13: Zp_giveap

WtiKIUH.gif Don't use zp_Giveap Up More Than 100 in The Map or you will Be Downgraded/Removed. This command it's avalaible only For Co_owner/Owner/Founders.
WtiKIUH.gif More Than 100 Ammo Can be used only by Founders & Owners to give ammo to the players.
WtiKIUH.gif Do not use them for your own benefit. 
WtiKIUH.gif Can be used only Once every map for co-owners.



14: Zp_Points:

WtiKIUH.gif Founders can use it anytime.

WtiKIUH.gif Owners can use 100 Points twice every 24 hours.



WtiKIUH.gif Founders can use it anytime.
WtiKIUH.gif Owners can use it once every 24 hours.


Important Notes [ For General ]:
WtiKIUH.gif Admins have to be role models- Make players aware of the rule, not just to play.
WtiKIUH.gif It is forbidden to use any kind of hacks/scripts. 
WtiKIUH.gif It is Forbidden to spam for Ammo/Jetpack/Mods .
WtiKIUH.gif It is not compulsory for sniper/survivor to hide with lm, to ensure a better fair and enjoyable play.

WtiKIUH.gif  Also Hiding as a last human in any mod is not compulsory. 
WtiKIUH.gif No Players/Admins Is Allowed To Stay In Spectators, You Can Stay Afk When You Don't Play. [ Spectators will be kicked ]         
WtiKIUH.gif Good English is compulsory! 
WtiKIUH.gif In a Report, Only the Accuser, Defendant, People who are directly involved [ to provide Evidence (IF NECESSARY) ], and Co-Owners /Owners/Founders will Take care of the report.
WtiKIUH.gif  We want to build up a family, Therefore respecting everyone, every country, every language will be our main basis [ Any Bad sayings/Racist comment will be sevearely dealt by Managers ] . 
WtiKIUH.gif Admin upgrades will be based on their experience/loyalty/Activity/Attitude. We will consider all along.
WtiKIUH.gif Admins/Managers/Players using bots to improve their activity, will be dealt with a suspension of 3 days.


Important Notes [ FOR ADMINS ]
WtiKIUH.gif Ignoring Owners/Founders call/sayings can lead to sanctions [ Suspension for Admins ]
WtiKIUH.gif You are not allowed to use command on other admins only owners/co-owners can use it.[ Report is recommended, Commands will be used if and only if really necessary ] 
WtiKIUH.gif Admin who used zp for himself must take big care for the rules ! the best is to use zp on players in order to help the server!! [ Violation is a 3 day suspension ] 
WtiKIUH.gif If you want to ban a player and you are not sure try to contact a higher rank!
WtiKIUH.gif Admins who did not read the Rules ! : Go Read it ! Because any small mistake you are doing can get you Suspended Then Removed !
WtiKIUH.gif Admins must check forum and TS on a daily basis and help the server or they will be downgraded/removed.
WtiKIUH.gif Admins must be active or AFK in night and morning night time and help server at critical times/Hard Times. [ We want loyalty Along with Experience/Activity ]
WtiKIUH.gif  Admins who don't post their bans/destroy in banlist/destroylist will be given a warning at first ,if they continue they will be suspended for 5 day's. [ All Administrators and above Grade Should Have a Ban List Ready ]
WtiKIUH.gif It is forbidden to ask mods/Jp/Ammo from Players [ Must Also Refrain from asking Admins ] Violation leads to 3 day Suspension.
WtiKIUH.gif The access of admin needs ensuring the security for it and this implies keeping the password a secret known only by yourselves and owners. 
WtiKIUH.gif  Admins must be Active in ts3 And FORUM! ! : They should be active To Assist Players any time. Rejection to Assist someone [ without a valid excuse ] will lead to suspension.
WtiKIUH.gif ALL Administrators will have to vote #Pro And #Contra in every admin request [ With a Reason ] .Failure to vote in Admin request can lead to warning-->Suspension. 
WtiKIUH.gif All admin without activity will be removed no matter your grade [ Helper - Owner ] to leave some space to those who want to join our familly and prove us they are better.
WtiKIUH.gif From now on bad words even joking [ Normal Chat , Admins Chat ] is forbidden !  and will be followed by a Suspend .[ To be Fair with the players around ]
WtiKIUH.gif If any problem or issue happens with Another Admin, Open a group pm with A Manager and solve it like a family ! [ Fighting and arguing will lead to both sides being suspended (If Required) ]
WtiKIUH.gif All Admins must be careful NOT to ask for upgrade, they can do an upgrade request. [ Asking for upgrade can lead to a direct suspension ]
WtiKIUH.gif Admins have to wait till 2:00 Round time To start slapping and Slaying.
WtiKIUH.gif Pressing M+5 to join spectator when you are A zombie can lead to a Warning then suspension.

WtiKIUH.gif You Have a separate report section. Make sure to have your reports posted there !

WtiKIUH.gif Assisting Players is an admin priority, if found not doing his work will be (Warned)-->Suspended


WtiKIUH.gif If An Admin Abuses These Commands He Gets [Warning 3 Times] And Then Followed by Suspension of 3 Days.[ For rules where punishments are not mentioned ]


Important Notes [ FOR MANAGERS ]
WtiKIUH.gif Managers must let open the topics for request admin/report admin etc... for a minimum of 24 hours! 
WtiKIUH.gif Managers have to publish on the forum their Add, Upgrades, Downgrades, Removes for any "Admin/Player".
WtiKIUH.gif Managers must be compulsory Active in ts3 And FORUM! ! : They should be active To Assist Players any time. Rejection to Assist someone [ without a valid excuse ] will lead to suspension.
WtiKIUH.gif The access of Managers needs ensuring the security for it and this implies keeping the password a secret known only by yourselves and owners. 
WtiKIUH.gif Adding of Admins Require an Admin Request. Owners who Add Admins without any request/prior consultation with seniors will lead to Warning--> suspension/downgrade.
WtiKIUH.gif All New Admins will join as helper Regardless of Experience [ This will not apply for some special cases ]

WtiKIUH.gif Giving of Admins Only Password will be given by only Owners/Founders


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