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¤ Numele tau: Soolking

¤ Numele adminului: Vollmer

¤ Data si ora: 28.02.23 22:15 ( ora din romania )

¤ Motivul reclamatiei: Slay ( ban) la inceput de runda a cumparat cineva asassin iar eu m-am ascuns si pentru ca nu am vrut sa scot laserul (pentru ca ala se plimba pe lang noi ) vollmer imi da slay i-am spus ca nu este block cand pun lm si bineinteles ca n-am avut dreptate ( i-am zis si una pe romaneste ) dupa care imediat ban 

pai intru si eu seara dupa ce vin de la lucru sa ma relaxez putin si dau de cate un frustrat dasta care habar nu are sa joace si se oftica ca un copil ( cred ca asta si este ) 

nu este singurul admin care abuza de treaba asta si doar pentru ca unii nu stiu engleza 

dovada nu stiu cum se incarca daca vreti o pot trimite pe wapp 

joc pe sv asta de ani de zile si nu mi sa intamplat asa ceva


¤ Dovada (screenshot sau demo): 


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Hello @AnnaToupet


I pointed out to you twice that I placed 2x LM's so that nothing could happen to you or me, but you refused to remove yours.

So I decided to slay you as the assassin could have killed me as I was trapped in the middle between my LM's and your LM and it was very tight between them.

And I would like to add that you insulted me and my mother + used VPN to bypass the ban.


Proof:  Proof - #1 Proof - #2 Proof - #3 Proof - #4 |  Proof - #5 - (Insult to Daddy-Boss @smileface)


Best regards

Co-Owner VollmeR



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From my conclusion: 
@VollmeR shouldn't have slayed you for it's the players right to hide and not allow anyone for their own safety. But at the same time as hiding places are very limited in some maps and congested aswell so it's in a good gesture to let people in and not only be self conscious about your game. 
Secondly your behavior with player or admin shouldn't cross the line which triggers people in the game. For that giving gag is what you deserved 
Lastly using VPN is ban directly for we don't stand a second to do that, be it him or anyone. Conclusively @VollmeR did the right thing except the slay which from your part should have been a good gesture to let people in. 

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Posted (edited)

1. @VollmeR it was her right to remove lm or not. Not encouraged to slay in that situation.

2. @AnnaToupet insulting and using bad word like this is prohibited. And using VPN after got ban is also prohibited


My advice 

1. @AnnaToupet Even if you are right in that situation, please allow other player to hide with you if assassin and nemesis still far from your hide place. Its common sense

2. @VollmeR I hope you understand. Problems start with slay. Slay her > She insulting > She got ban > She use VPN > She got destroy then got gag > Lastly this report exist. If she didnt got slayed all that things will not happen. Its better to avoid slay except for the situation when the player really deserve slay. That how we as admin makes players in this server behave better

Edited by Mil.
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