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¤ Numele tau: chiefnbn

¤ Numele adminului: eminem

¤ Data si ora: 8:40 11.12.2022 

¤ Motivul reclamatiei: abuzeaza de grad. iau mod in a 3 runda de cand s-a schimbat harta si poc slay, apoi ii tot zic pe joc ca asta e abuz imi da ban , ma put spectator sa fac reclamatia , ma muta iar intr-o echipa.

Daca din frustrare ca iau amo cu points se intampla asa ...

¤ Dovada (screenshot sau demo): https://imgur.com/a/OIB4dzI




NOTĂ: Fiecare raport necesită o dovadă clară sau va fi respins


First, in the rules it is clear that you cannot buy any mod in the first three rounds, second you cannot be threatening the administrator more than once that you are going to report it just do it and also that the administrator abuses when you dont even know the rules , third I pass you to ct because several times you went to spectator when it is not allowed. also nobody gave you a ban


i don t say anything about ban., he can give me kick not put me on ct/t when i don t want to make death .  and he knows i was on forum 3 min to make this , how about gag when i tell him , abuse of his grade?



Even if you're on the forum for 1 hour, you can't be a spectator and right now it's not allowed to kick anyone and at any time unless the server is full and that person stays for more than 1 afk map, so I see is that you play for frags.


Also, the one who passed you from spectator to ct was me, not him.

Posted (edited)

edit, i read something else in your spanish . and if u see i play for frags why u move me , 3 min wasn t necesary to move me , the server was at 50% capacity not 99% .and u was knowing why i m spectator and not take much 

Edited by chiefNBN

Thank you for using the platform to make report. But for next time when you make report use Romanian or English Language. So, it's better for us to understand.


As far as report goes:

                    It all started when he bought mod in round 2 of new map, which we all know is not allow and player get slay. So, when I slay him, he asked for the reason, and I told him you can't buy mod after 2 rounds, it's a rule. But he was kept on spamming and insisting that you only need to wait for 2 rounds and not more and telling me to return his ammo. All the admin present tried to explain the rule, but still he was dissatisfied. I told him this are the rules and if he thinks otherwise, he can make report, but don't spam or I'll have to gag him. Then he proceeded and told in public chat that my new name is "Abuse". Which I felt was offensive and insulting, so as per rules I gag him for "6 min". After 6 min he again tried to abuse me and used the work "F*ck" in the public chat toward me. So, I gag him for "12 min" as per rules and inform him if he keeps on doing that he will be ban for limited time.  That's all I did and that's how far the incident went. You can find the proofs in the links below. 


PS: Also, he used words such as "F*ck" in public chat in past map also, but we let it slide and didn't gag him because we thought it's just one time mistake, you can find that proof in Past map proof link.



1st: https://imgur.com/a/ikqjeqv

2nd: https://imgur.com/a/sFoEikw

3ed: https://imgur.com/a/6iSf4fA

4th: https://imgur.com/a/yP2Ax5L

5th: https://imgur.com/a/wUizxFU

6th: https://imgur.com/a/DO1gI91


Past map proof: https://imgur.com/a/ycAvV5j

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i named u abuse and was offensive?

i ask WHY THE [CENSORED] u slay me, i don t say [CENSORED] u. so tell the truth not lie

and u can see in my ss where ragnar says is 3nd round not 2:)

for now on u don t exist for me on sv but for me Abuse remain your name . case close


Using such abusive words to get someone's attention (Admin's) or addressing someone, specifically in public chat is not good.

Kindly refer to the Player rules about the server.  You can see down below (Last point).

I have no power over someone's freedom of speech, but if you will keep on addressing me or calling me as " Abuse " in the server, 

I will consider it as insulting, offensive & disrespectful behavior and will take necessary action to maintain the rules and decorum of the server. 

I personally have nothing towards you, and I can't help if you feel that way, I was just following the rules and I'll keep on doing it. 



WtiKIUH.gif Gag

Xh5B7a4.gif Players who continuously Spam will receive Gag (6 min).
Xh5B7a4.gif Players who keep on asking for Ammo/Mods/Jetpack will receive (Warning before) Gag (6 min).
Xh5B7a4.gif Players who Insult must receive Gag (12 min).
Xh5B7a4.gif Players who abuse in English or any other Language must receive Gag (12 min).
Xh5B7a4.gif The game between Players and Admins with bad words or insults is prohibited. Example:(Noob, idiot, any word that is offensive or disrespectful to another). Must receive Gag (6 min). 


l saw all the proofs from the both sides and l agree with @EdixonCruzOn, you are not allowed to buy any mod in the first 3 rounds of the map and your slay was well deserved... l saw they tried to explain to you several times that's not allowed but you kept insisting , aswell you aren't allowed to stay spectator to avoid the death.. they must move you into ct/t because rules said that... nothing is wrong here

@chiefNBN no need to call others " from today l'll call ya abuse" it's kinda of childish behavior for real ..  second respect others while you're talking no need to say 24/7 f**ck f**ck you can simply ask him without getting mad if you felt that someone is abusing his grade just report them directly without making all of this drama 


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Man, imi pare rau, dar e interzis sa iei mod in runda 3. D-aia avem reguli, sa fie si citite...dar ok, e doar un slay pana la urma, iti dau punctele inapoi
Apoi, spec e interzis sa stai, si lui ii e interzis sa-ti dea kick de la spec; tot ce putea sa faca era sa te mute intr-o echipa, ceea ce a si facut.
Si ultimul punct: vad ca te cam enervezi ca nu ti se da dreptate si incepi cu o atitudine jignitoare, daca o sa continui asa, adminii vor trece la fapte pt ca nu prea e frumos ce faci 🙂

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