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Hello everyone , 

in this topic we will vote & discuss about some new rules for admins;

u can vote with ( yes  ) or ( no ) with a reason why you want this rule or why you dont want this rule ;

if you have a new rule to help server with , don't be shy and let everyone know it .


I will start with those rules , i saw so many admins buy ammos, modes and guns from points and also some new general rules , so i suggest this new rules so we can have a fair play and joy for everyone especially for new players that we really really need.

and dont forget our head goal is to achieve top 10 in GT 👊




- You are not allowed to buy ammo from points , server already gives free ammo.

- You are allowed to buy only 1 mode with points every 12 hours.

- You are not allowed to buy premium weapons from points.



- You are not allowed to buy mod (sniper / survivor) at night 22h-08h RO time.

- You not allowed to donate ammo to other admins. (Let players ask for it (temporary)).

- You not allowed to stay spectator at night 22h-08h RO time.

- Admins are not allowed to ask for ammo.

- Admins are allowed to buy only 1 mode every map.

- If you use zp mode on you , don't buy a mode on the same map.

If those rules accepted we have to add back the rule of LM on afks.


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1 I do not agree to add lm in afk because it ruin a game

2 we are friends and we play for fun and we have to give to each other ammo to enjoy

3  You are not allowed to buy ammo from points , server already gives free ammo 
you can buy ammo from points, but when you buy it, you must not buy mods as sniper and survivor and nemesis and assassin

The rest of the rules I agree with it Good Luck !


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Posted (edited)

I think we should give Each other ammo and Stuff. 

(Let players ask for it (temporary)). I didn't understand what u meant by this. But we as admins can't ask Player's for ammo and Our friends?


Using lm on afks is kinda annoying imagine buying Crossbow, 2x damage Etc. but others are just spamming lms and get ammo easily, it will make new players get mad because some of them don't know lm bind and they'll just fly repeatly From Lm Explosin


About all Point Rules

How else we're gonna enjoy Points ?  i mean we can't buy Ammos or even Guns?


- Admins are not allowed to ask for ammo.

I don't know what you meant here. but if u mean admins can't ask players for ammo it already exist


Other Rules i Agree with 



Edited by Danker
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35 minutes ago, Danker said:

About all Point Rules

How else we're gonna enjoy Points ?  i mean we can't buy Ammos or even Guns?

that's why i want to apply this rule , most of admins cares only abt rank top fraggers etc .. most of you doesnt know what's admin roles ;


42 minutes ago, Danker said:

- Admins are not allowed to ask for ammo.

I don't know what you meant here. but if u mean admins can't ask players for ammo it already exist

i mean dont ask for ammo from other admins 


52 minutes ago, snoxyy said:

3  You are not allowed to buy ammo from points , server already gives free ammo 
you can buy ammo from points, but when you buy it, you must not buy mods as sniper and survivor and nemesis and assassin

i saw the inverse tonight , 3 admins bought ammo from points and bought modes ( survivor and nemesis ) , you are one of them  , if they didnt buy modes they donate to other admins and start fragging and buying crossbow or ak golden or idk what the other guns etc ..


we will discuss about LM on afks

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, DeaGLe^ said:

i saw the inverse tonight , 3 admins bought ammo from points and bought modes ( survivor and nemesis ) , you are one of them  , if they didnt buy modes they donate to other admins and start fragging and buying crossbow or ak golden or idk what the other guns etc ..


We have to delete old rules for all players, , you should to fight for ammo  to buy mods no buy ammo and buy mod !! 

we will discuss about LM on afks ........ It ruin  game, especially with the new mod I refuse this 

Edited by snoxyy
that's what Im talking about
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8 hours ago, DeaGLe^ said:

- You are not allowed to buy ammo from points , server already gives free ammo.


server give ammo just at night

8 hours ago, DeaGLe^ said:

- You are not allowed to buy premium weapons from points.


Why did we update?

To try and enjoy new things

8 hours ago, DeaGLe^ said:

- You not allowed to donate ammo to other admins. (Let players ask for it (temporary)).


8 hours ago, DeaGLe^ said:

- You are allowed to buy only 1 mode with points every 12 hours.


8 hours ago, DeaGLe^ said:

- Admins are not allowed to ask for ammo.

- Admins are allowed to buy only 1 mode every map.

- If you use zp mode on you , don't buy a mode on the same map.

It is in the Rules

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That's what im seeing in srv , admins buy ammo and buy modes directly 


points abood.png


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Just now, DeaGLe^ said:

That's what im seeing in srv , admins buy ammo and buy modes directly 


points abood.png


who had points can buy ammo 

Just now, Mahrez said:

who had points can buy ammo 

that's the rules that i think better to be add , admins not allowed to buy ammo from points , its not a fair play for new players 

at least for a short periode not all time , a temporary rules till we get back to top 10 we need to bring new players to stay on srv 




- You are not allowed to buy ammo from points , server already gives free ammo.     Yes Make it buy ammos from Points after 10 rounds 

- You are allowed to buy only 1 mode with points every 12 hours.                                          make it 6 hours

- You are not allowed to buy premium weapons from points.               



- You are not allowed to buy mod (sniper / survivor) at night 22h-08h RO time.                   Yes 

- You not allowed to donate ammo to other admins. (Let players ask for it (temporary)).                                                                 Yes Donate only to normal players not to other Admins

- You not allowed to stay spectator at night 22h-08h RO time.              Yes

- Admins are not allowed to ask for ammo.                                                             Strictly Yes 

- Admins are allowed to buy only 1 mode every map.                                Yes 

- If you use zp mode on you , don't buy a mode on the same map.     Strictly Yes  


Just my Suggestions end of the Day Management only can Decide 

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- You are not allowed to buy premium weapons from points.


Contra (points are hard to get so must have good rewards)


"we have to add back the rule of LM on afks."

Contra (They're selfish and cause other players to not have a chance to farm)


Agree with most of your rules but keep donating each other ammo allowed
+ human modes (survivor sniper samurai...) should only be allowed once every 12h for every player while not allowing human modes at night (VIP time) 
Buying a mode (especially human mode) every 2 rounds is game ruining, you loose crossbow+jetpack for no reason...



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Good day gentlemen,


It is good to see you all discussing matters related to the server. About this current topic, i think most of you did not like the first and the third rule about the use of points; I can agree with you on this point because we recently added this feature and we can't delete it at the moment but that doesn't mean we"ll leave it as is, we may apply this rule in the future. Next thing about admins giving each other ammo, we cannot restrict admins with this rule because this could lead to disruption among the staff. But that doesn't mean we will let this go, if we see this happen too often in the future between admins and if players start complaining about this, we'll definitely are going to take an action about it.


The rest of the rules proposed by @DeaGLe^ have been approved and will be in effect starting from tomorrow (in order to give opportunity to those who do not registered yet on forum).


*Admins are not allowed to stay spectator at night between 10 PM-08 AM RO time.    

*(Survivor / Sniper and the mods purchased with points, admins can buy them once every 12 hours but not between 10 PM to 08 AM RO time).

*Using lm on afk's is still forbidden.

*The last three rules you mentioned already exist.




We are waiting for more suggestions, and thank you for your interaction.

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  • Brainy 1

hello , ive reopened this topic cuz i see manythings thats not good and unfair 

i see lot of players spamming infection bombs and buying ammo since the first round ( we will change price of ammo in points ) , therefore i suggest a new rules for that 

1- You are not allowed to use infection bomb  on hiding players otherwise get SLAY next round ( you can use it on whoever you want , who flies with jett , afks , etc .. ).

2- You are allowed to buy ammo or whatever you want from points after 2 rounds otherwise Zp_resetpoints will be used on you.

3- As long as the infection bomb will not be used against hiding players , last human must hide !


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Just now, DeaGLe^ said:

hello , ive reopened this topic cuz i see manythings thats not good and unfair 

i see lot of players spamming infection bombs and buying ammo since the first round ( we will change price of ammo in points ) , therefore i suggest a new rules for that 

1- You are not allowed to use infection bomb  on hiding players otherwise get SLAY next round ( you can use it on whoever you want , who flies with jett , afks , etc .. ).

2- You are allowed to buy ammo or whatever you want from points after 2 rounds otherwise Zp_resetpoints will be used on you.

3- As long as the infection bomb will not be used against hiding players , last human must hide !



  • I love it 3
Posted (edited)

Sorry i just I hastened the decision ! , so thats my opinion
1 - Pro


   2- contra , its anti-fun option for real !  , also players won't accept that at all ! , so i refuse it 


3. Pro

Edited by Vortex11
Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, Vortex11 said:

1- You are not allowed to use infection bomb  on hiding players otherwise get SLAY next round ( you can use it on whoever you want , who flies with jett , afks , etc .. ).

 think players will just hide always and zombies can't infect them and become semi mood 


16 hours ago, Vortex11 said:

2- You are allowed to buy ammo or whatever you want from points after 2 rounds otherwise Zp_resetpoints will be used on you.

i can buy weapons in 1 round but  you can wait 10 round to buy amo or slay  and Zp_resetpoints


16 hours ago, Vortex11 said:

3- As long as the infection bomb will not be used against hiding players , last human must hide !



Edited by snoxyy
  • I love it 2
Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, DeaGLe^ said:

1- You are not allowed to use infection bomb  on hiding players otherwise get SLAY next round ( you can use it on whoever you want , who flies with jett , afks , etc .. ).


Contra players will just hide always and zombies can't infect them. even if they attack human will keep using lm 


9 hours ago, DeaGLe^ said:

2- You are allowed to buy ammo or whatever you want from points after 2 rounds otherwise Zp_resetpoints will be used on you.

Contra. why reset points i mean you can kick them if they bought ammo/guns/feature and it will be gone. hard work points will be gone that fast


9 hours ago, DeaGLe^ said:

3- As long as the infection bomb will not be used against hiding players , last human must hide !


Edited by Danker
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9 hours ago, DeaGLe^ said:

1- You are not allowed to use infection bomb  on hiding players otherwise get SLAY next round ( you can use it on whoever you want , who flies with jett , afks , etc .. ).

Contra , First of all , ive not seen a zombie yet through his bomb in afks , even players who flies with jet cannot for zombie to hit them it kinda hard ! , also you said hiding players , lets imagin if the whole server hide ? , the zombie won't even try to play ! , 


9 hours ago, DeaGLe^ said:

You are allowed to buy ammo or whatever you want from points after 2 rounds otherwise Zp_resetpoints will be used on you.

Contra , That rule doesn't make sens at all , so players will wait 2 rounds to buy ammo & guns ?? , that a waste of time and players will just hate that rule cuz its annoying so much


9 hours ago, DeaGLe^ said:

3- As long as the infection bomb will not be used against hiding players , last human must hide !


Pro !

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Hello gentlemen,

So let's be realistic for a moment, you as admins do you honestly think that if we apply the first and the third rule regarding  the infection bomb, it will make the players stick to it?
Absolutely not! Let me briefly explain to you why, we attract many players everyday, most of them are fimiliar with our rules, for example; if an admin hid,
and one of the players bought an infection bomb and threw it into the hole, the admin will directly slay him, which would make the player surprised by the punishement for something normal 
because he had not seen another server applying this rule before, same thing will be repeated with other players
over and over again, this will become an explict restriction
of how the player must spend his ammo and restricts the fun aswell
, which will also make the player leave the server out of his anger, (i spoke with deagle about this, I explained the situation to him and the only solution is to reduce the use of the bomb from the system.)

The summary of what I want to say is this will not be on our favor at all;
We are in a period in which we have to attract players not losing them, in addition to that we already have enough rules let us not make it that boring.
The only thing that will change at the moment is
the price of ammo purchased with points.

Have a good day!

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  • 3 weeks later...

hello everyone
As I was checking several things, I thought we should add some new rules in the server 

 because I've seen unfair things and some managers they use zp_giveap until 1500 ammo and 2000 ammo because players  Just need 200 ammo to have fun 
1) ZP (GIVEAP) Co owners and owner  They can use that but you shouldn't cross your limits especially at night and give yourself and all players 200 ammo and maximum 300 ammo 
because more than 300 ammo is considered corruption and not fun

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53 minutes ago, snoxyy said:

because more than 300 ammo is considered corruption and not fun


i'm agreed with you, i've noticed some admins that they consider theirselves ''Owners'' giving 1500 ammo at the 1st round as an act of motivation, where the fk is the motivation by that? 

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8 minutes ago, The GodFather said:


i'm agreed with you, i've noticed some admins that they consider theirselves ''Owners'' giving 1500 ammo at the 1st round as an act of motivation, where the fk is the motivation by that? 

as tgf 


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Yeah , all what u ve said is true , Castiel Ryu and I were doing that at the weekend we called it (Happy Hour) we gave players each map from 01:30 RO time till 03:00 RO time 2000ammo to enjoy to be happy and to stay on the srv,  we were doing that cuz we saw players left and srv started being empty ( when we dropped from 22th to 55th then into 77th at GT ) , as i said only at the weekend

1 hour ago, snoxyy said:

and give yourself and all players 200 ammo and maximum 300 ammo

i agree about that , i always do that when i enter srv at night by giving players 200ammo 

  • I love it 1
1 hour ago, snoxyy said:

hello everyone
As I was checking several things, I thought we should add some new rules in the server 

 because I've seen unfair things and some managers they use zp_giveap until 1500 ammo and 2000 ammo because players  Just need 200 ammo to have fun 
1) ZP (GIVEAP) Co owners and owner  They can use that but you shouldn't cross your limits especially at night and give yourself and all players 200 ammo and maximum 300 ammo 
because more than 300 ammo is considered corruption and not fun


Literally Agreed ! , Over 300 ammo will automatically begin the corruption , because 200 ammo is enough for players to buy at least mod & some items !

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