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uviTR2Y.png Nick@DROSEL D҉E҉L҉E҉T҉E
uviTR2Y.png Nume real Vlad Markov
uviTR2Y.png Cati ani ai? 24
uviTR2Y.png Ce jocuri te joci? si cat de mult ca timp?(fiecare dintre ele): Cs 1.6 zilnic/ overwatch zilnic / din cand in cand gtaV si pe telefon joc Mobile Legends care tot la fel ii acord destul de mult timp.
uviTR2Y.png De unde esti?(tara si oras): Sunt din Craiova dar sunt stabilit in Madrid
uviTR2Y.png Descrie-te(cel putin 50 de cuvinte): Sunt un om care stie ce vrea de la viata, nu sunt foarte vorbaret dar imi place foarte mult sa ascult . Imi place sa ajut lumea cu ce pot . Nu imi place abuzul asupra altor persoane pentruca stiu ce inseamna asta si voi face tot posibilul sa nu se intample asa ceva, cel putin in jurul meu.
uviTR2Y.png Noteaza cateva din calitatile tale: Imi place sa ascult, si sunt foarte dedicat sa fac ceea ce imi place.
uviTR2Y.png Spune-ne cateva din defectele tale: Nu prea am rabdare si nu imi place ca lumea sa ma ia de [CENSORED].
uviTR2Y.png Ai avut vreodata orice fel de responsabilitati(descrie) Sunt responsabil de un KFC deci in fiecare zi am o mare responsabilitate.

uviTR2Y.png Pe care categorie/categorii ai fost activ/a in ultima perioada?(descrie-ti activitate): Pe categoria ThunderZM sunt activ zilnic  dar si pe comunitatea Jurnalistilor.
uviTR2Y.png Care categorie/proiect doresti sa ai sub responsabilitate?: As vrea sa am responsabilitatea asupra totJurnalist Club daca se poate. Sunt jurnalist pe intregul VGame Club si as vrea sa fiu si Moderator pentru a putea ajuta mai mult
uviTR2Y.png Cat de bine vorbesti engleza?(si alte dialecte): Vorbesc Romana, Spaniola si Engleza.
uviTR2Y.png Folosesti TS3? Ai un microfon activ? Da
uviTR2Y.png Metode pentru contact: Facebook,Instagram,Steam,TS3,Discord,Whassap,Forum.
uviTR2Y.png Ultima cerere: Prima

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You got advice many times in you past requests to join 2 projects and increase your activity and you joined journalists team and started there but then you were removed due to inactivity, well you have activity but its not consistent and needs to be done on daily basis.


For now you have CONTRA from me. Good Luck!

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Hello, your last publication was on September 9, 2021, you have not started a good activity to be able to make a moderator request, in my opinion you still need some time to be part of the staff.


This is not your first request, in the past you have also made some requests and they were rejected due to INACTIVITY



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Hello there! Before making a request you should also have some activity before that, so make sure to join a project or two and make activity on those projects, you should keep that like 1 month, after that you should make another request for applying here.. But now, as i checked your activity, you need more activity and also being a serious guy that really wants to help the Staff. You cannot get Moderator if you are not active at all.. That's my opinion. My vote is Contra, sorry! 

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To make a moderator request, you must have 1 or 2 projects maximum, you can request again in 30 days! Read rules

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17 hours ago, axelxcapo said:

Hello, your last publication was on September 9, 2021, you have not started a good activity to be able to make a moderator request, in my opinion you still need some time to be part of the staff.


This is not your first request, in the past you have also made some requests and they were rejected due to INACTIVITY





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19 hours ago, axelxcapo said:

Hello, your last publication was on September 9, 2021, you have not started a good activity to be able to make a moderator request, in my opinion you still need some time to be part of the staff.


This is not your first request, in the past you have also made some requests and they were rejected due to INACTIVITY




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On 5/1/2022 at 6:30 AM, Seuong said:

In the last 7 months you just have 2 topic of "activity". I think that answer for itself... 

this shows your not even active on forum


No.1 we need active people daily to help forum.

No.2 we need active people in any 1 project.


You failed these 2 main Points in becoming Staff member. there is no point in keeping this request open for anymore Reviews 

Try to do this 2 Points and come next month with full activity, you have a chance.


Rejected Request

Topic closed



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