S e u o n g Posted November 27, 2021 Posted November 27, 2021 Your dog is as smart as a two-year-old. Did you know that dogs understand approximately 250 words or gestures? Very similar to what happens to a 2-year-old. That is why it is so common for dogs and small children to get along so well ... They can hear 4 times more than humans Dogs have quite a developed sense of hearing, and this has to do with the frequencies of sounds and how their brain responds. They are capable of hearing sounds so ‘low’ that we are unable to detect. Physically, a one-year-old dog equals a 15-year-old human This, of course, will also depend on each breed ... In general, large dogs age faster than small ones. There are some calculators that help you to know more accurately the age of your dog. Dogs and cats use the same technique to drink water What is this technique? It sure is something you have never questioned. Both bend the tip of the tongue and raise the water vertically to the mouth. They have sweat glands on their legs Exactly, between the foot pads. That is why, it is not surprising that they leave a damp trail with their feet on the hottest days ... Is able to miss you Yes, and they learn our routines and habits, so they can calculate when it is time for the daily walk, for dinner ... In addition, there are studies that show that dogs act differently when their owners are absent for different periods of time. Detect your feelings ... According to various studies, dogs can detect subtle changes in our scent, which helps them understand how we feel (for example, if you sweat, it can interpret that you are nervous or restless). They also ensure that dogs are able to detect if a family member is pregnant. His whiskers help him see in the dark It's not about night vision, of course. But it is true that thanks to their whiskers they can detect subtle changes in air currents, which gives them information about the size, shape and speed of things nearby. Thus, they can better perceive the proximity of some danger, even at night Their sense of smell is 1,000 to 10 million times better than ours Depending on the breed, dogs have between 125 and 300 million olfactory glands, compared to just 5 million for humans. And the part of the dog's brain that controls odor is 40 times bigger than ours. Some don't bark Specifically, a race native to eastern Basenji, widely used for hunting. It has the peculiarity of not barking, but it does emit a curious sound (similar to a Tyrolean song). LINK: https://www.esquire.com/es/actualidad/g27654738/curiosidades-perros/
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