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[Curiosities] 5 curiosities of nature that will surprise you

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Which is the animal that sleeps the most and which is the least?
To start, let's focus on a curiosity about animals. One of the questions that many people ask is which animal sleeps the most hours a day, as there are great doubts among sloths, koalas and others. Well, the truth is that the record is held by koalas who sleep up to 22 hours in a day, almost the entire day! Here below we leave you a video so you can learn more about this famous Australian animal.

Another related question is which animal sleeps the most hours and, this time, the record is held by the giraffe, which sleeps only about 4 hours a day, in intervals of a few minutes. Furthermore, giraffes are primarily animals that sleep standing up.


The most resistant animal
If we think of resistant animals, a great variety of species can come to mind, from elephants to horses. However, if we take into account that the essential thing to resist is water, that is, the less dependence an animal has on it, the more resistant it will be, we find that without a doubt the most resistant animal is the camel.

This resistance is due to its humps, which accumulate a large amount of fat that allows it to receive the energy it needs during the time it is without eating or drinking, in addition to its body having a facility to retain fluids. It is estimated that it can be up to 2 weeks without water. Find out more about this in this article on the Difference between camel and dromedary.

15 curiosidades de la naturaleza que te sorprenderán - El animal más resistente


The fastest animal and its speed
When the topic comes up in a conversation, everyone usually responds that he is the cheetah, but this is not exact because it is on the ground or on the ground, but those who live in water and those who dominate it must be taken into account. air. The truth is that the fastest animal in the world is the peregrine falcon that can reach a speed of 360 km / h, while the cheetah can reach 115 km / h.

Discover more curiosities about The fastest animals in the world and their speed in this other article.

15 curiosidades de la naturaleza que te sorprenderán - El animal más rápido y su velocidad


The electric discharge of eels
Mainly because of their appearance, eels are animals that humans prefer not to meet while swimming in the sea or ocean. But, leaving aside their appearance, either because we do not like their teeth or their elongated shape, they can become dangerous animals for us. Why? Well, because of the electric discharge from electric eels, which exceeds 600 volts. In addition, being in water, which is a great conductor of electricity, it would not be necessary for it to touch our skin directly to be electrocuted with this voltage.

However, we should not think that as soon as they see us they will attack us, we are not their source of food, they will only do so if they feel threatened.


15 curiosidades de la naturaleza que te sorprenderán - La descarga eléctrica de las anguilas


The animal with the most teeth
Another curiosity of this planet is the number of teeth that certain animals can have. Therefore, many wonder: what is the animal with the most teeth in the world?

The truth is that it is not the tooth fairy, as the riddle says, but the animal with the most teeth is the catfish. Specifically, it has 9,280 teeth! That's right, this fish that lives in Asia and America is the one with the most complete teeth, far surpassing even sharks.


15 curiosidades de la naturaleza que te sorprenderán - El animal que tiene más dientes


This is undoubtedly one of the most curious things in nature, and that is that there are plants that glow in the dark and there are even animals and fungi that do.

We can look at the species Omphalotus olearius, which is a luminescent mushroom, or the algae that form on the coasts of places like the Maldives, lighting up the entire shore, or we can remember fireflies and other glowing worms. They all owe it to the phenomenon of bioluminescence, which allows us to see unique landscapes at night.

15 curiosidades de la naturaleza que te sorprenderán - La bioluminiscencia



LINK: https://www.ecologiaverde.com/15-curiosidades-de-la-naturaleza-que-te-sorprenderan-1297.html

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