Akrapovic Posted November 15, 2021 Posted November 15, 2021 Once you have some experience using a Resilience Stick, compare it to the time and cost of other methods and also consider the benefits of viewing indigenous animals as partners and not as 'a problem'. Then you will know from your own experience what works best in your situation. Threatened Species and Habitat Restoration To have a sustainable ecology we need to restore habitats lost to overdevelopment and over-exploitation of the natural world. The natural world is actively sustained and maintained by the different species of animals that carry out their normal instinctual activities, which help sustain and maintain the local ecology. Through these normal activities, such as foraging, burrowing, nesting, feeding, etc., the animal species help to propagate and "plant" the local seeds of that area. As indigenous animals (including endangered species) often consume the plants that they help to propagate, or those plants are consumed by other animals, this helps create a balanced ecology. Few would dispute the idea that habitat restoration offers value not only to endangered species, but ultimately to the human species, as it strengthens the local ecology and makes it more resilient. A healthy local ecology is better able to cope with changing weather patterns and recover more quickly from floods and other extreme weather events. The challenge is how to restore the natural habitat. When the habitat was removed, so did the animals that maintained it. The loss of these “maintainers” makes it very difficult for the habitat to recover without human intervention. It was human intervention that caused the problem, so it often takes human intervention to solve it. What is needed is for human interventions to imitate and temporarily replace the role of missing or severely reduced animal species. When there aren't enough animals left, humans have to step in and perform the spreading and seed-planting functions that those animals would have provided. Link to video plant 500 trees per hour using a rewilding stick How you can participate in the regeneration of the ecosystem However, today, many of the efforts to do so result in local animal species being viewed as "the enemy" rather than as collaborators who should be viewed. For example, some projects attempt to compensate for habitat loss by planting large amounts of expensive tree seedlings, which then have to be "protected" from local animal species by plastic fences or spirals. The “habitat” is thus isolated from the same animal species that should interact with it. For example, in the country where I live, Scotland, we are told that in some areas “there are too many deer”. This is clearly untrue. What is certain is that "there are not enough forests", because most of them were cut down years ago. More specifically, there is not enough genuine forest, because the tree plantations that are being carried out, with trees as a cash crop, are inadequate to support wildlife. These fake forests, or Frankenstein forests, are simply there to collect grants with a plan to harvest the trees later. Local fauna is seen as a "threat" to tree plantations as a cash crop; it is not seen as a benefit. Animal Habitat and Habitat Loss Even genuinely green projects can slip into this shortsighted way of thinking and use expensive seedlings to help replant forests when other methods might be more flexible and effective. Seedling planting has its place, but it could be argued that it needs to be used much less frequently rather than seen as the "go-to" method. "But what are the alternatives?" A simple and very effective way to restore habitat is to mimic nature by using a resilience stick to plant seeds in situ. With a resilience stick, thousands, or even tens of thousands (and with enough help, millions) of seeds can be collected and planted on site. This avoids the need to manage and cultivate the seedlings and to transport them later to the planting place (at which time they are usually very heavy). The extremely low cost of planting seeds (eg using a resilience stick) instead of seedlings means that there is no problem for local animals to consume some of the emerging plants. We want a healthy local animal po[CENSORED]tion, so as long as a reasonable percentage of what we plant survives, we want local animals to interact with those plants. When the plants mature, the native animals will help spread the seeds of those plants. LINK: https://glorew.com/world/una-persona-puede-plantar-500-arboles-por-hora/restauracion-de-habitats-una-forma-mas-facil/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAhMOMBhDhARIsAPVml-He2_30gW1BCLA1IoXEdQ6M2hqwp33WvPAbRsvZ6JeH8147ZsX4RXoaAvfzEALw_wcB
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