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[Animals] Carnivorous ants from Brazil are killing native species in Sucre

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Peasants, ranchers and community leaders in general denounced the presence of the Brazilian carnivorous ant in the rural area of San Marcos (Sucre), which was killing the native species of the region


They say that there are millions of ants that have reproduced in this area of Sucre, affecting the ecosystem and more so now when winter is permanent and the insect comes out affecting everything in its path.


These Ants came from Brazil in the giant drills with which the Canadian company Canacol exploits the natural gas fields in the region. These drills had to be disinfected before leaving Brazil, but apparently the company did not carry out the protocols ”, they said.



They state that if a cow calves at night, the next day the calf that is born with placental remains is quickly consumed by the ants, so much so that at dawn only the bones remain.


"They eat the hens in the nest, the hicoteas and other native species of the region", they indicate.



Townships and sidewalks

It specifies that the native species of Brazil was discovered in the townships of El Tablon, Neiva, Buenavista, Santa Inés and El Limón.


In the same way, in the villages, El Mamón, San Pablito, Castillera, Trocha, Persiana, Buenos Aires, Calle Larga, Llano and Barro Blanco, all belonging to the municipality of San Marcos (Sucre).



This has been happening for more than a year and today there are millions of ants that now in the rainy season are forced to leave, being more aggressive than normal, ending everything in their path, with serious consequences for these communities ”.


"This has devalued the land, because the neighbors in Sucre and Córdoba already know that these lands are infested with this ant and they do not want to buy in this area, or take their livestock to graze for rent, which generated income for the community",

Link: https://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/otras-ciudades/sucre-hormigas-carnivoras-estan-acabando-con-especies-621467



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