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[Animals] On video | How does noise pollution in the ocean impact marine species?

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Did you know that the high intensity sounds of seismic vessels reduce sightings of mammals such as humpback whales? In a new episode of #MongabayExplica, we will talk about the impacts of noise pollution on the ocean. Experts note that since the industrial revolution, humans have bombarded the sea with a wide range of sound frequencies, severely affecting marine species.

Since much of the sounds in the ocean overlap with frequencies within the auditory band of marine animals, the noise that comes from human activities is disturbing the environment and the behavior of these animals.

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En la pesca de arrastre caen cientos de peces en la llamada «pesca incidental», los delfines pueden ser algunos de ellos. Foto: Pablo Heimplatz.

For example, dolphins have been found to change their direction of travel in response to maritime traffic, and even swim erratically and increase their swimming speed when boats approach them. These mammals also spend less time resting and socializing in noisy waters. Sometimes their calls change. It's like having to shout over the music in a restaurant.



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