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[Software] Microsoft could be slowing down Windows 10


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One of the main reasons why some people tend to avoid updating their PCs is that it slows down by introducing heavier new features. With the current approach to Windows 10 as software as a service, running on more computers and systems runs counter to this thinking.


But NTDev has put Windows 10 and its various updates to the test to see if Windows 10 is getting slower. For this, ten elements of the operating system user experience have been evaluated: installation time, startup and restart time, opening the Win32 application, opening the application for UWP, Windows search, GDI performance, test GDI effort, Windows Defender quick scan, I / O performance. The test was performed using Hyper-V as the data hypervisor, with 4GB RAM, 4 cores, and a 32GB fixed disk for each build.


Is Windows 10 slower than before?

In the case of install time, the Windows 10 setup process got a bit slower, but not dramatically because later versions of Windows 10 use more disk space, which obviously translates to downtime. longer writing. Boot times have become slower, due to possible security measures and new services that have been introduced such as the Windows 10 weather and news widget that many want to remove, the same with Win 32 and UWP applications.


Could not have a consistent result with Windows search. In the case of the GDI Benchmark, there was a stretch of updates in which it did slow down, but it recovered its usual speed with what could be due to an optimization failure. In the case of the file explorer, it has been noted that it takes more time to open enough instances of the explorer for the operating system to stay out of the GDI identifiers, which is a notable improvement


Windows Defender has become not only more effective at removing malware, but even less costly and resource-efficient. In the case of disk I / O performance it has improved compared to the first versions of Windows 10. In the case of shutting down the PC, there is not a big difference between versions.


NTDev's verdict is that in some cases there has been a drop in efficiency and speed and gives some explanations. As they have stopped paying attention to mobile phones with the closure of the Windows Phone division and therefore they do not focus their performance on being efficient on mobile phones. Other elements could be the improved security that Windows has today as Windows Defender has increasing control over the end user's ability to modify the operating system to their liking.

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