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Gaina domestica in hambar

The domestic hen (Gallus gallus domesticus), of all poultry (ducks, geese, turkeys), is the most widespread, because it adapts easily to various environmental conditions, except in the polar areas, where the days are too short, in winter, and their vision is not adapted for the night. On the other hand, if, traditionally, in many parts of the world, domestic chicken was not lacking in individual households, providing the necessary eggs and meat for family food, today, it grows industrially, according to strict standards.
Did you know that… many scientists are convinced that birds are the descendants of dinosaurs. Like the famous Archeopteryx bird, whose 150-million-year-old fossils were found in present-day Bavaria, the ancestors of domestic chickens had teeth.
Did you know that more than 6,000 years ago, in India and China, people began to keep a species of wild bird - the Bankiva Gallus hen - that is the origin of all domestic chicken breeds today, but which still lives in the wild in southern Asia. The female is small, with camouflage feathers, which allows her to protect eggs and chicks, while the rooster has a larger waist and is very beautifully colored, with yellow, red, orange and black feathers, with blue metallic reflections. and green. The natives called the domestic hen "manuk" and its breeding, along with other domesticated animals - dogs and pigs - along with the craft of pottery and woodworking laid the foundations of one of the most flourishing Neolithic civilizations - the Lapita civilization, north of New Guinea. , the island in the Pacific Ocean.
Did you know that in antiquity, thanks to trade, the domestic chicken spread from Asia to all continents. The first drawings in Europe, in which chickens appear, are found on ceramics in Corinth (the most important city in ancient Greece, after Athens) and date from the seventh century BC. In Easter Island, it seems that, until the twelfth century, the hen was the only domestic creature. On the American continent, the Araucana hen (named after the Indian po[CENSORED]tion of South America) was raised before the arrival of European conquerors and the introduction of other domestic chicken species. The Araucana hen, beautifully colored, without feathers in the tail, makes blue eggs, which is why people still call it "chicken with Easter eggs".
Did you know that… currently, there are over 200 breeds of chickens, of different shapes, sizes and colors, of which the best known (bred in Romania) are: Kabir (chickens with red feathers, for eggs and meat, very resistant) , Conchinchina, Brahma (both large), Broiler (white chickens, raised primarily for meat), Dutch Motata, black, motley playmout, yellow Orgpincton, Wyandotte, Rhode Island, etc.
Did you know that… domestic hens belong to the category of nest-fleeing creatures, ie they have chicks that can move like an adult, immediately after birth (as happens with many birds whose chicks are covered with down - geese, ducks, quails, etc.)
Did you know that… domestic chickens feed on wheat, corn, barley, oats, to which are added herbs or lettuce, sorrel, spinach, artichokes, etc. - from which they take their nutritional needs, including minerals, essential for the quality of eggs. Too much salt in the food waste given to chickens damages them.
Did you know that… chickens reach maturity in 5-9 months, depending on the breed. Regarding longevity, despite the common opinion, that domestic chickens live short, the average life expectancy is 12 years, and the record is 18 years.
Did you know that domestic chickens "communicate" in different tones, specific to situations (when eggs, hatch, care for their chicks), while the rooster expresses its "dignity", not only by its more imposing waist, richer plumage, but also by sung.
Did you know that… the eyes of chickens, because, in their structure, they do not have certain specialized receptor cells, they do not see at night, being exclusively diurnal birds.
Did you know that domestic chickens are endowed with a certain intelligence, which makes them recognize each chick separately, including in a photograph. Moreover, according to a British study, from 2011, chickens are able to show empathy towards their companions, if they suffer from a certain cause, a fact demonstrated by measuring heart rate. The same care is manifested even if the fluff of their chicks is shaken by a gust of wind.
Did you know that there are also domestic domestic chickens, either in the "ornamental" category (for example, Beijing Bantama) or dwarf breeds.
Did you know that in the legends of all peoples, the hen is the symbol of fecundity and motherhood, while the rooster is the embodiment of vigor, courage, pride, a solar symbol to announce the sunrise and the establishment of order in the world.
Did you know that… one of the oldest paradoxes is contained in the question “What awas first: the egg or the hen? ”. Beyond the funny or serious, philosophical, scientific answers in 2010, researchers at the University of Sheffield (UK), using a high-performance computer, closely analyzed the eggshells, discovering a protein that contains only chicken ovaries and has the role of stimulating the development of eggshells. On this scientific basis they decided that the hen was first, completely losing sight of what it came from.


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