rlex Posted May 12, 2021 Posted May 12, 2021 What are the rules relating to the exhaust and sound volume? Auto-Moto takes stock of the law and the reasons for verbalization. The exhaust is not just a simple tube located at the rear of the car intended to evacuate the gases coming from the engine. Because in reality, what is called the exhaust lineconsists of several parts, such as the manifold, connected to each of the cylinders, the catalytic converter on certain models, making it possible to limit polluting emissions as well as the silencers. These are located at several points in the line, in order to reduce the temperature and speed of the gases, as well as noise. As you will have understood, an exhaust system therefore serves to limit as much as possible the production of polluting gases, but also the sound, so as not to create nuisances when the vehicle passes. However, many motorists, and in particular tuning enthusiasts, modify this device, precisely so that their car is more expressive on the road, and more particularly when accelerating, in general. But is it really allowed? Auto-Moto has covered the issue and explains what the regulations say. Clear rules Unfortunately, and as you might expect, you can't do everything you want with your exhaust. Indeed, article R318-3 of the Highway Code details the rules in force, and sti[CENSORED]tes that " motor vehicles must not emit noises likely to cause discomfort to road users or residents. The engine must be fitted with a silent exhaust system in good working order without the possibility of interruption by the driver ”. To the chagrin of fans of backfiring exhausts, the law emphasizes that " any operation tending to remove or reduce the efficiency of the silent exhaust system is prohibited. ". In concrete terms, you risk being stopped if your car is too noisy, and being fined € 135 , or even immobilizing your vehicle, even if the law enforcement representative is not equipped. a sound level meter. Indeed, the use of it is not obligatory! Beyond noise, be aware that it is in all cases strictly prohibited to modify the original exhaust system of your vehicle, whether to remove the catalyst or the silencer, or to put an unapproved device. You risk a second visit to the technical control , as well as a fine in the event of control by the police. Discover the main reasons for verbalization relating to the exhaust system engine with free exhaust exhaust system not fitted with a silencer in good condition, or whose operation has been modified high level of noise pollution due to poor condition or modification of the silencer exhaust system driving in built-up areas by repeatedly accelerating when starting, driving and stopping All these offenses are punishable by a 4th class fine, i.e. a fine of 135 €.
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