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[Sport] Olympic Baji holds sports structures responsible for arbitration grievances

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Olympic Baji holds sports structures responsible for arbitration grievances



The governing body of Olympic Baji today issued a statement denouncing the arbitration grievances that the team has lived through since the start of the current sports season.

The statement comes after the recent events that the Olympic team Al-Baji experienced yesterday evening, Sunday, January 31, 2021, at the Ben Guerdane stadium during the match that was brought together in Ittihad Bin Guerdane, which witnessed the player's assault since Al-Qasimi against the Olympic striker Aziz Al-Jouini. 


Olympic Al-Baji confirmed in the same statement that he will not remain silent about the transgressions against the team, especially in the last match against Ittihad Bin Guerdan, and what the referee Muhammad Shaaban brought against the team from grievances culminating in the brutal attack on the attacker Aziz Al-Juwaini by Bin Qirdan players Muhammad Bin Tarsha and Munther Al Qasimi According to the authority's report.


According to the same statement, the Olympic Authority Al-Baji affirms that it will not waive its right to track the aggressors administratively and judicially according to the medical certificate that the player Mohamed Aziz Al-Juwaini received for the purpose.


 Sports structures also held responsibility for what may be caused by continuing arbitration grievances against the team. The governing body thanked all the sports fans that sympathized with the Olympian, and called in the same statement for maximum penalties to be imposed on the aggressors. 

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