The GodFather Posted December 28, 2020 Posted December 28, 2020 These are quite unprecedented times and it’s common to feel anxious every now and then. With restricted mobility due to the coronavirus outbreak, one can’t indulge in a lot of usual activities. However, food is something that ensures improvement in mental and physical health. A holistic diet is something that can promote mental health. Eating habits and stress are often connected. However, a few studies have reviewed links between stress and food intake, particularly of comfort foods that may be consumed to reduce stress. People tend to go for hyper-palatable comfort foods such as fast food, snacks, and calorie-dense foods even in the absence of hunger or an energy deficit. These findings suggest that stress may promote irregular eating patterns and strengthen networks towards hedonic overeating, suggests a study published in Stress and Eating Behaviours. Here are some food items that can help you calm your nerves. * Incorporating anti-oxidant rich food like berries, citrus food, and Vitamin C and E-rich foods like nuts pumpkin, watermelon, and flax seeds, as it supports brain functioning and protects against brain oxidative stress. * Dark chocolate and turmeric milk, since milk has vitamin D and turmeric has curcumin with anti-inflammatory properties, together will have a calming effect as these contain anti-oxidants. * Also, studies have shown a positive effect of Vitamin B on the nervous system. In fact, all Vitamin B rich food like fish, eggs, and vegetables help reduce anxiety. * It is also important that people include probiotics and good fat — Omega 3 fatty acids like the flax seeds, fish and coconut oil, all kinds of nuts and seeds — in the diet. * The intestine and gut bacteria release hormones like serotonin that are prominent in influencing the mood. So if you eat probiotic-rich food, it will have a calming effect on the brain. Yoghurt contains probiotics, which may have a positive effect on brain health and anxiety levels. Most importantly, a good night’s sleep can never fail in calming your mind. 1
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