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uviTR2Y.png Nick: [D]rosel
uviTR2Y.png Real name: Vlad
uviTR2Y.png How old are you?
: 23
uviTR2Y.png Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): more than 10 years. Left4Deat2 more than 5 years. cs:go more than 3 years
uviTR2Y.png Where are you from?(country and city):
uviTR2Y.png Describe yourself(at least 50 words): Punctual, said did. Not arrogant. Responsive I love understanding and kindness in people.
uviTR2Y.png Note some of your qualities: I am quick in decisions, I can monitor any complex issue and find the best input. Well versed in computers and cars.
uviTR2Y.png Tell us some of your defects:I work a lot I smoke but I try to quit I don't like arrogant

uviTR2Y.png Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): There were but a long time ago when there was still a downloader file processing virus scanning
uviTR2Y.png On which category/categories have you been active lately?(опишите свою деятельность)a: Msv
uviTR2Y.png Which category/project you want to care off?: follow the order of correct submission in the section humor entertainment
uviTR2Y.png How well you speak english?(and other languages): 10+
uviTR2Y.png Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: yes
uviTR2Y.png For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): the years

uviTR2Y.png Contact methods:whatsapp +79503115590
uviTR2Y.png Last request:I wish to be accepted, I will not let you down.


Hello my friend as i see , your last request for moderator get rejected cuz you are not active in our forum , and when i saw this request i expected you have good activity and corrected your mistake in this request but i dont see any activity , so first you have to make activity and join in our projects + be active in ts3 and in section F.A.Q  Problems ts3 , then come back with new request Good luck.

  • I love it 9

Hello, @[D]ROSEL ♚♚♚!


I recommend to try and join a project firstly, because we need to see your true activity and implication on a zone. You have a lot of projects to work with (e.g: GoG, vGame Reviewrs, Devil Harmony, etc). 


If you wanna be with our staff, you have to be part of a specefic project necessary!

Return with a new request after at least 30 days. 



  • I love it 6
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