Dark Posted October 20, 2020 Posted October 20, 2020 The Ministry of Health (Minsa) approved the technical document: National Vaccination Plan against COVID-19. Through a ministerial resolution published in the official newspaper El Peruano, the Office of Transparency and Anticorruption of the General Secretariat was commissioned to publish it on the institutional portal of the Minsa. It should be noted that the General Directorate of Strategic Interventions in Public Health proposed this technical document for approval, the purpose of which is to contribute to reducing morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 within the framework of prevention and containment strategies for the pandemic. Weeks ago, the Minsa authorized the financial transfer of S / 75′554,020 to begin the process of acquiring the vaccine against COVID-19. This monetary transfer was made in favor of the World Alliance for Vaccines (Gavi Alliance) for the Covax Facility initiative, which will allow the country to purchase the vaccine when it is available. As it is recalled, on September 18, the commitment agreement was signed with the organization that seeks to coordinate with laboratories so that countries have equitable access to safe doses. This agreement would allow the country access to more than 13 million doses of vaccines against COVID-19. With this, it is estimated that 20% of the population could be immunized. This budget delivered, according to Ministerial Resolution 826-2020 / Minsa, comes from the National Center for the Supply of Strategic Resources in Health (Cenares). This institution is responsible for providing quarterly information regarding the progress of the State in terms of the acquisition, distribution and application of vaccines against the coronavirus. These resources destined for the vaccine may not be used for purposes other than for which they are transferred. Peru will only buy vaccines that pass rigorous controls The Vice Minister of the Health portfolio, Luis Suárez, has previously indicated that Peru will only buy vaccines against COVID-19 that have passed through rigorous international controls, in order not to endanger the population. “The Ministry of Health is making arrangements to acquire the vaccine through the COVAX Facility, a coalition that includes the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as one of the mechanisms for purchasing the vaccine. and that they already have confidentiality agreements with four or five international laboratories for acquisition by direct purchase ”, he explained in statements to TV Peru. "Before using a drug or vaccine in the population, they must go through a series of investigation and control phases to ensure that such products are, in addition to being effective, safe in the population," he added and emphasized the importance of do not have drastic adverse effects. 4
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