S e u o n g Posted October 12, 2020 Posted October 12, 2020 The human body is a mystery although we are used to seeing it daily, to touching it daily, since there are many curiosities that surround it but not everyone takes the trouble to know them. Today we would like to tell you a few curiosities about the human body that are very interesting to know ... do you know any more? Much of the discoveries that are made in the field of science are related to the human body, and it will continue to be so since it is exciting and can be very useful, especially when they are discoveries or advances in the field of health. These are some curiosities about the human body that you do not know Bones: a quarter of the total bones we have in the body are in the feet, each foot having 26 bones. Stomach Acid - It is so strong that it can pierce wood and even corrode metal. If it touched our skin, stomach acid would burn us. Language: the prints on our language are unique, just like fingerprints. Particles: each person sheds about 600,000 skin particles per hour. Jaw: the muscle that we have in the jaw is the strongest in the whole body. Eyebrows: another of the curiosities about the human body that not many people know is that each eyebrow usually has about 250 hairs, which have a useful life of about 4 months. It falls off and grows back without us noticing it. Cornea: it is the only part of the human body that does not have a blood supply. Its oxygen is received directly from the air. Embryos: they develop their fingerprints three months after being conceived. Fewer bones: when we are born we have 300 bones, but when we die only 206. This does not mean that we lose bones during our lives, the reality is that many of them join over time. That union ends at 20-25 years. Breathing: It is estimated that a person breathes an average of 20,000 times a day. Lungs: The left lung is 10% smaller than the right lung. Nose: experts consider that the nose can recognize a billion different smells. Taste: the human body is capable of detecting the taste of a food in 0.0015 seconds, less, for example, than it takes to blink. Femur: it is the largest bone in the human body and can support 30 times the weight of a person's body.
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