HiTLeR Posted September 4, 2020 Posted September 4, 2020 Aurelio de Laurentiis warned the European Football Association (UEFA) that it will cause a very big problem if its players return with the Corona virus after the current international suspension. Italy will play Bosnia in the European Nations League matches at Artemio Franík Stadium tonight, which began Thursday night with a number of strong confrontations. De Laurentiis is not happy to see Napoli's players leave before the season starts to take part in their country's European Nations League matches. Naples president warns the European Union over the Corona virus "I have a problem with the European Union ... and I hope that I will not find Napoli players with corona when they return, otherwise this will be a big problem for UEFA," the president of Naples said at a press conference. He added, "No one has said anything before about this serious matter..but I will say a lot, but with the facts and with the club's lawyers." Regarding the offers made to his players, led by Arcadioch Milik and defender Khalido Coulibaly, he said: "From now on, we will sell players when important offers reach them, even if they are with us for only one year." He concluded his speech: “In this country and in Europe in general, there is an economic deterioration due to the Corona pandemic ... so we and our supporters should live today and try to make the team do their best ... 110 million have been offered to sell Coulibaly in the past ... maybe you were Unfair to the club and the fans not to sell it. 1
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