Mindsphere. Posted July 26, 2020 Posted July 26, 2020 From tomorrow you will no longer park in the places intended for disabled people. The fines are STUFFING The draft law was published in the Official Gazette It enters into force on July 25 The maximum fine was increased 5 times Share on Facebook Starting with July 25, drivers who park in places for the disabled will receive hefty fines and their cars will be collected. A draft law in this regard has now been published in the Official Gazette. We tried with fines between 1,000 and 2,000 lei, with all kinds of official campaigns, we reached posters or posts on social networks with the motto "if you take my place, take my handicap," but nothing he stopped some drivers from parking in places for people with disabilities. Authorities have been preparing a bill since 2018 to properly amend this violation of the rights of people with disabilities, but the vote came only recently and has now been published in the Official Gazette. The new law comes into force on July 25, ie tomorrow, and the fines for parking in these places have increased up to 5 times. More precisely, the minimum fine is now 2,000 lei and the maximum reaches 10,000 lei, the measure being doubled by lifting the car. "Parking of other means of transport on the adapted parking places, reserved and signaled by international sign for disabled persons (shall be sanctioned) with a fine from 2,000 lei to 10,000 lei and lifting of the means of transport from the respective parking place, "is shown in the text of the law. Parliamentarians say that "the aim is to give people with disabilities the opportunity to enjoy full rights and to fully benefit from their participation in social and economic life." 2
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