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Pacers fans: You can stream Indiana Pacers games televised by FOX Sports Indiana. Pacers games are available for streaming on the FOX Sports GO app and at FOXSportsGO.com to customers of participating pay-TV providers who receive FOX Sports Indiana as part of their video subscription. For more information, read below or visit FOXSportsGO.com. Fans can also email questions to midwest@foxinc.com, tweet @FSIndiana or @FOXSportsGOHelp and visit foxsports.custhelp.com.

Can I stream Pacers games?

Yes. If you are a customer of a participating pay-TV provider and receive FOX Sports Indiana as part of your channel lineup, you will be able to stream FOX Sports Indiana’s Pacers telecasts on FOX Sports GO.

How will it work and how much will it cost?

If a Pacers game is being televised on FOX Sports Indiana, it will also be available on FOX Sports GO. To stream games, you will need to verify your credentials by signing in with your pay-TV provider User ID and Password. There is no additional charge to use FOX Sports GO.

What content will be available in FOX Sports GO?

As of May 13, 2019, FOX Sports GO is the exclusive streaming home of FOX Sports regional sports content.

FOX Sports GO is currently available on mobile and tablet devices, including iOS and Android.

FOX Sports GO is also available on connected devices including Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, Roku Players and Roku TV, and Xbox One.

How do I get FOX Sports GO?

Fans can download the app for free from the iTunes App Store, Google Play, Amazon App Store, Roku App Store, XBOX One App Store and Windows App Store.

Can I watch on my computer?

Yes, FOXSportsGO.com allows authenticated users to stream FOX Sports regional content via their laptop or desktop computers.

Why do I need to sign in?

FOX Sports GO is an extension of your pay-TV service that you get at home. FOX Sports GO allows viewers to watch on the best available screen — at home or on the go. You will not have to re-enter your TV provider credentials every time you open FOX Sports GO, although occasionally you will be asked to sign in again to verify your pay-TV subscription.

Which pay-TV providers participate in FOX Sports GO?

Every major pay-TV provider participates in FOX Sports GO. Please visit FOXSportsGO.com for a full list of participating pay-TV providers.

What if I don’t have my pay-TV provider credentials or I forgot them?

Contact your pay-TV provider to retrieve your User ID and Password.

I’m logged in and the video keeps freezing/skipping or there is a black screen.

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