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Toyota Motor Europe uses fully renewable energy sources


Тойота Мотор Юръп използва изцяло възобновяеми източници на енергия



Toyota Motor Europe (TME) announced that in 2019 it was able to achieve the use of 100% renewable electricity in all its European activities, buildings and facilities.
Toyota's European activities include 9 manufacturing plants, 14 spare parts warehouses, 7 vehicle logistics centers, 29 national marketing and sales companies (NMSCs), TME headquarters and branch offices, as well as Toyota technical center with a total volume of electricity consumption of about 500 GWh.
"The transition to 100% renewable electricity to fulfill our business in Europe is a significant step towards meeting the goals of our Environmental Challenge 2050 environmental program," said Dr. Johan van Zill, President and CEO of Toyota Motor Europe.

"The sustainable nature of our activities on a European scale is a very important factor that must be present if we want citizens and consumers to continue their support for Toyota. Thanks to the market success of our hybrid electric models, we are on track to successfully our CO2 emissions targets for new vehicles in Europe, but when it comes to environmental protection, we take a holistic, 360-degree approach and aim to do much more than limit car emissions Sea. "
The use of electricity from 100% renewable sources can only be achieved by making special efforts in all activities through a combination of:
- Promoting the production of renewable electricity for Toyota offices and facilities in collaboration with local stakeholders (TPCE photovoltaic panels, TMUK photovoltaic panels, TMMF photovoltaic wall, Seebrugge wind generator, photovoltaic panels at Toyota Logistics Center…);

- Purchase of electricity from renewable sources where possible;

- Purchase of European certificates ('Guarantee of origin') for the countries of the European Union, as regulated in Directive 2009/28 / EC;

- Purchase of I-REC (International Renewable Energy Certificate) certificates for countries outside the European Union recognized in accordance with the international I-REC standard.
The achievements in reducing the carbon footprint of electricity consumption complement Toyota's efforts to reduce overall energy consumption in the course of the company's activities. For example, from 2013 (the initial year of the Environmental Challenge 2050) to the present, energy per unit of vehicle produced in the company's production capacity has been reduced by as much as 18%. A direct comparison with the EU28 average (28 EU Member States) of energy consumption of 2.3 MWh per unit of vehicle produced shows that Toyota production consumes 48% less electricity per vehicle produced.
Sustainable environmental protection has always been one of Toyota's top priorities. Discussion of environmental issues among Toyota senior management members began as early as 1963, when the Company's Environmental Committee was established.

Since 1973, the company has been promoting environmental awareness for its employees during the Environmental Month. In 1992, the company launched a five-year plan to undertake a series of activities aimed at reducing the environmental impact and preserving valuable natural resources for the planet - not only by reducing the environmental impact of vehicles, but also by focusing efforts on the environmentally friendly performance of all related activities.
The Toyota Environmental Challenge 2050 was announced in 2015. It contains 6 challenges * and forms the basis of Toyota's long-term strategy, incorporating all of the company's most important environmental impacts.
The achieved use of 100% renewable electricity contributes to meeting the company's objectives for the second (zero life cycle CO2) and third (zero CO2 production capacity) goals out of a total of six challenges designed to exclude separation CO2 emissions from the entire life cycle of the vehicle, including those in maintenance activities and in production capacity.

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