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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕





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uviTR2Y.png Nick:  FiNNNuTzu.
uviTR2Y.png Real name Raul.
uviTR2Y.png How old are you?
: 18
uviTR2Y.png Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them)

Apex Legends (Since season 1)

Counter-Strike 1.6 (8+ years)

Counter-Strike:Global Offensive (2 years)

UFC 3 (Few months)

Grand Theft Auto 5 [online] 

And more others
uviTR2Y.png Where are you from?(country and city):  I'm from Romania, Baia Mare
uviTR2Y.png Describe yourself(at least 50 words): I'm an optimist person, i am verry punctual. I always have the replies on me, i get angry easy. I work hard for what i want to obtain, i'm a verry mature person for my age, and my IQ is superior to much people. I do like hacking and scripting. I also like designing. I work in photoshop and After Effects for many years, i like graphic , making content , skins, etc. I'm a creative person
uviTR2Y.png Note some of your qualities:  Wisdom , Calmness, understanding. I like to work with many programs, and i do it well
uviTR2Y.png Tell us some of your defects: I get angry too easy
uviTR2Y.png On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity):  Off-Topic/Forum games. I made a few topics that i consider relevant
uviTR2Y.png Which category/project you want to care off?(choose from THIS LIST): off topic
uviTR2Y.png How well you speak english?(and other languages):  i speak fluent 6 languages
uviTR2Y.png Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?:  I do have a microphone, but i don't use TeamSpeak
uviTR2Y.png Contact methods: Instagram : raul_bora69, Facebook : Raul Bora , Wapp : (Private), Skype : raul.bora2 , Discord **꧁B꙰O꙰R꙰A꙰꧂**#2857 


Ca raspuns public al PM-ului tau:



Au fost facute urmatoarele mentiuni:

1. Anunt pe 5 ianuarie: 


2. Cereri marcate in asteptare cu raspuns care este specificat urmatorul aspect: "Salut, cererea ta a fost marcata drept in [Pending], te rog ia on considerare ca imi place aplicatia ta si acum mai departe o sa dureze ceva pentru un raspuns final datorita sarbatorilor si noi (administratia) avem de analizat activitatea ta de pe forum, cererea ta, istoricul tau. Considera ca am putea sa acceptam sau respingem in final, nu te considera acceptat, inca ai sa ne dovedesti multe." exemplu: 


Ca drept fapt, esti respins pentru ca noi dorim oameni capabili sa se documenteze, sa fie activi in toate zonele forumului si sa urmeasca anunturile facute si dedicate lor.

Multumesc frumos si te astept din nou peste 30 de zile.


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