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Rainbow 6 Siege Tier List 2019 [Rainbow 6 Siege Best Characters]

Moustafa Amer0v™ - S**T

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Which operators rank at the top of the list in terms of Attackers and Defenders?

most often the top Rainbow 6 Siege operators are not always the most played or most enjoyable operators. In at least every Pro League match, the crucial winning factor is almost always strategically weighed on several things, an operator’s unique ability and the operator’s armor and speed stats. With the latest additions of Kaid and Nomad, let’s take a deeper dive into which operators are currently at the top of the list!

There’s no doubt to why Rainbow 6 Siege has earned a po[CENSORED]rity amongst Pro League players and teams such as G2 eSports. On all gaming platforms of the Rainbow 6 Siege matchmaking, the top operators are often almost selected first in solo-queue matches and banned first in the Pro League games. Here’s a list of all the current Rainbow Six Siege operators ranked from low to top tier.

A-Tier Operators: Operators that offer high-level play and execution in Pro play, often proving to be the best and reliable in terms of team strategies and adapt well in a majority of maps.


Buck: 86/100
Thermite: 87/100
Capitao: 89/100
Glaz: 91/100
Finka: 95/100
Zofia: 98/100

Jager: 84/100
Valkyrie: 88/100
Lesion: 90/100
Maestro: 93/100
Smoke: 96/100
Mira: 98/100

B-Tier Operators: Well-rounded operators with decent abilities and gadgets. These operators often require a better timing and execution to make most effect in offense and defense strategies.


Dokkaebi: 68/100
Lion: 70/100
Ying: 72/100
Maverick: 73/100
Blackbeard: 74/100
Blitz: 74/100
Jackal: 76/100
Nomad: 85/100

Kaid: 69/100
Vigil: 71/100
Pulse: 72/100
Caveira: 74/100
Bandit: 77/100
Echo: 80/100
Rook: 83/100
Doc: 84/100

C-Tier Operators: Most of the operators in this tier have an ability that is fairly easy to use. Some of these operators have an ability that is often countered by another operator or is less effective against higher-level players.


Montagne: 55/100
IQ: 57/100
Sledge: 61/100
Twitch: 64/100
Thatcher: 65/100
Fuze: 66/100
Ash: 68/100
Hibana: 69/100

Tachanka: 37/100
Kapkan: 45/100
Mute: 48/100
Frost: 52/100
Castle: 57/100
Alibi: 62/100
Clash: 65/100
Ela: 68/100

C-Tier Operators

44. Tachanka (C-tier Defender)

Often known to all Siege players as "Lord Tachanka", he possesses a high damage and deadly weapon, the Mounted LMG, which is a portable, high capacity LMG turret equipped with a glass shield. Lord Tachanka chooses where to place the turret as he so pleases, but keep in mind that any other operator can mount it, friend or foe.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 1
Armor: 3
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: 9x19VSN | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: PMM | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Gadget: Shield
What makes Tachanka a strong operator?

Primary strength of Tachanka is his anchoring ability to position and hold in objectives using his Mounted LMG
Tachanka power rating: 37/100


43. Kapkan (C-Tier Defender)

A trap that can provide intel and reliable damage against Attackers, also known as the Entry Denial Device. Kapkan possesses five of these devices and he can place them strategically throughout the map on doorways and windows. If the attackers do not take out the device before entering a room, they will sustain damage.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: 9x19VSN | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: PMM | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Gadget: Nitro Cell
What makes Kapkan a strong operator?

Entry Denial Devices provide Kapkan players with intel on where the Attackers are pushing from and does a decent amount of damage
Kapkan also has additional fragging potential with his C4 gadget
Kapkan power rating: 45/100


42. Castle (C-Tier Defender)

Castle has the ability to shield his teammates from Attacker bullets by placing and barricading windows and doors using his unique ability, Armor Panel. The barricade blocks all bullets and can only be taken out by constant melee or by using an attacker’s ability to break it open such as Sledge’s hammer or Ash’s breaching round.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: UMP45 | Sight: Holographic | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: 5.7 USG
Gadget: Impact grenades
What makes Castle a strong operator?

Castle’s barricades act as a layer of denial, causing attackers such as Ash or Zofia to use or burn their abilities to break down the barricades in order to proceed with the attack
Castle's barricades are bulletproof
Castle power rating: 48/100


41. Frost (C-Tier Defender)

Behind doors, windows, and tables, Frost can place her Welcome Mat anywhere where there is a flat surface. Welcome Mat is her ability, a man-sized bear trap that looks like an ordinary door mat. Frost has access to four of these dangerous mats.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: 9MM C1 submachine gun | Sight: Reflex | Grip: Angled
Secondary Weapon: MK1 9MM | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Gadget: Barbed wire
What makes Frost a strong operator?

Welcome Mats forces enemy Attackers to look down when they push through windows and doorways to destroy the trap
Frost’s 9MM C1 gun has little recoil which gives her an advantage in gun fights
Frost power rating: 52/100


40. Montagne (C-Tier Defender)

Montagne is a full man walking shield, literally. His ability, Extendable Shield, allows him to shield himself completely from a front assault. While his shield is extended, he cannot return fire unless he disengages the shield. Montagne's ability is utilized in situations where he can pin himself in a corner to repel frontal assault from any Defender.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 1
Armor: 3
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: Extendable Shield
Secondary Weapon: P9 | Attachment: Muzzle Brake | Attachment: Laser Sight
Gadget: Smoke grenades
What makes Montagne a strong operator?

With his shield fully extended, Montagne provides great cover fire for his teammates when pushing an objective
Montagne can effectively shield a diffuser that is placed in a corner by extending his shield and sitting on top of it, directly denying the Defenders from destroying it
Montagne power rating: 55/100


39. IQ (C-Tier Defender)

IQ has an Electronics Detector as her ability. It allows her to track and pinpoint where all electronic devices are, including the objective. She has access to her secondary during the time it is active.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 3
Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: 552 Commando | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Angled
Secondary Weapon: P12 | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Gadget: Breaching charge
What makes IQ a strong operator?

IQ ability can detect Defenders that use or have an electronic device such as Pulse and Clash
IQ can also use her ability to scan and eliminate Valkyrie cameras that have been placed outside of the building
IQ power rating: 57/100


38. Mute (C-Tier Defender)

All incoming drones and electronic devices that fall into the perimeter of a Signal Disruptor will be rendered useless or jammed. This is Mute’s sole ability, to jam the Attacker’s electronics and provide a means of intellectual defense perimeter around the objective, forcing Attackers to clear out these signal disruptors to have further access and intel.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: MP5K | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator
Secondary Weapon:
Gadget: Nitro Cell
What makes Mute a strong operator?

Mute is generally a suitable and adaptable operator in any game mode or map, meaning his ability can always be utilized effectively
Signal Disruptors deny Attacker drones intel, which is huge when attackers desire intel of a room but are denied so because of the signal disruptors
Mute power rating: 57/100


37. Sledge (C-tier Attacker)

Sledge carries a sledge hammer ability that allows him to break almost all non-reinforced surfaces: Breaching Hammer. He can also use it to destroy other items, devices, or gadgets the Defender team is using.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: L85A2 | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: SMG-11 | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Gadget: Frag grenades
What makes Sledge a strong operator?

Sledge’s breaching hammer has decent charge meter, meaning it can be used for a good duration of any round
Can break any soft (unreinforced) walls, floors, windows, and Defender gadgets and devices
Sledge power rating: 61/100


36. Alibi (C-Tier Defender)

Creating effective deception with her ability, Prisma, Alibi can create up to diversions of herself that she can place around the map. Any Attacker who accidentally shoots her Prisma clone will be tagged and marked, revealing their position to the opposing team for a short duration.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 3
Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: Mx4 Storm submachine gun | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: Keratos | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Gadget: Impact grenade
What makes Alibi a strong operator?

Creates useful diversions when used with murder holes
Three speed, impact grenades, and a decent submachine gun
Alibi power rating: 62/100


35. Twitch (C-Tier Attacker)

Twitch is an Attacker who has the ability: Shock Drone, which allows her to operate a remote drone that is equipped with four rounds of shock ammo. She can use the shock to destroy open up Mira windows, destroy Lesion’s Gu mines, Kapkan’s traps, cameras, or any devices that are within reach of the shock. She is equipped with two drones.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: F2 | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: P9
Gadget: Claymore
What makes Twitch a strong operator?

She can utilize the shock drone to open up Mira windows, destroy Lesion’s Gu mines, Kapkan’s traps, cameras, or any devices that are within reach of the shock.
She is equipped with two drones, the first one is available in Prep Phase
Twitch power rating: 64/100


34. Thatcher (C-Tier Attacker)

Similar to Mute’s Signal disruptors, Thatcher’s ability: EMP Grenade, allows him to disable all electronic devices within the perimeter of the explosion. This includes, Echo’s Yokai drone, Valkyrie’s cameras, and several others.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: L85A2 | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: P226 MK 25
Gadget: Breaching charge
What makes Thatcher a strong operator?

Thatcher is a viable option in any team composition, his ability is a counter against most defender gadgets
Thatcher can disable Defender gun sight reticals with his EMP grenades
Thatcher can temporarily disable the shock mechanism on Clash's CCE Shield
Thatcher power rating: 65/100


33. Clash (C-Tier Defender)

Clash is an evolved version of Montagne, she is a Defender that has a full extended shield blocking frontal assault and preventing Attackers pushes. Her ability, the CCE Shield, lets her shoot an electric shockwave that slows and damages her Attackers.

Speed: 1
Armor: 3
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: CCE Shield
Secondary Weapon: SPS MG9 submachine gun | Attachment: Flash Hider
Gadget: Barbed wire
What makes Clash a strong operator?

One of Clash's purpose is to provide intel on where enemy Attackers are pushing from
She can roam effectively with her CCE shield as one of her weapons, she can inflict damage
If not dealt with, Clash can delay any push
Clash power rating: 65/100


32. Fuze (C-Tier Attacker)

Fuze has an ability to fill a room with grenades in a matter of two seconds, his ability: Cluster Charge is a grenade cluster that spits out multiple grenades upon trigger. He can place these on walls, floors, and windows.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary weapon: AK-12 assault rifle | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: PMM
Gadget: Smoke grenades
What makes Jaeger a strong operator?

Fuze is an operator that can flush out Defenders in a room with his cluster charge
Cluster grenades can destroy all Defender gadgets and devices in proximity
Fuze power rating: 66/100


31. Ela (C-Tier Defender)

Ela uses a distorting ability called Grzmot Mine, which when triggered by the Attackers will cause concussion damage to all operators within the proximity.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 3
Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: Scorpion EVO 3 A1 | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: RG15
Gadget: Barbed wire
What makes Ela a strong operator?

Ela is an effective roamer on defense with her three-speed
Ela's primary weapon, the Scorpion is one of the best guns with rate of fire
Grzmot Mines cause shield-wielding Attackers to lower their shield temporarily
Ela power rating: 68/100


30. Ash (C-Tier Attacker)

Ash uses an ability that suites her playstyle, Breaching Rounds. Ash is a po[CENSORED]r entry-fragger, her breaching round allows her to push through any non-reinforced wall or hatch with ease and use her agility to advance.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 3
Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: R4-C assault rifle | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: 5.7 USG | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Gadget: Stun grenades
What makes Ash a strong operator?

One of the top entry fraggers in the game, Ash is known for her quick ability to attack
Her ability, Breaching round allows her to push quickly and efficiently once she's droned the area
Ash power rating: 68/100


29. Hibana (C-Tier Attacker)

Similar to Ash, X-KAIROS Jaeger is a Defender equipped with a grenade detecting system ability: Active Defense. His gadget will automatically intercept any grenades, flashbangs, or smokes thrown into their range and destroy them. ADS devices can only destroy up to six grenades. He can place the ADS devices on almost all surfaces and furniture.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 3
Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: Type-89 | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Angled
Secondary Weapon: Bearing 9 | Sight: Holographic | Attachment: Compensator
Gadget: Flashbangs
What makes Hibana a strong operator?

Three-speed and hard breaching ability with X-KAIROS makes her an effective Attacker
Hibana's X-KAIROS can be used to burn out the charges on Jager's ADS devices
Hibana power rating: 69/100


28. Dokkaebi (B-Tier Attacker)


Using hacking technology, Dokkaebi sends a massive hack signal that disrupts all the Defender’s phones and cameras. Her hacking ability, Logic Bomb can only be turned off by standing still and triggering the phone deactivation action. During Logic Bomb phones vibrate, giving away their position unless they turn it off and cameras are disabled temporarily.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: Mk 14 EBR | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Muzzle Brake | Grip: Angled
Secondary Weapon: SMG-12
Gadget: Smoke grenades
What makes Dokkaebi a strong operator?

Logic Bomb forces Defenders to choose between letting their phones buzz or turn it off but causing them to stand still for a short duration, in this situation is a win-win for the attacking team pushing the objective
Dokkaebi can hack dead Defender's phones and grant access to all camera devices for her teammates
Dokkaebi power rating: 68/100


27. Kaid (B-Tier Defender)

Kaid is a Defender equipped with a grenade detecting system ability: Active Defense. His gadget will automatically intercept any grenades, flashbangs, or smokes thrown into their range and destroy them. ADS devices can only destroy up to six grenades. He can place the ADS devices on almost all surfaces and furnitures.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 1
Armor: 3
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: AUG A3
Secondary Weapon: .44 Mag Semi-Auto
Gadget: Impact Grenade
What makes Kaid a strong operator?

As the first operator to be able to protect reinforced hatches, Kaid can use his ability to directly deny Thermite and Hibana access to destroying the hatches
Kaid's Secondary weapon has a high accuracy sight that can help him land headshots
Kaid power rating: 69/100


26. Lion (B-Tier Attacker)

In making fast and effective pushes, Lion forces the Defenders to stop in place by using is ability EE-ONE-D. EE-ONE-D is an aerial drone that sends out scanning waves that detect Defenders who move. Lion has two EE-ONE-D charges.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: V308 assault rifle | Sight: Holographic | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: P9
Gadget: Claymore
What makes Lion a strong operator?

EE-ONE-D forces Defenders to halt all movement if they are to avoid exposing their location to the Attackers
When EE-ONE-D is active, Attackers can advance their push while Defenders are isolated to minimal movement
EE-ONE-D provides intel
Lion power rating: 70/100


25. Vigil (B-Tier Defender)

Drones have minimal effect against Vigil, who has the ability to disrupt the face recognition capabilities on drones. While his ability, ERC-7 is active, Vigil remains invisible to drones and cameras, although while near him drone video feed will show frequency waves indicating he is nearby.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 3
Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: K1A submachine gun | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: SMG-12 | Sight: Holographic | Grip: Vertical
Gadget: Impact grenade
What makes Vigil a strong operator?

Vigil can roam effectively using his ability ERC-7 to conceal his position from Attacker drones
If a fire fight goes south, using his speed and ability, Vigil can easily rotate around the map, using his impact grenades to create hatch or wall rotation holes to get the jump on his opponents
Vigil power rating: 71/100


24. Ying (B-Tier Attacker)

Ying can easily blind all Defenders who are camped in the objective or a room with her ability: Candela. The candela is a single cluster of flash grenades that releases several flash grenades. Ying can adjust the timer on the candela before deploying it, this creates a delay before the cluster of flash grenades are released.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: T-95 LSW LMG | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Angled
Secondary Weapon: Q-929
Gadget: Claymore
What makes Ying a strong operator?

Ying's fancy optics aren't just for show, it protects her from the flash released from her Candelas allowing her to run in amidst the flashes
Ying has no issues pushing directly into the objective using her Candelas effectively, would blind all Defenders within the area
Combined with breaching charges, she can open up unreinforced walls after sending in her candelas to blind the Defenders
Ying power rating: 72/100


23. Pulse (B-Tier Defender)

Pulse is a Defender that has the ability to detect heartbeats with his Cardiac Sensor, revealing to him where they are. The cardiac sensor can detect Attackers through walls but the range is limited. While equipped with the sensor, Pulse does not have access to any of his weapons, he must unequip the sensor and equip his gun.  

Operator Stats:

Speed: 3
Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: UMP45 | Sight: Holographic | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: 5.7 USG | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Gadget: Nitro Cell
What makes Pulse a strong operator?

Pulse can often play below the objective and use his Cardiac Sensor to find where Attackers are pressing an attack and use a nitro cell to eliminate them by blowing up the floor from beneath
Using his Cardiac Sensor Pulse can also place general pings on the direction or area that the Attackers are pushing to alert his teammates
Pulse power rating: 72/100


22. Maverick (B-Tier Attacker)

Maverick is an Attacker with an offensive ability called Breaching Torch. Using the breaching torch, he can open any number of murder hole(s) and hatches that are either reinforced or unreinforced. The breaching torch runs on canisters and has a short range, once the canisters are fully depleted Maverick no longer has access to the torch.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 3
Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: M4 assault rifle | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Flash Hider | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: 1911 TACOPS | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Gadget: Claymore
What makes Maverick a strong operator?

Three-speed and high utility torch that can destroy reinforced walls, Maestro's Evil Eyes, cameras, or just about anything
Maverick is a great fit with hard breachers such as Thermite and Hibana as he can destroy Bandit's Shock charges and Mute's Signal disruptors
Maverick power rating: 73/100


21. Caveira (B-Tier Defender)

Caveira is a Defender that can easily roam that map without being detected using her Silent Step ability. While in Silent Step, all of Caveira’s movements are silenced, this includes jumps, sprints, reloading and crouching.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 3
Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: SPAS 12 shotgun | Attachment: Laser Sight
Secondary Weapon: Luison
Gadget: Impact grenades
What makes Caveira a strong operator?

Caveira is a major threat to the attacking team if she finds an isolated Attacker, by interrogating the Attacker successfully she will have revealed the current location of all the other Attackers to her whole team
Her ability Silent Step makes her a lethal Defender, she can effectively roam the map with little noise
Caveira power rating: 74/100


20. Blackbeard (B-Tier Attacker)

Blackbeard is an Attacker with the Rifle-Shield ability. The rifle-shield is an attachment to Blackbeard’s primary weapon and serves as a shield against lethal headshots. The rifle-shield has a health bar, which is broken after a certain amount of damage. Blackbeard has two rifle-shields, once a rifle-shield is broken he can replace it.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: SR-25 | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Muzzle Brake | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: D-50
Gadget: Flashbangs
What makes Jaeger a strong operator?

In a headshot-equals-kills FPS, Blackbeard’s Rifle Shield makes him one of the best in gun fights
Blackbeard can hold tight angles and peek from windows and behind fixtures with little risk of receiving a headshot first
Blackbeard power rating: 74/100


19. Blitz (B-Tier Attacker)

Blitz is an Attacker who possesses a shield ability: Flash Shield. Blitz can sprint towards his targets while concealing his upper body, once close he can trigger the flash on his shield to blind and deafen targets.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: Flash Shield
Secondary Weapon: P12 | Attachment: Muzzle Brake | Attachment: Laser Sight
Gadget: Smoke grenades
What makes Blitz a strong operator?

Blitz is a strong entry fragger who can push Defenders who are roaming and isolated from their team, often getting early kills off these engagements.
Blitz can sprint while fully shielding his upper body, making him a tough Attacker to fight once he presses the attack.
With his Flash Shield, Blitz has five flash charges of which he can blind his opponents for an easy kill, more over if the Defender attempts to retreat Blitz will punish them by simply lowering his shield and using his pistol to gun them down.
Blitz power rating: 74/100


18. Jackal (B-Tier Attacker)

Jackal is an Attacker who can track down Defenders using his ability: Eyenox Model lll. Eyenox Model lll is a headgear that is equipped with tracking optics that locates targets by revealing and identifying recent footsteps. The tracked target is marked constantly until Jackal is dead or the tracking is placed on cooldown.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: C7E | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: ITA125
Gadget: Smoke grenades
What makes Jackal a strong operator?

Jackal’s ability has the sole purpose of countering any Defenders who are roaming the map.
Jackal’s mark on a tracked Defender is visible to all his teammates
Jackal power rating: 76/100


17. Bandit (B-Tier Defender)

Bandit is a Defender with an ability called Shock Wire. It’s a crude electrical device that electrifies other gadgets and will damage anything that comes into contact with it. Bandit is equipped with four shock wire devices.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 3
Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: MP7 | Sight: Compensator | Attachment: Compensator
Secondary Weapon: P12
Gadget: Barbed wire
What makes Bandit a strong operator?

Bandit's ability Shock wire, is a direct counter against those of Thermite and Hibana
Bandit is a flexible operator, he can be played aggressively as a roamer or passively Bandit tricking
Bandit power rating: 77/100


16. Echo (B-Tier Defender)

Echo is a Defender who has access to a hovering drone with his ability: Yokai. Yokai drones have the capability to release disorienting sonic bursts and also transmits video feed to Echo. Lastly, Yokai can mount onto flat surfaces on ceilings and camouflage itself.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 1
Armor: 3
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: MP5SD | Sight: ACOG | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: Bearing 9 | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator
Gadget: Shield
What makes Echo a strong operator?

Yokai provides intel on Attackers to his teammates
Yokai can effectively assist teammate roamers by disorienting Attackers
Yokai's sonic bursts can disrupt Attacker actions such as Thermite placing Exothermic charges, Attackers who are attempting to defuse a bomb, Attackers with shields will be forced to drop shield guards temporarily
Echo power rating: 80/100


15. Rook (B-Tier Defender)

Armor Pack Rook is a Defender that provides his whole team with access to an armor pack. When equipped with an armor pack, teammates that receive non-lethal damage will be in a down but not out state and can be revived by a teammate.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 1
Armor: 3
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: MP5 submachine gun | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Flash Hider | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon:
What makes Rook a strong operator?

Rook's armor pack is available to all of his teammates, it is important to note that any unused armor can be picked up by Attackers
With ACOG sights and three-armor stats, Rook has the perfect recipe of a strong anchor on defense 
Rook power rating: 83/100


14. Doc (B-Tier Defender)

Doc, as the name insists is a Defender equipped with the ability to heal and revive his teammates: Stim Pistol. With the Stim pistol he has three healing shots.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 1
Armor: 3
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: MP5 submachine gun | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Flash Hider | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: MK1 9mm pistol
Gadget: Barb wire
What makes Doc a strong operator?

With three stim shots, Doc can easily turn the tide of a gunfight in his favor as he can stim himself or another teammate back to full health.
With ACOG sights and three-armor stats, Doc as with Rook, has the perfect recipe of a strong anchor on defense 
Doc power rating: 84/100


13. Nomad (B-Tier Attacker)

An Attacker who has the ability: Airjab Launcher, which is a rifle attachment that shoots an adhesive repulsion device that detonates by proximity. This detonation knocks down any operator within its range.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: ARX200
Secondary Weapon: .44 Mag Semi-Auto
Gadget: Stun grenade
What makes Nomad a strong operator?

Nomad can protect an objective, such as the diffuser with her ability, she can plant the Airjab launcher near the diffuser which will push off any defenders who attempt to destroy it
Nomad can also clear a room with her ability, targeting common areas that the Defenders would be holding
Nomad power rating: 85/100


12. Jager (A-Tier Defender)

Jager is a Defender equipped with a grenade detecting system ability: Active Defense. His gadget will automatically intercept any grenades, flashbangs, or smokes thrown into their range and destroy them. ADS devices can only destroy up to six grenades. He can place the ADS devices on almost all surfaces and furnitures.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 3
Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: 416-C Carbine assault rifle | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon:
Gadget: Barbed wire
What makes Jager a strong operator?

With three speed and an above average assault rifle
Jager provides great roaming presence and threat, he can use this to his advantage to stall Attackers
ADS devices can directly counter Attackers such as Fuse and Ying whose abilities can be intercepted
Jaeger power rating: 84/100


11. Buck (A-Tier Attacker)

Buck is a versatile Attacker operator that can open up soft walls, floors, and windows using his ability: Skeleton key. Skeleton key allows Buck to toggle the under-barrel shotgun attachment on his primary weapon for a close ranged gun-out or to simply break open an unreinforced surface. Buck also has an access to grenades in his gadgets, in which he can toss in succession into areas from the breaches he’s opened up with his ability.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: C8-SFW assault rifle | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Flash Hider
Secondary Weapon: MK1 9mm pistol | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Gadget: Frag grenades
What makes Buck a strong operator?

The ability to quickly toggle between his under-barrel shotgun and assault rifle during a firefight
Ranged breaching of soft wall/floor/ceiling/hatch using his shotgun
Having access to frag grenades in conjunction with his ability makes for a strong attack from multiple angles
Buck power rating: 86/100


10. Thermite (A-Tier Attacker)

In any team strategy or composition, you most often will need a hard-breacher such as Thermite. He is an Attacker who provides a valuable hard-breaching ability known as Exothermic Charge. Thermite’s Exothermic charge will breach and open up any reinforced wall if it detonates successfully. He has access to two charges. Thermite players should be wary of where and when they place these charges to get the most impact and effect.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: 556XI assault rifle | Sight: ACOG | Grip : Vertical | Attachment: Flash Hider
Secondary: M45 MEUSOC pistol | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Gadget: Claymore
What makes Thermite a strong operator?

Thermite’s ability is always viable in any attack strategy and is a great way to force Defenders back
Providing wide entry points to push into the objective
Thermite power rating: 87/100


9. Valkyrie (A-Tier Defender)

Valkyrie is a Defender that is equipped with portable 360 cameras that can be placed on almost any wall or surface, providing vision of the map to her teammates. Valkyrie also has the ability to diligently place any of the cameras outside of the buildings where it will provide intel on Attacker's position and revealing who they are.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: MPX submachine gun | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Angled
Secondary: D-50 pistol
Gadget: C4 Nitro Cell
What makes Valkyrie a strong operator?

Valkyrie can do run-outs and potentially get an early kill on the Attackers with the intel she gains from her outside cameras
With a camera providing intel, Valkyrie can detonate a deadly C4 explosion on soft floors from a level below her Attackers
Her secondary, the Desert Eagle is a great gun with explosive damage in close quarters
Valkyrie power rating: 88/100


8. Capitao (A-Tier Attacker)

Capitao is an Attacker operator that has 3-speed with a high utility ability: Tactical Crossbow. The Tactical Crossbow comes with two types of ammo, smoke arrow and fire arrow. The smoke arrow provides an effective smokescreen that can provide your team with the means to press the attack onto the objective, plant a defuser, or to recover a hostage. The fire arrow can be used as a zoning tactic to keep the roaming defenders from retaking the objective or to simply pin down a defender that is holding a tough angle that is stalling your team’s push.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 3
Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: PARA-308 assault rifle | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary: PRB92 pistol
Gadget: Flashbang
What makes Capitao a strong operator?

Ability to assist team’s push with use of his smoke and fire arrows, not to mention flashbangs can be included in his loadout
Three speed, combined with his high ammo capacity M249 LMG
Capitao power rating: 89/100


7. Lesion (A-Tier Defender)

Lesion is a Defender that has the trap ability known as Gu Mines. At the start of any match Lesion can receive up to eight total Gu Mines if he survives until the end of the round. Gu Mines when stepped on by Attackers will trigger continuous poison damage and slow them down until they take it out. Gu Mines are only visible to Lesion.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: T-5 submachine gun | Sight: Holographic | Attachment: Compensator
Secondary: RG15 pistol | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Gadget: Impact grenade
What makes Lesion a strong operator?

Great gun with little recoil and decent damage
Placing up to all eight Gu Mines can effectively stall Attacker’s push
Gu Mines can effectively be used to provide Lesion intel of where his Attacker(s) position is
Lesion power rating: 90/100


6. Glaz (A-Tier Attacker)

Defenders, will want to take cover, Glaz is an Attacker operator who has the lethal ability to execute defenders from a distance with his OTs-03 sniper rifle. Along with his ability: Flip Sight, Glaz is able to toggle a magnification scope with sophisticated image sensors that outlines his targets even through smoke. Glaz’s marksman rifle can also destroy un-reinforced hatches and walls, providing him with lethal angles into an objective room.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: OTs-03 marksman rifle | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Secondary: GSH-18 handgun
Gadget: Smoke grenade
What makes Glaz a strong operator?

Ability to spot and eliminate defenders through smokes, peek holes and tight angles
Can hold long angles into objective rooms, such as watching the diffuser from a distance with minimum risk
Glaz power rating: 91/100


5. Maestro (A-Tier Defender)

Maestro has the ability: Evil Eye. Evil Eye is a remote-controlled bullet-proof camera armed with a high-energy laser that can shoot Attackers and devices. Maestro is equipped with two Evil Eyes that he can mount on any flat surface.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 1
Armor: 3
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: Alda 5.56 LMG | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: Keratos | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Gadget: Barbed wire
What makes Maestro a strong operator?

As with Yokai, Maestro's Evil Eye turret can also directly disrupt Attacker actions
Evil Eye turret can destroy Thermite's Exothermic charges, Hibana pellets and drones
Evil Eye also provides valuable intel on Attackers
Attackers are prone to Evil Eye turret damage if they do not dispose it
Maestro power rating: 93/100


4. Finka (A-Tier Attacker)

With her advanced nanobot technology, Finka’s ability Adrenal Surge takes the form of nanobots that grants her team a brief HP surge and instantly revives any allies in the down-but-not-out state.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: Spear .308 assault rifle | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary Weapon: PMM
Gadget: Frag grenades
What makes Finka a strong operator?

Finka's Adrenaline surge provides her whole team with a competitive edge in gun fights
She can remotely revive any downed teammate instantly
Not to mention, Finka has access to frag grenades and an LMG as a primary weapon option
Finka power rating: 95/100


3. Smoke (A-Tier Defender)

If you are looking for a solid Defender operator, Smoke fills that role. As a well-rounded operator, he has the ability to inflict damage and deny direct entry into an objective with his ability: Remote Gas Grenade. Most Smoke players often almost play in the objective for the majority of a round in order to effectively use his entry denial gas grenades. The Remote Gas Grenades can be thrown and placed on almost any floor, wall, or ceiling surface.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: M590A1 pump action shotgun | Attachment: Red Dot
Secondary: SMG-11 machinegun pistol | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Gadget: Barbed wire
What makes Smoke a strong operator?

Smoke possesses three Remote Gas Grenades that lasts 10 seconds each, if timed and placed well, Smoke can easily delay the Attackers push for the 30 seconds of the round
With his M590A1 shotgun, Smoke can easily open up rotation holes in breakable soft walls and hatches to allow his teammates to re-take or flank Attackers pushing  onto an objective
We also can’t disregard the damage and fire rate of the SMG-11, although recent recoil rework has rendered it somewhat less effective, it is still one of the best SMGs in the game
By bringing barbed wire, this gadget heavily compliments Smoke’s entry denial toolkit as an anchor by providing movement hinderance if the Attackers push recklessly
Smoke power rating: 96/100


2. Mira (A-Tier Defender)

Mira is a Defender who can anchor in the objective room effectively with her ability: Black Mirror. As the name suggests, Black Mirror deploys a one-way bulletproof mirror on breakable and reinforced walls. Attackers have no visibility through the one-way mirror unless it is opened by taking out the canister, thus exposing a murder hole to both sides.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 1
Armor: 3
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: Vector .45 ACP submachine gun | Sight: Holographic | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary: ITA12S shotgun
Gadget: C4 Nitro Cell
What makes Mira a strong operator?

Mira has a strong defensive presence as an anchor, if attackers approach a Black Mirror carelessly, Mira can punish them through any of the murder holes she’s created either around the mirror or by opening the mirror
The Vector .45 ACP has a high rate of fire and Mira can continuously spam her peek fire with no risk with reloading
If strategically timed, Mira can toss a C4 over or through any opened Black Mirror and deny the Attackers from planting the defuser
Mira power rating: 98/100

1. Zofia (A-Tier Attacker)

Zofia is an Attack Operator that brings a viable breaching and disabling utility with her ability: KS79 Lifeline. Equipped with impact and concussion grenades, Zofia can destruct non-reinforced walls, hatches and Castle barricades. Once opened, she can punish unwary defenders with a concussion grenade, rendering their ability to hear and see clearly for a short duration.

Operator Stats:

Speed: 2
Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:

Primary Weapon: M762 assault rifle | Sight: ACOG | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical
Secondary: RG15 pistol | Attachment: Muzzle Brake
Gadget: Claymore
What makes Zofia a strong operator?

She has the ability to recover herself from the down-but-not-out state
Ranged breaching of soft wall/floor/ceiling/hatch
Zofia players can chain and time her point of attack effectively with her impact and concussion grenades
Zofia power rating: 98/100


So, there you have it, the current top to low tier Rainbow 6 Siege Operators. Most of these Operators have definitely seen continued success in the most recent seasons and will most likely maintain po[CENSORED]rity amongst several teams in the Pro League competitive play. With Operation: Wind Bastion finally available, it will be interesting to see how all of these operators are adapted.

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