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Reduce the use of salt and the consumption of foods with a high sodium content. To replace it use condiments of all kinds (pepper, parsley, chili, paprika, oregano). Decrease salt consumption prevents hypertension, vascular and kidney diseases, among others.

Limit the consumption of sugary drinks and foods with a high fat, sugar and salt content.

Restrict the consumption of butter, margarine, animal fat and milk cream.

Consume milk, yogurt or cheese daily, preferably skimmed.

When consuming meats remove visible fat, increase fish consumption and include egg.

Incorporate legumes, preferably whole grains, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn or cassava into the diet.

Consume raw oil as a condiment, dried fruits or seeds.

- Incorporate daily food of all groups and perform at least 30 minutes of physical activity

- Make 4 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner) include vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals, milk, yogurt or cheese, eggs, meats and oils

- Perform moderate or continuous physical activity every day to maintain an active life

- Eat calm, if possible accompanied and moderate the size of the portions

- Choose prepared foods at home instead of processed

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