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Entering the CS

Solito/Im Alone

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  • Your Nickname: Estoy Solito(JAJAJAJAJAJA)
  • Your Problem: problems when entering the CS
  • Screenshot: I need a solution for this, every time a map change is made, I tend to get that error, and I have to enter manually, because it does not allow me to do anything else, if someone can tell me how to correct it I would appreciate it From the soul, I have that for a long time.


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You have to delete the registry files.
At first close Steam.
press windowsbutton + R
type in the field regedit
then delete the valve folders.
Hkey_Current_User\software\valve\ <--delete valve folder
Hkey_Local_Machine\software\valve\ <--delete valve folder.

now start steam.

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Hello my friend,

i know what it feels like if someone can't access his favourite server for a lot of time. The possible solutions that i can tell you is that

  • Reinstall Cs 1.6, if that does not work.. 
  • Verify integrity of game files, if that does not work..
  • Then do the following:

1: Launch the game

2: Type ` in the keyboard which will lead you to console

3: Write in console cl_timeout "99999"

4: Click submit or enter and then Close

Thank you for reading this, I hope it solved your following problem.


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it s problem in ur connection u have a lag 

u can fix it with 

  1. download this https://www.mediafire.com/file/vrz28zm6ow339sw/ryufps.cfg   and write in console exec ryufps.cfg
  2.  or put in console cl_timeout 999999
  3.  or fix ur wifi problem
  4.  if dount work pm me 

Regards H@Cker

Edited by ▲ ✘ ♣Ret H@Ckerr♣™ ✘ ▲
Problem will solved
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hello dear @Solito/Im Alone

this problem have been and in highlifezm to , so you cant do annything , there is problem of addons , about this try to talk with founder of your sv , and founder of that sv need to send msg to sethhh. for to slove this problem i think.

i hoppe my answer here help you ,couse that problem isnt by your pc or annything other by your wishes , is by addons of sv. this problem have happent to all as in sv highlifezm , and there we got helped when them remove some addons like when them remove unlitimed clips , join auto etc.

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Hello Mr @Solito/Im Alone ,   

Well i always face this problem , and i solve it by entering simple command in console before connecting to the server ,

All you have to do is to open your console and type : 

cl_timeout 999999

Like other member's said in previous posts , And what matters is that you should enter this command also :

fs_lazy_precache 1

By entering this command i always find solutions , for fake client/ timeout / .. and several connection crushes.

I hope this helps you.

Good luck.

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Go Press "Ctrl+Alt+Delete" and press "start task manager" after that find "explorer.exe" the select him press end processes after that go in right top corner it say "APPLICATIONS" Then select "new task"  and write explore.exe.

This should help you... 



Do this if your internet is not good. 

Or this problem is about your net.. myb your net is not to good so try to fox your net...chack modem cable and other stuf..

If that all this dont work try to do this: Click start menu  go in control panel then Network and Internet after that Network And Sharing Centre and find new Local Area

I hope this will help you if no send me message on ts we will try something else 


Edited by #king 0F DARK
copy @right
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Listen to me now just follow what i will say and problem will be solved.

Go Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and press start task manager after that find explorer.exe the select him press end processes after that go in right top corner it say "APPLICATIONS" Then select "new task"  and write explore.exe.

This should help you...


Do this if your internet is not good. 

Or this problem is about your net.. myb your net is not to good so try to fox your net...chack modem cable and other staf..

If that all this dont work try to do this: Click start menu  go in control panel then Network and Internet after that Network And Sharing Centre and find new Local Area

I hope this will help you if no send me message on ts we will try something else :) 

Edited by SoRrY.
x2 warn // [Post-hunt] (READ RULES)
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ok gentlemen, I have a wide range of actions to solve my problem, I will try to do the things they told me one by one to see if it works, I thank all those who contributed the grain of sand, will warn you in time that has happened , many gras and happy Christmas

Edited by SMOKE™
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