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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕





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csblackdevil.com / ts.csblackdevil.com / ts3.csblackdevil.com = same thing, you can connect to our ts3 server using all.

The problem still persist? Try to connect with this address: core-g1.ts3.ro:9184

It should work.

hope to understand dear :)

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Good Morning
the problem may come from your internet being slow
also may be that there are versions of ts3 that are not compatible as in my case I have to use a ts3 old version

If the problem continues try to log in later.

I hope I have helped



If you still face problem ,i advise you to use this ip, i faced same problem and its solved by using ip

Good luck


but installs the ts3 but installs it in another folder because if you install it in the same it would seem like the same problem






Hello Jordan your ip that you write was a little bit wrong 

To fix it write to connection :


Good Luck 


Host not found means your computer can't resolve the IP for this address.

This happens when ip has been changed and the DNS service isn't updated yet. 

But this isnt your case because host name isnt changed.

Try with ts3.csblackdevil.com / or with MAYUS

It is a little problem, will be solved fast

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Hello, check your internet connection first because if ts doesn't have the required speed will show  you that " Failed to connect to server ". If your net is the problem doesn't matter if you write ip, or TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM. Or maybe is a minor server problem, maybe in that time server has a slow connection and + your slow net will appear that type of error. Please get in touch with me via PM to help you more.

Posted (edited)

Hello sir i hop you are doing fine try with ts.csblackdevil.com or ts3.csblackdevil.com


Edited by -Sn!PeR-
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Hi there

ah , Let me guess ........... Have you running Firewall [Packet Filer] scripts which is blocking UDP Ports [User Datagram Protocol] ?

Check your Gateway and DNS Server setting ... If they are correct then change them to somthing wrong and then change them to their Current Values 

Back as it is 

Either way you can check you TS3'S Troubleshoot compatibility if there something is wrong pc will warn you is that 

Try to download TS3 Version which Compatible with your PC [x32 , x64 , x86] 

and try to join IP'S which is given up ! 

Posted (edited)
On ‎31‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 9:12 PM, Legends ♛ said:

Hello man i hope you are fine..

Listen dont type " TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM'  "

Just copy this TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM and try to connect that must work if not try to reinstal ts... if that dont work send me pm and we will solve it :) 


On ‎01‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 0:04 AM, _skyrem_ said:

Hello, check your internet connection first because if ts doesn't have the required speed will show  you that " Failed to connect to server ". If your net is the problem doesn't matter if you write ip, or TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM. Or maybe is a minor server problem, maybe in that time server has a slow connection and + your slow net will appear that type of error. Please get in touch with me via PM to help you more.

Hello, having all these solutions that have been given to you, you should also know that anyone with a somewhat obsolete internet connection has problems connecting to ts3, this also influences the IP address in some countries that very few are but they can not be impossible either. If your problem has not been resolved completely please let it know

Topic closed for avoid Futures [post-hunts]

Thanks to everyone for your replies

Edited by _skyrem_
Due to inactivity of the member which requested help, topic will be closed in 2 days.
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