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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕





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  • Your Nickname: Devino
  • Your Problem: I can't see photos of icon from team speck 3 
  • Screenshot: p_553uv16z1.jpg 
  • I love it 1


Its Seem that your TeamSpeak is Crahed try to uninstall your Teamspeak3 and Install it again i hope it will be work

See this click here if u want to change icons 

Posted (edited)

You Dont need to change icons, just delet your current ts3 (all folders) and clear temp, then re-download again from here

and it will work 100%

Edited by eXpLoReRs
Warn x2 / Post-hunt

A new version of TS3 i.e. Update has come, so maybe the icons are not being shown until updated. [My icons also were shown after i updated]

If it doesnt work then might follow what @Kyter said

  • I love it 4
Posted (edited)

Ts3 founders made a new update of icons so make sure that u have the lastest version of ts3 from the official website , just unistall it and download it again from here and install it.

I hope that will work for u , if not , contact me in ts3 , i am always online in ts3 help channel.

Edited by _L0rd_
2x Warning Points/post-hunt
  • I love it 1

Hello Mr @Devino 

During the beta TeamSpeak changed the way that permissions are displayed by default. The new changes were made because about 90% of all TeamSpeak 3 hosting companies will block the majority if not all of the advanced permissions and only let you have a minimal amount of control. Therefore the TeamSpeak developers made a user friendly version of the TeamSpeak permissions with only the most used permissions that most hosting companies use. 

We believe that what other hosting companies are doing is wrong. You are paying for a server and it belongs to you. You should have FULL control. To see advanced permissions follow these steps in your client.

  1. Go to settings in the toolbar
  2. Click on the options tab (you can also just press Alt+P if using windows)
  3. Once you are in your options dialog on the left-hand side you will see tabs. The very top one says "Application" click on this.
  4. In the Misc section you will see a box for "Advanced permissions system" make sure this box is checked.
  5. Press the apply button in the bottom right and then "Ok" to close the options window.



For quite awhile now, if you install Teamspeak you will not get the icons that show classes and commanders next to people's names. This is due to an issue on the server where it won't send them to you. If you have the icons the server is supposed to send, you can manually install them.
To start, you need to click the start button and type %appdata% in the run box.

From here, Go to Roaming > TS3Client > cache > S005b041ak9CK1doUE5obFJzdGJpbnRKVEU0PQ== > icons
The path to here should look something like : C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\TS3Client\cache\S005b041ak9CK1doUE5obFJzdGJpbnRKVEU0PQ==\icons
This is where each icon is downloaded and stored by the server. These can also be manually installed if you have the files. 

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10882408/icons.zip > CLICK
Download this file, It contains the icon files from when the server did download everything.
Unzip it and open the folder. Inside it is a folder called icons. You want to merge the files with the existing icon folder.
To copy these, open the contents of the .zip next to the icon folder you opened previously as shown below. Just select all and drag them over. If it asks if you want to overwrite, click no


The icons should appear in Teamspeak within seconds. I do get a few errors here and there. However, those are from guild channel icons that are not that important.


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