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Complaint Staff Super-moderators

ISI Sajawal

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recently , i reported Thousands post-hunts and off-topics double-posts and excessive size-font and ETC ...

but daily i see none moderators take action on them , it's completely clear there is  double-post there or ... , i see super-moderators visiting the reported topic but they leave without any action

i just see sometimes PULSE works with hiding topics but others do nothing , this is a problem and related to CSBD community so i opened topic for it here , i want know why staff of moderators do nothing ?

i always see this , but today when i gave a link to a super-moderator on TS and he did nothing , it really made me mad ,

if their job is to care for forum why they don't do their JOB ?? why they don't punish abusers ??

this is complaint from me and maybe from many others ...

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A SM don`t need to lock a complaint on StreetZM , StreetZM have it`s owners , who can manage the forum. I see this topic as an offence heading to CSBD`s staff.

I will give you a verbal warn today , but , next time when you will act like this , you will be banned.

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