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Nu ai inteles intrebarea,ce bitraid are windowsul tau,driverele sunt pentru wondows de 32 bit ?


Incearca sa iti bagi alt Windows, XP-u e invechit, poate in Windows 7 sau 8 iti va merge. Zic si eu.


Windows-ul nu are nicio legatura.



Mai multe sugestii aveti? Ceva idei?


Deschide Task Manager si opreste procesele ce folosesc acest program sau par dubioase sau dai un restart la PC, dar prima si prima data sa-ti pui acel installer pe desktop, si dupa ce ai dat restart intra direct in installer, fara sa deschizi alte programe.


Ce ziceam, Windows XP Service Pack 3 este cel mai bun XP si s-ar putea sa mearga, daca il ai si nu merge chiar nu am nici o idee deci instaleaza-ti alt windows.



When you reinstall your window you got many problems and bugs in your windows and that let you not install NVIDIA !


Give Dial-A-Fix a try. No installation needed, just run the Dial-a-fix.exe.
Click on the double green check marks, then click on GO.

When it completes, reboot and try the install again.

From their web site:
DAF's primary philosophy is to fix problems by setting various things back to their original Microsoft defaults



A video for more help



Good Luck

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