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Racism and Bullying (PLEASE WATCH)


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Our gaming community shoudn`t discuse subjects about racism. Every one hate some people, but is their problem. I hate few people too but I don`t need to discuse that here. The people that I hate them, I guess that I`m not the only one who hates them, yes, I hate islamists, don`t judge me, all roumanians hate them and their "judgement" :)) . And.. I hate politicians too and.. do not forget about hungaryans.


Yes :| , forgive me cuz i had my point of wiew

Regards, rusu-- , the bad guy .

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Our gaming community shoudn`t discuse subjects about racism. Every one hate some people, but is their problem. I hate few people too but I don`t need to discuse that here. The people that I hate them, I guess that I`m not the only one who hates them, yes, I hate islamists, don`t judge me, all roumanians hate them and their "judgement" :)) . And.. I hate politicians too and.. do not forget about hungaryans.


Yes :| , forgive me cuz i had my point of wiew

Regards, rusu-- , the bad guy .

If you hate islamist then you hate half of the world.And In that half is me too.

We were not asking what you hate , or what I hate but about the video.

Althought , I made lots of games with friends of teamspeaks calling each other "ni**a" was just a joke.

I respect black people a lot , I meet a lot of black people and belive me , are not all the same.

As you hate hungarians for that "transilvania" terrytorie and blabla your are discriminating them too.

What if you go to hungary , what do you think you would do?


I am trying to say that to say No to racizem ,and bully sucks.

I have never been bullied , but i have never bulled anybody.

But the worst , is when i saw someone getting bullied , I just saw it and enjoy it.

And I already regret what I did.


We shouldn't hat eeach other by country or even by belivs.

As longs as I never discriminated in my life any catholic or othodox , you should do the same for islamist rusu.

But the worst thing is that you are saying that all romanians hate them.

I dont belive this , I am 100% sure that you are the only one , cuz as long as I respected them , i am sure that every each of them , respected my religion too.

Edited by Mr.ShKoDrA
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Well, maybe you don`t understand me well. I don`t have a problem with muslims, black people or hungaryans, I disagree with IS ,Al-Quaeda, Hamas, etc..  , same stor with hungaryans, they are good people but when it comes about our land.. sorry I`ll die for deffending Transilvannia. About the black people.. we have a lot of them in Roumania and they seems to be smarter than most of white people, so.. , don`t understand me wrong.

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By Islamist , I understood , everyone who is muslim , what you called "judgment" is our belive. The terrorist cells have nothing to do with the islamist as you called. Kuran , never told to kill people. You should have expresed your self in another way .

But althought i understand yu , I have seen a lot of videos of people in the USA discriminating the muslims and I dont blame you.

"As we muslims are terrorist for the Americans , once was the Americans the terrorist for the british".

May you apologyse me , If I misunderstood your words but please , be careful what you write , some people like me could understand wrong what you set.


P.S : About the hungarians I dont blame you at all , As you have problems with your neighbour , we have too with ours.

Edited by Mr.ShKoDrA
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I hate islamists,

If 1 or 10 or 100 people are bad doesn't mean all muslims are bad !

There are also bad people in Romania so i need to hate all of them ? no

Bad people are everywhere we can't change what they think and what they do !


We are not bad, and who hate as i don't care !

We give love to people, who are killing people are stupid people !

You can't blame all muslims for this !


In Quran you will not read that we need to kill people this is just bad people who start this !


Give as respect you will get respect back

But if you don't respect as then don't expect respect !!!


I am proud to be a muslim !!

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c'mon guys we started talking about bullying and we ended talking about islamics, muslims terrosrist blabla? 

if this kind of topics starts fight between us, i suggest to close this international forum, you are giving a bad image to the community or to who visits it !!

everybody will think we are all haters of the world while we all joined here just searching for a bit fun, relax guys

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