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  • Descriere a problemei: Doresc sa realizez un logo, asemanator CSBD, insa la text nu reusesc sa fac din brush un sarpe pe litera "R" (precum este la C din CSBD).

Poze: 5n81n7.jpg

Alte detalii: Probabil este font ceea ce cer eu, insa sunt newbie in PS :)). Multumesc!



I advise you to download this logo nWbL890.png

Then open this logo in Photoshop


After this open this tool 8PwGjbp.jpg


And select head of "C" and make a new layer of that.

Then hold the click on the head of "C" (The new layer you made) pull it too where you want to put it



PS: If you don't understand me then watch this video




Good Luck


Pentru a face un sarpe din acel R, iti trebuie imaginatie, cum si ce sa iti iasa, daca nu, poti vizita google si sa iti iei idei, dar fara rip.

De obicei, aceste logo-uri se fac in Illustrator, dar se pot practica si in Photoshop dar mai greu.


To make a snake in that R, you need imagination , how and what you get out , if not, you can visit Google and take your ideas, but no rip .
Typically, these logos are made in Illustrator, but can be practiced in Photoshop but harder .

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