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Shame on you. The brother of prime-minister of Albania drives the drone. Politics stuffs stop a nice fotball game.Isn`t anough war ?

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Policy should not be included in a football game. It's just a game, not a boxing ring.

And it is right to use a drone to a football game?

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There is a silent world war

War is very very bad

Just innocent people die for nothing

If any of your family member has been killed for no reason that hurts

Example: if i kill someone then his family will kill me then my family will start kill his family his family is killing my family his fruends my family my friends kill there friends kill his friends and family lmore blood more and more

You can let cry someone very fast

But its not easy to bring smile on someone face


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you open a topic with name "we are proud for Albania" why you dont talk for youself while de oter people from Albania are shame of dis you are here an opening a topic for for something dat you should be a shame.. i dont blame you for something bad dat you did you are just a kid who dodnt understand much.



have a nice day

  • I love it 3
Posted (edited)

you open a topic with name "we are proud for Albania" why you dont talk for youself while de oter people from Albania are shame of dis you are here an opening a topic for for something dat you should be a shame.. i dont blame you for something bad dat you did you are just a kid who dodnt understand much.



have a nice day

If you have every got to school then what the fu** cant he say we !?

he was not talking about you , He was talking about we albanians and soo 

administrator , moderator say shame on use !?

shame on us because was one flag where our players was playing and 1000 serbian flags

shame on us because the serbians wanted to burn again the flag like in 2010 on Italy !?

shame on us because a serbian come and hit one of our best players !? 

shame on us because the ficking police hit our players

Hater gona HATE !


Shame on serbia and i do not care about what are you talking about

we are not the one witch taked this politicaly

when our national song was playing why all the serbians did "boooooo" !? huh


the nationalism was of the serbains and not from us and

Shqipria Etinike asht e vertet mor pilluca


We  got up our flag in Vlore at 1912 and now in Begrad at 2014 and noone cant say  Nothing !!!!

If it will be really shame for we albanians then why fifa gave to albania 3 full points !?


Look at this guy V3Rsii

"Have a nice day" - you are kidding me !? you set to him kid !? that you think your self more mature

what will you do if another persone say that your country never exists !?

what will you say !?

If he set that we are proud to be albanians and we are proud of it and he Told ALBANIANS 


What the fu** then you want in this topic !?


After all " shame is somthing that noone considerate when is talking about his love "



Shame on you. The brother of prime-minister of Albania drives the drone. Politics stuffs stop a nice fotball game.Isn`t anough war ?


What war !? war is done , kosovo is free

Albanian is Kosova , Kosova is albania

you should say shame to serbians that they fu***** shot the players with their stuff


He set to revo you ar ejust a kid that do not understnat what the fu**


You do not understant how suffering is to see somebody saying that we have you when they do not

you dont know how soffering was watching our brothers and sisters killed by the serbian police at the war of kosova and serbia

You should be the one that should not speak

NONE of you

Edited by Ionuţ @ CSBD
calm down or i will warn you.
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