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Toti pasi de mai jos sunt testati de mine pe un Intel core i5 la 3.0 GHz , 6GB rami DDR3 , placa video Nvidia GeForce GTX 670 2 GB cu 320 bit DDR5 , inainte sa folosesc acest tutorial aveam 60-80 de fps iar acum am 120-130 .

Setari PC

1)Start > Run > msconfig > startup > debifam tot ce nu vrem sa porneasca cu windows

2) Start > Run > msconfig > services > bifati "hide all microsoft services" / apoi debifati tot


3) Start > Run > msconfig > boot > Bifati "No Gui Boot" > Timeout: "10 Seconds" > Advanced options > Bifati /NUMPROC= si setati cate corurii are procesoru vostru daca aveti 1 selectai 1 daca aveti 2 selectati 2


4) click dreapta "My Computer" dati click "Properties" > advanced settings > Performance Settings > Adjust for best performance


5) Setari placa video , Este valabil doar pentru utilizatori de NVIDIA NU si ATI
Nvidia Control Panel > 3D Settings > si dam tot ce se poate selecta OFF punem oFF iar la "Texture Filtering" punem neaparat High performance si "Vertical sync" neaparat "force off"
Nvidia Control Pane > Adjust Image Settings > punem Performance !


6) Start > run > %temp% > Delete la toate (nu intrati in panica daca 1 sau 2 nu pot fi sterse)

7) Start > disk cleanup

8) Instalare Game Booster = inchide procesele inutile pentru a mari fps-ul in timpul jocului [CS:GO], apasand "Switch Gaming Mode" apoi cand iesiti din joc "Switch to normal Mode" (cum era inainte).. -->Download<---

Setari Joc

1) Intram in joc HELP & OPTIONS > VIDEO SETTINGS si bagam urmatoarele satari din poza de mai jos nu sunteti obligati sa rulati jocu in rezolutia 800x600




2) si un cfg bunicel -->Download<--

  • I love it 5
Guest CocaCola™

can you make a translate English please ?


can you make a translate English please ?



This is my version of the tutorial in English:



Just a tutorial on how to boost your fps in game for CS:GO. All these tips I'm about to give should help increase your fps in game CS and other games as well.
1. Start  Run  msconfig  startup  disable everything (I disable everything that starts up on my computer)
2. Start  Run  msconfig  services  check "hide all microsoft services" then disable everything
3. Start  Run  msconfig  boot  Check "No Gui Boot Timeout: "10 Seconds Advanced options  Click of number of processors and scroll down, I have 2 so what ever you have just click on it and hit apply once you finish.
4. Start  Right click "Computer" and hit "Properties advanced settings  Performance Settings  Adjust for best performance.
5. Start  Right click "Computer" and hit "Manage All the way on the bottom of the screen "Services Applications Services  Windows Search (double click→ disabled.
6. Start  control panel  hardware and sound  power options  High performance.
7. Start  control panel  search box type "uac turn it off.
8. NVIDIA USERS (Not sure how ATI works) but go to control panel and make sure it's on "performance" not on quality.
9. Restart your computer
10. Once booted up, cleaned your computer, delete some files you need in each folder for ex: download,pictures, etc. Uninstall programs you don't need (delete the folder as well) Or if you want just reformat your computer.
11. Start up your browser  cleaned your history.
12. Start  run  %temp%  delete all the files (1-2 files can't be deleted so don't panic)
13. Start  disk cleanup  make sure to check all the boxes  more options  "System Restore and Shadow Copies" hit cleaned up and wait for it  once done hit OK.
14. "Delete your CSGO Folder  Steam  Steamapps  Common  Counter-Strike Global Offensive  CSGO (If you want to save anything in the folderDemosMaps,Screenshots, do so before deleting it.) The reason for deleting the CSGO folder is to get rid of all your skinsmodscheats, whatever crap you have in there needs to be gone. If you would like to keep all those, skip this step.
15. Right click Steam icon  Library  Right Click on Counter-Strike Global Offensive in library  Properties  Local Files  Verify Integrity of Game Cache (This will download a clean base for the game to start from.)
16. Right click the game on the library of steam then hit properties then go to local files and click "set launch options" and just copy/paste this on the box "-novid" and hit okay. (This will skip the intro videos at the beginning of the game.)
17. Once done start up CS:GO and go to video settings and copy my settings (You don't need to play on 800x600, try out different resolution.)
18. Once you have my Video settings you should go to open up console and type "net_graph 1" to see your fps. I usually just keep the net_graph 1 on my screen because I don't mind it being on the screen and I can care less.
19. You don't have to play on 800x600, some players just like playing at low resolution. 
For those of you that like a modified crosshair, there is a CS:GO Crosshair Generator I found on Google.
CS:GO Rates: These rates you can just type right into console, and are extreamly useful. 
rate "80000"cl_cmdrate "128"cl_updaterate "128"cl_interp "0"cl_interp_ratio "1"
Some things that can help:
Disk Defragment - Windows Disk Defragmenter isnt really that great. One of the most popular and usefull 3rd party Disk Defragmenter application I have been using for years isDefraggler. It will replace your Windows Defragmenter but it is way better: http://www.piriform.com/defraggler
Disk Cleaner - Just like Windows Disk Defragmenter, Windows Disk Cleaner isnt that great either. The same company that provides Defraggler provides it's own version ofWindows Disk Cleaner called CCleaner: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner
I hope I was helpful.
  • I love it 6
  • 1 month later...

Daca doriti sa aveti FPS-UL fix:


  1. Intrati in joc si asigurativa ca aveti Multicore Rendering: Enabled (Il gasiti la Settings/Video/Video Advanced
  2. Intrati in Director(unde aveti cs instalat)/Steam/Steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/cfg
  3. Deschide-ti video.txt si aici editati "setting.mat_queue_mode" din -1 sau cat aveti in 2
  4. Salvati apoi click dreapta pe video.txt Proprietati si bifati Read-Only apoi dati Ok.
  5. Deschideti Steam dati la Games/View Games Library, aici click dreapta pe CS:GO Properties/Set launch options
  6. In set launch options adaugati -threads 2 , -threads 4 sau -threads 6 threads inseamnand numarul de nuclee


Daca ai 2 nuclee pui 2, daca ai 4 nuclee, pui 4 si tot asa.


Eu de exemplu am Intel i3 3220 3.3GHz IvyBridge si am pus -threads 4 deoarece procesorul are 2 nuclee fizice si 2 virtuale.

  • 2 weeks later...
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