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  1. ¤ Nick: taishaxn ¤ Grade: pre manager ¤ New Tag: MidnightPearl
  2. ¤ Your Name: pulse - Jekssz ¤ Accused Admin: Inmortal ¤ Time And Date: 20/12/2024, ‏‎22:59 ¤ Reason Of The Report: Ele falou para mim remover a LM, mas não era minha. Em seguida ele a destruio a LM, claramente era visivel que era de outro player, pois informou quando ele destruio a LM "Inmortal destroy Drugs Laser Mine", ainda assim ele me matou. Even if the LM was mine, there is no rule that forces me to remove it to another player after the round starts ¤ Proof: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N5BkFHHvEovvEaEsG15OnyG-Dgm0kVDI/view?usp=sharing
  3. ¤ Your Name : Cronos ¤ Admin reported : 3dystan__markeloff ¤ Thetime And Date : Today, 24/11/24, around 11:20 P.M.(bad language) and 22/11/24, around 11:00 A.M. ¤ Reason : -I am writing to formally report an admin who is abusing their commands and demonstrating inappropriate behavior towards players. - Today he called me and others "stupid players". 2 Days ago abused amx according to the proof. - In the screenshots provided, the admin abused the slay command by punishing player X in the next round for destroying the laser at the end of the previous round. This action clearly shows excessive zeal driven by personal conflicts with the player. According to the server rules, any punishment should be applied in the round when the incident occurred, making this sanction entirely unjustified and against the established guidelines. - This admin often refers to players as "stupid" and engages in verbal disputes with them instead of fulfilling their designated responsibilities as an admin. Such actions reflect a lack of maturity and a disrespectful attitude toward the player base. Additionally, their behavior suggests a sense of superiority, as they insult us freely and disregard the standards expected of someone in their position. I kindly ask you to investigate this matter and take appropriate action to ensure a fair and respectful gaming environment for all players. Thank you for your attention to this matter. ¤ Proof (Pictures / videos 😞: Click : - Abusing amx and disrespectful Click: - Even though I was AFK for 2 minutes, the admin should have used the slay command or another appropriate action, not resorted to insulting me! -Admin lcD was online at the time and can confirm that the slay command was abused in this situation. Even after being given a logical explanation about why their actions were incorrect, the admin continued to behave in the same manner. Additionally, the admin showed disrespect towards a higher-ranking staff member, lcD, when they tried to explain that their actions were incorrect. Instead of acknowledging their mistake, the admin dismissed the feedback and continued to act improperly. I hope that in the future, there will be better admins who perform their duties correctly and demonstrate maturity. I want to enjoy playing without worrying about being insulted or having someone abuse their commands, creating an unpleasant and unsatisfying gaming environment. P.S.: I am making this report because I care about the server and want it to be a pleasant and enjoyable environment for everyone. Thank you! 🤗
  4. ¤ Your Name : Cronos ¤ Admin reported : Angel of Death ¤ Thetime And Date : Around 15:00 P.M. ¤ Reason : I am reporting this admin because they have repeatedly violated the rules and act as if they are exempt from them due to their admin rank. Despite being warned numerous times not to use the jetpack in sniper mode, he/she have been deliberately ignoring the warnings and continue to use it inappropriately. This behavior is disrespectful and goes against the server rules, showing a clear disregard for the guidelines that apply to everyone. ¤ Proof (Pictures / videos 😞 : DEMO Angel of Death 20/11/2024/ 15:00 P.M.
  5. Your Nickname: Mr.Ares Your Age : 22 How you could help us a Devil harmony member ? : I love the project and I want to help in the project and bring people into the project and help anyone here How much you rate Devil harmony project from 1 - 10 ? :10%10 Other information about your request ?: - Last request link : first
  6. ¤ Your Name:Kingslayer ¤ Accused Player: / ¤ Time And Date: IDK when this happened ¤ Reason Of The Report: why i was kicked? ¤ Proof:https://ibb.co/nwzpQ1L
  7. ¤ Your Name:ExploitSv ¤ Accused Player: ShAd0W ¤ Time And Date: Just now ¤ Reason Of The Report: Speed Hack ¤ Proof: https://ibb.co/8zWn7Tc https://ibb.co/54bB0ZQ
  8. ¤ Your Name : Meryouma ❤️ ¤ Admin reported : Mr TOOT ¤ Thetime And Date : date -03/09/2024- Time - now ¤ Reason : _ Bought 2 mod in one map ! ZM_FODA _ dont respect the rules please read the rules MAIN RULE THAT WE MUST ALL FOLLOW AND RESPECT. ¤ Proof (Pictures / videos 😞
  9. This mod will be a very fun mod and the players will happy whene they play it This skin nice for human mod and it will be better if we add to him abilities like speed etc And this gun for the mod : https://cs-maker.ru/counter-strike/zombie-plague/extra_items/ The skin downlod link : https://www.gamemodd.com/cs/skinsplayers/terror/2010-general-grievous.html
  10. ¤ Your Name: ALDKRORY ¤ Accused Admin: Zu. ¤ Time And Date: A few minutes ago - 7-26-2024 ¤ Reason Of The Report: I was accused of something I did not do and was punished for no reason ¤ Proof: Attached video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZCMq4qViGXAKCGIJsJNmkGHALR2arnrg/view?usp=sharing
  11. ¤ Your Name: LoCo ¤ Accused Admin: ABDELLATIF ¤ Time And Date: 24/7/2024 ¤ Reason Of The Report: Your Honor, he insults and insults me for no reason. We play normally, and he insults me, threatens me with BAN, and insults my family. ¤ Proof: https://imgur.com/m717YqZ https://imgur.com/5wPKfv8 https://imgur.com/iJbKUsb https://imgur.com/YWSuer5 https://imgur.com/dk6qlin https://imgur.com/HJAnixf https://imgur.com/C5300M3 https://imgur.com/1E1vCMk https://imgur.com/A5CHGDY https://imgur.com/NRHA9ko
  12. ¤ Your Name: Gatito de Litro ¤ Accused Admin: Nyx ¤ Time And Date: right now ¤ Reason Of The Report: Nyx slay me, when knd blocked me... also he shooting my lm (knd), and the one who got slay was me? so wtf? ¤ Proof: https://imgur.com/a/isolnir
  13. ¤ Your Name: Gatito de Litro ¤ Accused Admin: @Vodka Squad ¤ Time And Date: right now ¤ Reason Of The Report: This is the situation: I was here (this pic is just to know where I was only with him) with "Snake", that guy hide there first and then I joined, he didnt want to space for me, he didnt move backward (since this place are for many players without problem) So I put an "LM" but he shot my lm.... then I got upset and shot his lm (That lm was in my back) he talked in rumanian with Vodka and Vodka just slay me direct.... Since Snake, I didn't want to make a space for myself in that place. "Unsportsmanlike behavior" ¤ Proof: Click here
  14. Nick-Or-RealName: Salah Age: 21 next june Suggestions: i'm an old player in this server and many others . I noticed the server is flooded with easy ammo/jetpacks/too fancy guns/unlimited gun ammo/donating ammo system/Free armor / Hunter zombie freezing ability is op .. i cant even count all the advantages there is bcs they r way too many This All make the gameplay very boring as there is hardly any challenge .. which makes players go away . I suggest The server go old school . More Basic and challenging/competetive .. If it was me i'd even take off the unlimited ammo clips so it gets more interesting and harder . Simple Hope the point is clear and i also hope you think about it seriously and thanks for your reading time [Download Links]: // Reason Why Add-Or-Remove It: Better server = more players NOTE : I hope this topic doesn't get locked, to see everyone's opinion on the suggestion
  15. Nick-Or-RealName: Reyz Age: 19 Suggestions: under post [Download Links]: / Reason Why Add-Or-Remove It: idk why not.. I don't know if you would like to put the old red predator skin in the game but as a normal zombie, I don't have a picture of what it looks like from the first person view
  16. Name:aka sycko Admin reported:the algerian men 2007 Thetime and date:5/03/2024-18:15 Reason: destroy my lm and block me Proof(picture):https://ibb.co/qYzN89G
  17. Name:aka sycko Admin reported:the algerian men 2007 Thetime and date:5/03/2024-18:15 Reason: destroy my lm and block me Proof(picture):https://ibb.co/qYzN89G
  18. Oraș:- ¤ Your Nick: Elinaz ¤ Your IP - Address:- ¤ Your Steam - ID: - ¤ The Reason You Have Been Banned: I have been banned for inviting players! Since I joined, I loved this server a lot because it brings a lot of nostalgia from old tzm server, I dont know if any one of you got troubles with any one in thunderzm, but still, I had zero troubles with anyone until now in csblackdevil.. I just said "I am trying to reunion the managers in tzm and inviting them" then 7amodi said "invite them to other server" and I just saw the pop up box "added to bans".. Like really? I dont know if he got some "troubles" with some people in tzm. Yet, you dont know me, I dont know you, I dont have troubles. ¤ The Admin Who Have Banned You: 7aMoDi ¤ The Time You Have Been Banned At: around 10:15 PM ¤ Evidence - (Screenshot / Demo): - PS: I dont want to get unbanned, I just couldn't find the report section, I want him to get sued for banning for literally no reason.
  19. ¤ Your Name: el-barto ¤ Accused Admin: CEO OF BATATAS | HALLOWEEN VollmeR ¤ Time And Date: 22/04/2024 ¤ Reason Of The Report: KICKED FOR NO REASON. It makes me angry that he did it and didn't even apologize, it ruined my game. ¤ Proof: https://imgur.com/a/y6QrEcV
  20. ¤ Your Nick: Axel ¤ Your IP - Address: ¤ Your Steam - ID: STEAM_1:1:952076767 ¤ The Reason You Have Been Banned: Idk , Cuz i played in another server while i was admin here , Someone "Glow" used my name to destroy the server and it wasn't me, so I was banned ¤ The Admin Who Have Banned You: Kukata , ¤ The Time You Have Been Banned At: last year ¤ Evidence - (Screenshot / Demo): -
  21. It is stated that I am buying new laptop tomorrow,when I play ,I will play ID name by' Horror Professional' in StreetZM I am _R_E_H_A_N_ and changing name to Horror Professional tomorrow So When I request you TAG [Deffender-StreeTZM] so you will please accept it ,THANKS! Member StreetZM, Nick : _R_E_H_A_N_ Future Nick : Horror Professional
  22. ¤ Your Name: Serious. ¤ Accused Admin:MELON ¤ Time And Date: TODAY ¤ Reason Of The Report: ban 5000 min ¤ Proof: https://ibb.co/VWcMBfs
  23. ¤ Numele dvs: Enzy . ¤ Administrator acuzat: Bellingham, Cruel ¤ Ora și data: 14:03.2024 / 14:30 ¤ Motivul raportului: Power trip, aroganta, impreuna cu Cruel. Baneaza playeri pentru nimicuri doar pentru a se simtii si ei importanti, iar serverul si comunitatea are de pierdut, eu nu am de pierdut nimic dar nu ma pot simtii bine decat sunt alti admini pe server care nu ar permite chestii de genu. Nu am jignit pe nimeni, am primit gag pe niciun motiv, apoi am dat retry si am vrut sa intreb de ce am primit. ban direct la comanda unui alt admin in chatul adminilor. Nu mi se pare normal, am avut discutii si pe discord unde nu am avut parte decat de 0 empatie, asta e comunitate, am fost aici si acum 10 ani in aceasta comunitate, in primul server de zm. Nu stiu daca o sa va intereseze dar daca a-ti primii ban asa aiurea cred ca v-ar deranja catusi de putin. Acesta este adminul care respecta regulile care traieste dupa reguli. Eu o sa mai joc, eu o sa mai donez ammo packs si o sa intreb mereu cine are nevoie, spre deosebire de acesti 2 indivizi. Nu i-am intrebat pe ei, am spus doar odata daca are cineva ammo pentru mod? cum de asemenea intreb si eu daca are cineva nevoie, am luat mod odata sa aiba si restu, mi se pare o normalitate, jucam aici de fun nu sa fim obsedati de un grad va salut! ¤ Dovada: https://imgur.com/a/UK4lrp5
  24. ¤ Your Nickname: CadaverFVF ¤ Your Address discord, Steam: GameOverZTTT#8179 ¤ Age (You must have or higher than 17 years): 24 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: English/Spanish ¤ Your Location: yes ¤ Experience As Admin: very good ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (22:00 To 12:00 PM): yes ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server ( https://www.gametracker.rs/player/ 😞 CadaverFVF ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: I want to help the server ¤ Other Information For Your Request:nothing
  25. ¤ Your Nickname: (Same as in the Forum): Darewill ¤ Your Address: (Facebook, Skype): Discord: Darewill ¤ Age: 23 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: Albanian,English, Little French, Little German, and understand little bit of Japanese ¤ Your Location: Albania ¤ Experience As Admin: (Last Server - GameTracker Link): I had 5 servers of my own (3 of which were zombie servers and were 32/32 most of the time, also have pics from the servers) ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): Yes ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server: ( CLICK HERE You Must Write Your Nickname): https://www.gametracker.rs/player/ ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: I feel like I could help the server because I have experience, patience and Im also active. ¤ Are You On Our NewLifeZM Discord Server And Will You Be Active In The NewLife Staff - Chat Channel (Link)?: Yes ¤ Admin - Password: (Read The Admin - Rules To Find It)HeroOfNewLife
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