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  1. Hello all, Simple rule game: The object of this game is to post a word that has no obvious connection to the previously posted word. For example: Cheese Ferry Gymnastics Hamster To start: Noise
  2. Hello all, Simple rule game: Answer the previous question, then ask a "What's your favorite... ?" question. I'll start 🌟 What's your favorite sport?
  3. RO In ceea ce priveste proiectele desfasurate pe comunitatea noastra, cu siguranta nu ducem lipsa. Insa curiozitatea mea ca administrator ar fi cati dintre voi sunteti implicati sau sunteti indragostiti de unul dintre ele? Votati! ============================ EN Regarding the projects carried out in our community, we certainly do not miss it. But my curiosity as an administrator would be how many of you are involved or in love with one of them? VOTE!
  4. We are living through a high period for the super sports car. Never before has there been such a talented list of offerings, each with their own unique talents. The list of 10 cars below features everything from hardcore hooligans to more delicate alternatives. There’s a car for all tastes in this segment, but the ones below are our picks of the bunch. 1. Aston Martin Vantage Aston Martin has taken a giant leap into true blue driver’s car territory with the new Vantage. Never before has Gaydon departed so clearly from its traditional preference for fairly laid-back, long-legged, old-school front-engined GT sports cars than it has here. So much about the new Vantage – from its first-order performance level to its tight, tenacious body control, to its impressively advanced driveline specification and its on-track composure, handling precision and staying power – tells you loud and clear that it’s ready to transform Aston into a firm that can be taken seriously by real petrolheads who’ve stuck to their Porsches and upper-level BMW M cars. Never have you been able to drive a series-production Aston as hard as this, or really contemplate using one like you might a track-ready 911. Partly perhaps as a result of all that newfound grip and purpose, the car doesn’t quite overcome the limitations of its size and weight and involve like the greatest driver’s cars when driven on the road – but it certainly enriches everyday use as a super sports car should, and as only an Aston Martin could. Save money with new Vantage deals on What Car? 2. McLaren 570S The 570S occupies a purer and more exciting territory than its sports car rivals, but it’s also more forgiving and more comfortable than them as well. Its performance level is exceptional, without compromise to driveability. Its handling is equally outstanding: a special mix of track-ready purpose, with on-road compliance, precision and stability – and enriched by wonderful control feedback. It is more exotic than the Porsche 911, more delicate than an Audi R8 V10 Plus and more practical than a BMW i8. There’s little doubt that McLaren’s mid-range model is actually the car for the company to make its reputation. Save money with new 570S deals on What Car? 3. Aston Martin DB11 V8 The DB11 V8 isn’t the most refined in its class, with tyre roar and a curiously loud rustle of air passing over the base of A-pillar. Interior fit isn’t good enough, either, even if the abundance of leather is supremely soft to the touch. The Mercedes-AMG S63 Coupé surpasses the Aston on both counts, though you’ll forfeit driver involvement if you choose the big Merc. If you’re sitting in a DB11 V8, the AMG-sourced engine up front sets the tone for what this car can, dynamically speaking, do so well. It’s so deeply intuitive to steer. This is a hugely desirable product – one that ranks ahead of its V12 sibling. Save money with new DB11 deals on What Car? 4. Honda NSX Honda has managed to deploy world-first powertrain technology with a superb lightness of touch. It has used unconventional means to perfect, rather than reinvent, the conventional junior supercar. And it has produced a very rare breed of mid-engined exotic as a result: one that doesn’t shout about its potential or impose itself on your senses, but is instead a very mature and complete driver’s car. It could be better equipped, nicer to travel in and a touch more luridly exciting at times, but for its fusion talents, it deserves respect. Only the McLaren 570S offers a more compelling driving experience, but it does so with a far simpler powertrain. Save money with new NSX deals on What Car? 5. Jaguar F-Type SVR The F-Type SVR is the most capable of its ilk. Despite having not far off 600bhp, it’s far more usable in the UK than the F-Type R, particularly in slippery conditions. But its starting price edges it into a realm of extremely competitive alternatives, many of which are sharper, faster and generally better resolved. Where the SVR wins is in its thuggish nature. A Porsche 911 Turbo and Audi R8 are sharper to drive, while the McLaren 540C feels far lighter on its toes. But if its muscle car-like character you want, then the F-Type SVR is as good as they come. Save money with new F-Type deals on What Car? 6. Audi R8 V10 The Audi R8’s technical relation to the company’s motorsport efforts is clear. The car is a visceral, singular tribute to power and performance, noise and revs, grip and traction. It’s hugely exciting to drive, although not quite as rounded, communicative or usable enough as the very best super sports cars. The latest R8 has lost some of the the old car’s character for a more digital form. So while we are impressed overall with the second generation Audi R8, especially with its looks, performance and sound, it still falls short of more rounded rivals like the BMW i8, Porsche 911 Turbo S and McLaren 570S. Save money with new R8 deals on What Car? 7. Mercedes-AMG GT With the body structure of a supercar, an engine from a muscle saloon, suspension tuned for maximum attack on the track and yet the practicality and sophistication of an elegant coupé, or roadster, the GT is an even more bewildering addition to the sports car world than the Mercedes-Benz SLS was. Of course, there would be times when you’d grow tired of its high-adrenalin temperament and lack of civility, sure, but the highs would outweigh those occasions. But the car is so capable – as capable as cars twice its price – it is extremely lovable, even if not quite as delicately beautiful to drive as a 911 Turbo. Save money with new GT deals on What Car? 8. Nissan GT-R Nismo It may have been around for more than a decade now, but the Nissan GT-R remains one of the quickest, most capable super sports cars money can buy. The hardcore Nismo version builds on this. There’s a more aggressive aero package that includes a sizeable rear wing, an increase in torsional rigidity, as well as tweaked springs, dampers and anti-roll bars for even greater levels of agility. Nissan says these modifications make the GT-R Nismo even more playful on the limit, which can only be a good thing. Its steering is impressively incisive and accurate, while the fact that it seems happier to send its power rearwards in order to bring its tail end into play serves to confirm Nissan’s modifications have worked as intended. Of course, it’s still devilishly quick in a straight line too. Its 3.8-litre V6, whose twin turbos come courtesy of Nissan’s GT-R GT3 race car, produces some 592bhp and 481lb ft. Nissan don’t quote an official 0-60mph time, but it wouldn’t be a stretch to say it might well dip below the 3.0sec mark. It might be showing its age, but the GT-R Nismo remains as brutally effective as ever. Save money with new GT-R deals on What Car? 9. Ferrari Portofino As the replacement for the California T, the handsomely-styled and glamorously titled Ferrari Portofino now represents the entry-level, ‘affordable’ offering in Maranello’s model line-up - if there is such a thing. Sharper, faster and more focussed than the California T, the Portofino stands out as an exceptionally pointed sports car. Its steering is lightning quick, its gearchanges delivered with the sort of forceful, confident conviction you’d expect from the likes of a supercar. Its refreshed twin-turbocharged V8, meanwhile, now develops some 592bhp and 561lb ft, so the sprint from 0-60mph is now dispatched in an eye-widening 3.5sec. And with a folding metal roof that can be retracted in 14sec, there’s unlimited scope to bask in its rich, authentically Ferrari soundtrack. As a sports car then, there’s much to like about the Portofino. But there’s a hitch; this is also intended to be a comfortable, fast and incredibly livable grand tourer. And given just how sharp and overtly dynamic Ferrari has now made it, this conflicted personality is tricky to overlook. Save money with new Portofino deals on What Car? 10. Maserati GranTurismo MC While it lacks the dynamic sparkle or engagement of others, the Granturismo MC makes up ground with drama thanks to its high revving V8 and gorgeous, Italian looks. The car’s steering feels old-fashioned, with the hydraulic assistance passing on the sort of low-intensity feedback that electric systems filter out as unwanted noise. Plus, the car’s chassis wants to understeer. Some will simply see sufficient appeal in a Pininfarina-designed four-seater with a Ferrari-built engine to justify the price. It is really starting to feel its age and the segment contains many more rational offerings, but emotionally speaking, this Maserati remains a compelling choice. Save money on new GranTurismo MC deals on What Car? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  5. ¤ Nume[/nickname]: heimWerker aka TruffleX ¤ Vârsta: 26 ¤ Țară: Romania ¤ Ocupatie: Director Comercial ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: Salutare, ma numesc Bogdan in varsta de 26 ani, locuiesc in Bucuresti. Unii ma cunosc, altii au timp. ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: Adi ¤ Jocuri preferate: For mobile: PUBG MOBILE / MOBILE LEGENDS | For pc: PUBG / CSGO / APEX ¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!): ZmOldSchool ¤ O poză cu tine (optional): https://ibb.co/wZk7hg1
  6. Unul dintre atuurile browser-ului Chrome, modul Incognito îţi permite să navighezi pe internet fără ca activitatea ta să poată fi urmărită cu uşurinţă de administratorii site-urilor pe care le accesezi. Mai mult decât atât, folosind modul Incognito sesiunea nu este păstrată în istoricul de navigare, astfel că nimeni nu poate afla mai târziu ce site-uri ai vizitat. De acum, acest nivel de intimitate va fi disponibil şi când foloseşti Google Maps pentru a călători în diverse locaţii, sau foloseşti Google Search pentru a găsi informaţii pe teme sensibile, despre care nu ai vrea să afle alte persoane. Disponibil deja în versiunea mobilă a clientului YouTube, modul Incognito va putea fi bifat atunci când dorim să excludem următoarea călătorie din Google Location History sau ascunde prezenţa noastră furnizorilor de servicii conexe (ex. companii de publicitate interesate să livreze reclame personalizate). Google a demonstrat noua funcţie Maps în cadrul conferinţei Google I/O de anul acesta. Pentru activarea modului Incognito nu trebuie decât să alegi opţiunea relevantă din meniul principal al aplicaţiei. Acelaşi lucru va putea fi făcut şi din aplicaţia Google Search, însă deocamdată nu este disponibil un termen de livrare al versiunii actualizate. Cei care omit să bifeze modul Incognito pot şterge şi mai târziu istoricul deplasărilor făcute, alegând ştergerea manuală a înregistrărilor păstrate în Location History. SURSA: GO4IT.RO
  7. ¤ Name in game: LoLNey¤ Age:20¤ Name: Alex Vidal¤ City: Bucharest¤ Country:Romania¤ Favorite Games: Cs.1.6 and zm 6.0 and 6.2¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil: I Am New¤ Server preferred (server only community!): All Server
  8. Hello, Think that CSBD is your own community and you want to develope it. How you will start? One easy way to win 60 days VIP account just with your ideas. Answer me in one reply here. Good luck! Note: Topic will be opened for 48 hours.
  9. ¤ Name in game: AmazinG¤ Age: 14¤ Name: Yash¤ City: See my profile¤ Country: Venezuela¤ Favorite Games: Football¤ A short description about you: nope¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil: By my friends¤ Server preferred (server only community!):HollowZM my own I will start¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):
  10. Thanks to @*Ha(C)kEr'S* for video!
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  11. The mobile market has been successful for Square Enix in the last few years. The company has seen good sales on ports of classic games like Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Dragon Quest II. The booming mobile market also led the compa ny to create all-new titles for iOS and Android, including the Chaos Rings series, Final Fantasy: All the Bravest, Final Fantasy: Record Keeper, and Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius. Yesterday, Square Enix launched Mobius Final Fantasy for Android and iOS. Mobius is intended to be the first premium Final Fantasy game on mobile platforms and Square Enix has brought console-level resources to bear, including Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XIII Yoshinori Kitase, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, and Final Fantasy X writer Kazushige Nojima, Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 art designer Toshitaka Matsuda, Final Fantasy IX and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates character designer Toshiyuki Itahana, and Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lightning Returns composer Mitsuto Suzuki. So what did they come up with? Mobius puts players in the armor of Wol. Technically, "Wol" isn't the character's name, instead being shorthand for Warrior of Light. Wol - or whatever you name him - is a Blank, an amnesiac soldier brought to the world of Palamecia. The world is under attack by the forces of Chaos and one of the Blanks is prophesied to save the world. By Wol's side is the moogle Mog, and occasional allies Garland and Princess Sarah Lotte Cornelia. 2 Right from the beginning, Mobius Final Fantasy impresses in its presentation. No, it doesn't look as good as early promo shots; the models are solid, but the texture work is constrained by the platform. If you can get over that, it was a damn good-looking mobile game on my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Mobius is a game that would be at home on the PlayStation Vita, if Square Enix wanted to go that way. In addition to the strong graphics, it features fully-voiced characters and an orchestral soundtrack. The game is split up into Chapters, two of which are live right now. In each chapter, there are distinct regions that Wol can travel in-between, each with a set number of battles. Tackling a region costs Stamina, like Record Keeper and Brave Exvius. And like those titles, Mobius is a free-to-play game. What you're collecting here are various cards. Wol's different jobs are the key to each deck. You start the game off with Onion Knight, gaining the Mage and Ranger job cards once you complete the tutorial. When you kill monsters, they have a chance to drop related cards, each with a spell. You can equip these cards in sets of four with each job card, within certain restrictions: Mage can only equip Fire, Water, and Wind cards, for example. Each card in a deck gains experience as you use it and the combined level of your cards determines your Job level. There's a whole additional level of depth in card acquisition as well. More powerful cards drop from stronger monsters, or you can summon them via tickets, which have a better chance of drawing cards with a higher rating. You get tickets in the game or you can buy them. Item Shop purchases are done via real money or Magicite, a resource that recharges daily. Cards can be fused with one another to increase their power, or with special Cactuar cards to really give them a boost. Cards, cards, cards for days. Down the rabbit hole you go. As a first step into more premium mobile titles, Mobius Final Fantasy is a good shot. The game is fun and I have yet to hit the upper limit of the free-to-play card draw system. If this game was on Vita, people would probably play the hell out of it. On mobile, it potentially hits a different audience, but it's still worth a try if you want some portable Final Fantasy in your life.
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  12. About This Game: Join your favorite YouTubers on an Epic Quest in PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist. Enjoy this amazing 2D platformer! EVERYTHING YOU LIKED ABOUT THE MOBILE VERSION, NOW WITH COOP MODE!! ⋆ COLLECT BROCOINS to buy new CHARACTERS, ATTACKS and DEFENSES! ⋆ UNLOCK ALL THE YOUTUBE STARS and try to beat the game as PewDiePie, Marzia, CinnamonToastKen, JackSepticEye, Cryaotic, Markiplier and more! ⋆ REAL VOICE ACTING by the YouTubers! ⋆ FIGHT EPIC BOSSES to save your fans! ⋆ BEAT ALL DIFFICULTY LEVELS and prove that you are a hardcore gamer! ⋆ CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS in the survival arena and brag about your score! ⋆ COLLECT ALL THE SECRETS hidden in the stages. ⋆ AMAZING CHIPTUNE MUSIC by RUSHJET1! "Legend of the Brofist is one of those rare games attached to a license that will appeal to just as many people who have no link to PewDiePie whatsoever as those who do." 10/10 -Trusted Reviews "Kickass chiptune soundtrack, colorful levels, and tight touchscreen platforming." 8.5/10 -Destructoid Trailer of game:
  13. Name:Dirty Bomb Genre:Shooter,Online Theme:War Relase Data:Jun-02-2015 Platforms:PC Publisher:Nexon Develeoper:Splash damage DESCRIPTION -Currently in Beta-After a mysterious attack, teams of mercenaries, some reputable and some not, clash in the contaminated streets of London to extract or destroy the secrets left behind. But the real goals remain unclear. Multiplayer specialists Splash Damage are back with a bang with Dirty Bomb. The Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory developers know a thing or two about class-based warfare, and Dirty Bomb brings it all back home with an apocalyptic shooter set in a war-ravaged London. Following in the footsteps of the likes of Team Fortress 2, Dirty Bomb will be a free-to-play shooter when it arrives in June, with a heavy focus on co-operating with your buddies and maximising the abilities of your chosen class. Where you want to be a mini-gun toting bruiser or a grenade-lobbing hyperactive nightmare, the choices are there in Dirty Bomb. Before you give this one a go though you might want to check whether your gaming PC's nuclear waste or nuclear fusion, by taking a look at the official Dirty Bomb system requirements. REVIEW In Dirty Bomb, ruined London streets and abandoned train stations play host to multiplayer skirmishes where teams fight to complete objectives amid a hail of white-hot gunfire. It's a twitch shooter at its most extreme: an arena of quick kills, high energy, and tired pinky fingers mashing down the sprint key. This fire-from-the-hip shooter arms you with shotguns, sniper rifles, knives, and, fittingly enough given the ongoing motifs, a cricket bat. Unfortunately, a lack of fresh ideas keeps the game from being memorable, while some bothersome glitches and lag stifle your enjoyment. The formula is a recognizable one. In fact, if you're well-versed in shooters, you can spot where Dirty Bomb derives its influence. There are ingredients from Counter-Strike, Team Fortress 2, Call of Duty, and, of course, developer Splash Damage's own shooter Brink; it's a melting pot of good ideas from the past. These all too familiar elements, however, prevent Dirty Bomb from defining its own identity and standing out among the crowd of its brethren. Even its name sounds like the last to survive a whiteboard list of slashed, rejected titles. But it's not as if the game isn't fun to play. It's fast and frantic, it looks great, and the running, jumping, and shooting elements have an excellent tactile fluidity that makes the high-speed combat instantly accessible and able to entertain for hours. Beyond that, however, it just doesn't do anything special. There is a shred of Brink's spirit still alive within Dirty Bomb: a freedom of movement, heavily toned down. Though made by the same creator, the two games aren't really siblings--more like cousins that used to jump over chest-high walls in their youth. The free running, however, has diminished to hopping off walls, either to adjust your movement angle or to reach higher ledges. And that's actually just about it. The maps do a fine job of supporting wall bouncing, though. Stairs descending at a sharp angle can be bypassed with speed by jumping and giving the elbow a swift kick, propelling you forward. Small ledges in many games have to be circumvented by foot, but Dirty Bomb encourages you to embrace speed, allowing you to bounce from a wall to a new plateau while still moving at a vigorous pace. Dirty Bomb is all about completing objectives. As the advancing team, your job is to plant C4 on targets, open doors and gates, or protect and transport an EV--an armored tank-like vehicle--to a specific location, all within a given time limit. On the other side, your enemies do everything they can to keep you from advancing. After the first round, the match enters a short intermission where the teams swap sides, switching from defense to offense and vice versa. You can also play stopwatch, which is objective mode except that the team that accomplishes its goals faster is declared the winner. A separate competitive stopwatch mode adds party options and assigns a rank. It also takes the word "competitive" seriously. Before you join, you must agree that you will not leave or you will receive a punishment. Yes, a punishment. You are locked into a match, and simply quitting isn't quite so simple. Returning to the main menu, you are asked to resume the match in play. If you choose not to, the game automatically quits to desktop so you can think about what you've done. Booting the game back up, you are asked once more to rejoin the match. Choosing no again closes the game. If you are persistent, you face getting dealt with a short, temporary ban from playing the competitive mode. welve distinct mercenaries make up Dirty Bomb's cast, many of which fall into the typical shooter roles. You have the run-of-the-mill soldier and support classes, as well as a hooded sniper, a swift-footed engineer, and medics. Only a smattering of mercenaries is available at the start, while a few others are temporarily unlocked in a weekly rotation. If you find a mercenary you like, you can unlock it for upwards of 50,000 in-game credits or, as this is a free-to-play game, for a fee of $9.99. Mercenaries are paired with loadout cards that, depending on rarity, offer divergent sets of primary and secondary weapons. They also come with up to three mercenary-specific augmentations--the amount changes with card rarity--that offer status boosts such as decreased reload speed or healing cooldown. New loadouts for your mercenaries are unlocked via cases, awarded randomly as you play. There are six forms of rarity with the cards, starting at the most common form of lead, then iron, bronze, silver, gold, and the ultra-rare cobalt. In my experience, most of the time you will unlock lead cards, but every so often, as luck ordains, you can walk away with silver card or even higher. Dirty Bomb, however, does allow you to transmute lead into gold without it costing an arm or a leg. You stock up a hefty supply of lead cards the longer you play, but they're far from completely worthless. For several cards and a small fee of credits, you can trade the garbage cards for ones with a little more glimmer, and you can do so for a specific mercenary. The entire system, trade-ups included, is based on chance, so even if you trade for a rarer card, you still may not get the loadout you desire--so expect to spend a lot of time collecting cards. You can trade credits and cash for specific loadout cards, but, much like the pricey mercenaries, they do not come cheap. Succeeding in a Dirty Bomb match requires strong team cohesion. The maps are designed to support bottlenecks and choke points, all of which can be exploited by the defense. Experience will tell you where on the maps the best placements for healing stations, mines, or turrets are, as well as the best class for the job. Having a team comprising mostly soldiers will help rack up the kills, but without medics things go awry fast. If you do find yourself in such a situation, never fret. Before the match begins and during the death screen, you can choose to jump in as a different mercenary from a squad of three that you build in the main menu. Keeping up communication, such as asking for someone to switch classes in order to create a stronger fortification or offensive push, helps maintain a stronger team as the match advances. Your best bet for consistent enjoyment is to run with a team. If that isn't an option, then you can help move the team in the right direction using the in-game microphone. TRAILER IMAGES
  14. Numele oponent: BAR9 Tema de lucru: aici Tipul lucrari ( semnatura,banner, avatar,userbar,logo,Large Piece): Marime: 150x250 *Text: Battle Watermark: csblackdevil Timp de lucru: 48 ore/hours
  15. ø Nume Produs:LICENTA SAU GIFT CS 1.6 ø Modul de plată (Paypal, SMS, transfer bancar):SMS sau paysafecard ø Sumă (preţul maxim cu care doriţi să achiziţionaţi produsul):5 euro
  16. ø Nume Produs:Gift cs:go, ø Modul de plată (Paypal, SMS, transfer bancar):Paypal,psc,sms ø Sumă (preţul maxim cu care doriţi să achiziţionaţi produsul):6-7 euro. Nu dau primu,sunt din 2013 pe comunitate,deci nu va ganditi ca o sa primiti teapa. Nu vreau cont de cs:go,doar gift Ma puteti contacta la cs.david90
  17. in CSBD i know only some thing , {go PalestineZM and request , report , see topics ... } but i see many topic in all place in public page , so plz i want understand some thing : what is Administrators | SuperModerators | Moderators | Dexterous | GFX Designer | Organizers | Technician | Manager CS 1.6 | Journalist | Afiliat | Loyalty Club jobs and how to be it and whene and why ? but i know some like a manager and supermoderator but plz i want some info , and i can't take it because many members talk with other language so i didn't understand many thing ... , and i want other info in you can plz i want info with english or frensh or arabic if you want
  18. Salut azi am decis sa fac mai multe review la periferice pentru pc de ex : mousi , tastaturi , casti etc ... 1. Introducere In primu rand voi face un review la mausul SteelSeries Kana 1.1 ... Kana este acum al doilea model de buget al SteelSeries , dupa Kinzu v2, ceva mai mare ca forma si cu 2 butoane in plus fata de fratiorul sau mai mic. Despre SteelSeries stie cred eu toata lumea asa ca nu cred necesara repetarea unor informatii cum ar fi faptul ca istoria sa a inceput in Copenhaga in anul 2001 ca o mica afacere de care raspundeau doar 2 persoane... http://www.pcgarage.....kana-black-11/ 2. Ambalaj Cred ca il stiti. Aceleasi culori si design. Nimic in plus de mentionat aici poate in afara faptului ca este putin mai mare ca dimensiuni visavis de ambalajul Kinzu V2 Proffesional si ca are in plus o usita care complica putin design-ul acestuia. Mi se pare de asemenea ca ambalajul pare mai inchis la culoare fata de cel al altor modele 3. Specificatii si software -Greutate - 72 grame -Inaltime – 37 mm -Latime – 64 mm -Lungime – 124 mm -Senzor optic ce opereaza la 3600 FPS -6 Butoane dintre care doua in laterale programabile ( producatorul spune ca ar fi pentru rapid-fire). Eu le-am dezactivat pentru ca ma incurcau. -Design ambidextru -Iluminare in 3 trepte a rotitei de scroll pentru a semnaliza DPI-ul la care este setat senzorul, scalabil pana la 3200 DPI -16% din suprafata acoperita de picioruse din teflon pentru a minimiza frecarea dintre corpul mouse-ului si pad -Conector USB, fir dublu protejat de 2 metri lungime care “nu se incurca asa usor” . Cum ar putea cand e gandit sa fie destul de rigid?? -Megapixeli pe secunda: 3.7 -DPI: 400 – 3200 -Acceleratie maxima: 30 G -Latime de banda: 16 biti -Distanta de ridicare: ~2 mm -Poolng rate: 1000 Hz Daca va asteptati sa vedeti aici referinte despre software , atunci cred ca trebue sa va deazamagesc. Software-ul este acelasi ca denumire , structura si functii ca si cel al lui Kinzu v2 astfel incat am crezut c anu mai este necesar sa ma repet. Totusi , cine ramane interesat de acesta, il invit sa viziteze aceasta sectiune a precedentului review: Review Mouse - SteelSeries Kinzu V2 Proffesional. Imaginati-va doar ca acolo scrie de fapt Kana si nu Kinzu. Restul este absolut identic. 4. Inspectia vizuala5. Experienta in utilizare -Cred ca este inca proaspat in memoria celor care au citit la vremea lui mica mea dare de seama asupra Kinzu V2 Professional entuziasmul (destul de mare pentru un batran calculatorist ca mine) cu care l-am primit pe micut. Toate calitatile unui mouse bun la un pret bine pus pareau a se concentra in primul mouse lucios si totusi surprinzator de confortabil pe care am pus mana pana acum. Sa vedem daca frati-su asta mai mare e pe atat de bun pe cat se da. -In momentul in care pui mana pe Kana iti dai imediat seama ca este contruit intentionat pentru a fi mijlociu ca si dimensiuni in comparatie cu micul Kinzu si destul de marele ( dar totusi nu prea marele ) Sensei. Ca forma seamana foarte mult cu vechii mousi Microsoft pe care toata lumea ii admira odinioara atunci cand venea vorba de gaming. Cred ca aceasta este directia de design in care SteelSeries isi indreapta eforturile. Nu ca ar fi ceva rau in asta dar .. permiteti-mi sa zic atat: Cu noi astia cu cazmaua mare cum ramane domnu' Stilsiris ? Trebuie sa ne multumim cu acelasi Ikari de atata timp domnu Stilsiris? Noi cand primim modele noi ? Sau suntem condamnati sa mergem pe linia inscrisa de ”partid” ? “Ambidextru domnilor ca sa se potriveasca la toata lumea, daca e pre amic .. treci la un ambidextru mai mare... Si daca nu-i pe masura ta multumeste-te cu ce ai domnu' utilizator.” Bleah , si cat de mult imi placea faptul ca veneau odinioara cu modele pentru toate gusturile si marimile.... Dar nu ma luati in seama, probabil ca sunt eu mai ofticos din fire pentru ca de cateva luni bune incoace aia micii cu maini mai normale tot primesc modele revizuite iar noi ceilalti stam si salivam de pe margine. Dar nu-i nimic, mi-am autodovedit ca pot utiliza cu mare usurinta Kinzu v2 in caz de nevoie asa ca, plecand de aici am vrut sa vad daca pot spune acelasi lucru si despre Kana. -Dpdv al experientei tactile Kana este si va ramane fundamental diferit fata de Kinzu v2. Suprafata lucioasa de care foarte multi se tem este inlocuita in cazul acestui model cu un aclasica , **** traditionala deja in randurile perifericelor semnate de SteelSeries. La fel de mult difera si raspunsul tactil ba chiar ( in opinia mea ) si coeficiantul de frecare a mouse-ului cu suprafata pe care este asezat. Kana are un cu totu alt feedback cam pe orice suprafata de gaming l-am testat vis-a-vis de Kinzu. Nu pot spune cu siguranta ,dar pot afirma insa conform propriei experiente extinse cu aceste doua modele ca impresia care mi-a lasat-o este ca se misca cam pe orice fel de pad un pic mai greu decat Kinzu. Poate ca , coeficientul de duritate al picioruselor difera, kana generand un strop mai multa aderenta … aceasta este impresia pe care mi-a lasat-o. De asemenea , o alta diferenta pe care am detectat-o in cazul acestor doua modele este faptul ca switch-urile Kana sunt ceva mai tapene iar click-ul un strop mai lung decat la Kinzu generand un zgomot de click mai mare. -Asta nu inseamna insa ca-i mai [CENSORED] , este pur si simplu fin tunat sa fie atat de diferit ca feeling , ca fel de a fi fata de Kinzu incat sa ii faca pe cei care il doresc si care stiu despre faptul ca este identic dpdv al senzorului si al software-ului folosit cu fratele sau mai mic sa il achizitioneze. Cu alte cuvinte diferentele pe care am sa le enumar in continuare fac suficient de mult diferenta incat sa plaseze Kana in fata cumparatorului ca un mouse suficient de diferit. Care sunt diferentele de care ziceam ? Pai hai sa vedem Suprafata de contact : Kinzu – Lucios in intregime , Kana – mat Butoane utilizabile lasand cel de schimbare a dpi-ului si rotita de scroll la o parte : Kinzu – 2 , Kana – 4 Dimensiuni : Kinzu – cel mia mic , Kana – mai mare , mijlociul seriei Fir : Kinzu – negru complet , Kana – Negru cu portocaliu ( in cazul sample-ului pe care l-am avut eu in teste ). 6. Ganduri de final Un facelift reusit al aceleiasi platforme hardware, al aceluiasi mouse in esenta . Micile diferente intre cele doua modele mentionate mai sus dau insa sarea si piperul intregii “combinatii” si pot spune cu certitudine ca sunt suficient de mari incat practic aceeasi platforma de baza multumeste un numar cat mai mare de clienti fara eforturi extraordinare din partea producatorului. |bine gandit aici...) Despre performanta deci ,cam ce ar ramane de spus ? Pai absolut fara repros. Ambele modele au indurat sute si sute de ore de gaming , de editare foto-video, de editare text, lucru in mediu office sau browsing din partea mea si nu s-au blocat nici macar o fractiune desecunda , nici cel mai mic joc al pointerului nu si-a facut simtita prezenta, adica cu alte cuvinte calitatea a ramas aceeasi cu care SteelSeries ne-a obisnuit. Fara sa mananc r..at, chiar asa sta treaba. Totul a fost cat se poate de ok iar daca ar fi sa nu mai fiu un idealist rabdator si sa nu mai astept dupa o revizie a Ikari Laserpe care il folosesc in continuare, atunci dintre cele doua modele l-as cumpara pe kinzu V2 Pro, asta daca va intrebati. De ce ? O puteti numi daca doriti preferinta personala... mi se pare mie ( sau poate asa
  19. Cu ajutorul php putem foarte usor sa trimitem un e-mail la o anumita adresa din pagina web. Acest lucru este util de exemplu in cazul unui formular de contact. Se poate desigur sa lasam pe pagina adresa de e-mail insa nu este indicat deoarece poate ajunge in mainile oricui intra pe pagina si mai important poate fi citita de programe bot care trimit spam-uri. Cel mai indicat este un formular de contact, securizat din punct de vedere abuziv si completarea corecta a datelor. Ca sa trimiteti un e-mail de pe localhost aveti nevoie de un server de e-mail, daca insa folositi un serviciu de webhost, acestea au deja un server de e-mail instalat (majoritatea) Trimiterea mesajelor SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) reprezinta protocolul standard pentru transferul mesajelor prin intermediul internetului la o adresa de e-mail. Pentru a putea trimite un e-mail se foloseste functia mail() ce are sintaxa: mail('catre', 'subiect', 'mesaj') Unde "catre" reprezinta adresa de email unde va fi trimis mesajul, "subiect" reprezinta subiectul mesajului iar "mesaj" reprezinta mesajul trimis. Functia mai poate sa contina si un al patrulea atribut optional "from" care specifica locatia de unde a fost trimis mesajul. Daca acest atribut nu este specificat, serverul va trimite mesajul in functie de cum este configurat. Aceste atribute pot fi desigur preluate dintr-un formular cu $_POST. Functia mail() returneaza TRUE daca mesajul a fost trimis, altfel returneaza FALSE. Exemplu <?php // Verifica daca au fost trimise datele de la formular if (isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['mesaj'])) { $to = ' adresa@yahoo.com'; $subiect = 'Mesaj de pe site'; $mesaj = $_POST['mesaj']; $from = 'From: '. $_POST['email']; //Trimite mesajul prin e-mail if (mail($to, $subiect, $mesaj, $from)) { echo 'Mesajul a fost trimis.'; } else { echo 'Mesajul nu a fost trimis.'; } } ?> In primul rand se verifica cu functia isset() daca au fost trimise din formular e-mail-ul persoanei si mesajul, dupa care se declara fiecare variabila si se trimite mesajul prin e-mail. Observati faptul ca variabila $from contine sirul "From: " inainte de adresa preluata din formular. Acest lucru este obligatoriu. Trimiterea tagurilor html prin e-mail Implicit, functia mail() trimite doar mesaje text simple fara taguri html. pentru a putea trimite si taguri html prin e-mail este necesara adaugarea anumitor header-e in variabila $from. Aceste hearde-e spun receptorului ca datele trimise contin si taguri html. pentru acest lucru se folosesc urmatoarele doua sintaxe: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Exemplu <?php $to = ' adresa@mail.com'; $from = ' adresa@mail.com'; $subiect = 'Un subiect oarecare'; $mesaj = '<h3>Un mesaj</h3> <div style="color:#10f0ff;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;width:10em;"> Un mesaj oarecareeee</div>'; $ln = "\r\n"; // Pentru adaugare linie noua $headers = "From: ".$from.$ln; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0".$ln; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1".$ln; if (mail($to, $subiect, $mesaj, $headers)) { echo 'Mesaj trimis'; } else { echo 'Mesaj netrimis'; } ?> Trimiterea atasamentelor prin e-mail Trimiterea fisierelor prin e-mail este o munca mai greoaie. Pentru a intelege mai bine studiati urmatorul exemplu. <?php $attach = array(); // variabila ce va contine datele pt atasamente $to = ' nicu_bogd@yahoo.com'; $from = ' nicu_bogd@yahoo.com'; $subiect = 'Un subiect oarecare'; $mesaj = '<h3"Un mesaj</h3" <div style="color:#10f0ff;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;width:10em;"> Un mesaj oarecareeee</div"'; // se adauga datele pt fisierele ce vor fi atasate $attach[] = array('imagine.jpg', 'fisier1', 'image/jpeg'); // definesc header-ele pt e-mail $headers = "From: ".$from; $rand_hash = md5(time()); $mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x".$rand_hash."x"; $headers .= "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n". "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n". ' boundary="'.$mime_boundary.'"'; $msg .= "Un multi-part mesaj in MIME format.\n\n". '--'.$mime_boundary."\n". "Content-Type:text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n". "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n".$mesaj."\n\n"; //se seteaza includerea fisierelor (daca exista fisiere adaugate) if (count($attach)>=1) { // Parcurge matricea cu datele fisierelor for($i=0; $i<count($attach); $i++) { // deschide fisierul si preia datele din el if ($file = fopen($attach[$i][0],'rb')) { $data = fread($file, filesize($attach[$i][0])); fclose($file); } // codeaza datele preluate cu MIME base64 si le separa in parti mai mici $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data)); // adauga datele fisierului in mesajul mail-ului $msg .= '--'.$mime_boundary."\n". 'Content-Type: '.$attach[$i][2].";\n". ' name="'.$attach[$i][1]."\"\n". "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n".$data ."\n\n". '--'.$mime_boundary."\n"; } } // trimite e-mail-ul if (mail($to, $subiect, $msg, $headers)) { echo 'Mesaj trimis'; } else { echo 'Mesaj netrimis'; } ?> Scriptul trimite si taguri html in corpul mesajului. Pentru a trimite mai multe fisiere odata trebuie sa adaugati mai multe linii de genul acesta: $attach[] = array('imagine.jpg', 'fisier1', 'image/jpeg'); In care argumentul al treilea difera de tipul fisierului. De exemplu pentru fisiere cu extensia "jpg" argumentul al treilea va fi "image/jpeg", pentru fisiere cu extensia "txt" argumentul va fi "text/plain".
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