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Found 23 results

  1. Hello all, Simple rule game: The object of this game is to post a word that has no obvious connection to the previously posted word. For example: Cheese Ferry Gymnastics Hamster To start: Noise
  2. Hello all, Simple rule game: Answer the previous question, then ask a "What's your favorite... ?" question. I'll start 🌟 What's your favorite sport?
  3. RO In ceea ce priveste proiectele desfasurate pe comunitatea noastra, cu siguranta nu ducem lipsa. Insa curiozitatea mea ca administrator ar fi cati dintre voi sunteti implicati sau sunteti indragostiti de unul dintre ele? Votati! ============================ EN Regarding...
  4. We are living through a high period for the super sports car. Never before has there been such a talented list of offerings, each with their own unique talents....
  5. ¤ Nume[/nickname]: heimWerker aka TruffleX ¤ Vârsta: 26 ¤ Țară: Romania ¤ Ocupatie: Director Comercial ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: Salutare, ma numesc Bogdan in varsta de 26 ani, locuiesc in Bucuresti. Unii ma cunosc, altii au timp. ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil:...
  6. Unul dintre atuurile browser-ului Chrome, modul Incognito îţi permite să navighezi pe internet fără ca activitatea ta să poată fi urmărită cu uşurinţă de administratorii site-urilor pe care le accesezi. Mai mult decât atât, folosind modul Incognito sesiunea nu este păstrată în istoricul de navigare,...
  7. ¤ Name in game: LoLNey¤ Age:20¤ Name: Alex Vidal¤ City: Bucharest¤ Country:Romania¤ Favorite Games: Cs.1.6 and zm 6.0 and 6.2¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil: I Am New¤ Server preferred (server only community!): All Server
  8. Hello, Think that CSBD is your own community and you want to develope it. How you will start? One easy way to win 60 days VIP account just with your ideas. Answer me in one reply here. Good luck! Note: Topic will be opened for 48 hours.
  9. ¤ Name in game: AmazinG¤ Age: 14¤ Name: Yash¤ City: See my profile¤ Country: Venezuela¤ Favorite Games: Football¤ A short description about you: nope¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil: By my friends¤ Server preferred (server only community!):HollowZM my own I will start¤ A picture of you (if you alread...
  10. Thanks to @*Ha(C)kEr'S* for video!
      • 19
      • I love it
  11. The mobile market has been successful for Square Enix in the last few years. The company has seen good sales on ports of classic games like Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Dragon Quest II. The booming mobile market also led the compa ny to create all-new titles for iOS a...
      • 1
      • I love it
  12. About This Game: Join your favorite YouTubers on an Epic Quest in PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist. Enjoy this amazing 2D platformer! EVERYTHING YOU LIKED ABOUT THE MOBILE VERSION, NOW WITH COOP MODE!! ⋆ COLLECT BROCOINS to buy new CHARACTERS, ATTACKS and DEFENSES! ⋆ UNLOC...
  13. Name:Dirty Bomb Genre:Shooter,Online Theme:War Relase Data:Jun-02-2015 Platforms:PC Publisher:Nexon Develeoper:Splash damage DESCRIPTION -Currently in Beta-After a mysterious attack, teams of mercenaries, some reputable and some not, clash in the contaminated streets of London to extract or destro...
  14. Numele oponent: BAR9 Tema de lucru: aici Tipul lucrari ( semnatura,banner, avatar,userbar,logo,Large Piece): Marime: 150x250 *Text: Battle Watermark: csblackdevil Timp de lucru: 48 ore/hours
  15. ø Nume Produs:LICENTA SAU GIFT CS 1.6 ø Modul de plată (Paypal, SMS, transfer bancar):SMS sau paysafecard ø Sumă (preţul maxim cu care doriţi să achiziţionaţi produsul):5 euro
  16. ø Nume Produs:Gift cs:go, ø Modul de plată (Paypal, SMS, transfer bancar):Paypal,psc,sms ø Sumă (preţul maxim cu care doriţi să achiziţionaţi produsul):6-7 euro. Nu dau primu,sunt din 2013 pe comunitate,deci nu va ganditi ca o sa primiti teapa. Nu vreau cont de cs:go,doar gift Ma puteti co...
  17. in CSBD i know only some thing , {go PalestineZM and request , report , see topics ... } but i see many topic in all place in public page , so plz i want understand some thing : what is Administrators | SuperModerators | Moderators | Dexterous | GFX Designer | Organizers | Technician | Manag...
  18. Salut azi am decis sa fac mai multe review la periferice pentru pc de ex : mousi , tastaturi , casti etc ... 1. Introducere In primu rand voi face un review la mausul SteelSeries Kana 1.1 ... Kana este acum al doilea model de buget al SteelSeries , dupa Kinzu v2, ceva mai mare ca forma si cu 2 but...
  19. Cu ajutorul php putem foarte usor sa trimitem un e-mail la o anumita adresa din pagina web. Acest lucru este util de exemplu in cazul unui formular de contact. Se poate desigur sa lasam pe pagina adresa de e-mail insa nu este indicat deoarece poate ajunge in mainile oricui intra pe pagina si mai imp...
  20. Descriere: AVG Free Edition este unul dintre cele mai bune programe antivirus cunoscute, oferind protectie eficienta prin cele trei module ale sale - AVG Resident Shield, AVG E-mail Scanner, respectiv On -Demand Scanner. Actualizarea bazei de date cu semnaturi de virusi este gratuita. Posted Imag...
  21. Descriere: Acest driver este destinat placilor de baza cu sunet on-board (chipset AC\'97) de la Realtek Sistem de operare: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, Versiune fisier: 3.87 LINK
  22. Hello! I'm here to recommend this community to everyone, from each location! In Romania are usually many gaming communities, but no one is as nice as CsBlackDevil.Com! Here you may find a lot of nice gaming servers, that have as owners persons from Romania and many other countries! We are getting...


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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