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  1. Prime World offers exciting heroic battles, waged to prove the superiority of your clan. Collect unique talents and create an army of invincible heroes. Enter into mutual alliance with other clans, for profit and conquest. Raise your clan to the height of its power! Trail Of Game
  2. Come with us, and leave your mortal world behind. This is SMITE, an online battleground where the Gods of Old wage war in the name of conquest, glory and eternal battle. Whether this is your first Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game or you're a seasoned veteran, the intense action and irreverent mythology of SMITE will make you a believer. UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE Unlike other MOBAs, SMITE brings you directly into the action by giving you the same point-of-view as your god. From blind-side ambushes to aimed shots, a new universe of strategic possibilities awaits. OVER 60 PLAYABLE GODS Thor, Kali, Ra, Zeus, Sun Wukong and many, many more -- choose from over 60 playable gods and blast your foes with legendary weapons, earth-shattering power, and unique strategies. Trail Of Game
  3. Killing Floor 2 will be the successor to the ridiculously fun and successful original title, that was released in 2009. All your old favorites will be back, with a whole host of new features, characters, monsters, weapons and story in due course. Keep watching for more information! NOTE: It is quite likely that there are some regions where we may be required to make cuts in the [CENSORED]ure, particularly in the gore system, to comply with local ratings boards, once we get the game into its full release status. Regions most likely at risk of this are Germany (via USK) and Australia (via OFLC). Japan is another possibility (via CERO), but is an unknown quantity to us. To be quite clear: this means that, if you are buying from a region which regularly forces cuts on to games for gore, you may get reduced gore when we go to the full release version of the game. Trail Of Game
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  4. Hardcore platforming: No Jump Button Tinertia is rocket-powered platforming geared toward the streaming generation and built on the premise of Quake-like fun, Sonic-like speed, and dynamic, precise controls. Addictive, surprising, and challenging, Tinertia makes gamers laugh while kicking their butt. Play as Weldon, a small but extraordinary robot equipped with a rocket launcher. Weldon is stranded on a deserted planet and is under attack by the evil ARC. Master rocket-jumping to control your momentum and lift Weldon over deadly obstacles, outrun robo-bosses, and ultimately escape off the planet. Trail Of Game
  5. Unturned is a sandbox game in the emerging multiplayer apocalypse survival genre. Rather than focusing on being an MMO it provides players with easy systems to sit down and survive the zombie infestation with their friends. Over the course of a typical adventure, groups will have a blast fortifying locations, scavenging for supplies, trying to live off the land and negotiating with other people. The game is being developed entirely with the community in focus, and tons of features are based entirely on feedback: Fortification: Players can build massive forts out of structural building blocks, or build onto smaller buildings in the world with barricades. It is also possible to create traps and intricate electronic systems. More options for building are constantly being added based on what the community requests. Survival: It is entirely possible to live off the wilderness by harvesting resources, fishing, growing crops and hunting animals down. What sort of survival stuff is added is entirely decided by the community. Explore: The game goes where the community wants it to. The initial release map is set on the lovely Prince Edward Island, but over the next few months many more locations will arrive for players to explore depending on what the community wants to see. Currently the island has plenty of interesting locations to discover and loot. Bandits: Players can choose to enter player versus player servers and battle other players to steal their gear. Banditry is highly supported with plenty of weapons and sneaky devices. Heroes: Players can join player versus environment servers to team up with other people, and easily create clans to play with their pals. Trail Of Game
  6. Wind of Luck: Arena is a session-based team multiplayer online game dedicated to naval battles of the age of sail warships. It's a unique opportunity to feel like a true pirate captain in the midst of a furious seafight offensive! The game features team vs team battles, which allows you to fight against random opponents, honing different battle skills, equip your ship with various types of armament, apply different improvements, etc. Battles will take place in truly special locations from tropical seas to the Arctic offering you a good spectacle. Be a part of naval battles and become an infamous captain of seven seas! Trail Of The Game
  7. Inspire and lead your settlers, gather resources, construct houses, and expand your kingdom in The Settlers Online. The Settlers Online combines po[CENSORED]r gameplay elements with brand new additions and improvements. Seize territory and explore in a gaming experience built for everyone to enjoy, from ‘The Settlers’ newbies to old-school gamers. Build your city brick by brick, and lead it to glorious prosperity! It takes a great leader to build a great city, and you'll have to optimize your production chains and lay out the perfect infrastructure. Don’t worry though, as guides and guilds will help you along the way, and also provide higher level challenges of increasing importance, as you establish your reign in the realm! Trail Of The Game
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  8. There’s an Apple Watch for everyone.Coming Soon 26.06.2015 Apple Watch Sport Apple Watch Apple Watch Edition Funzionalità software Apple Watch stupisce più per la sua interfaccia che per il suo design, quest’ultimo forse non troppo originale considerato come il settore degli smartwatch stia progressivamente abbandonato i quadranti rettangolari per approdare sull’universo di quelli circolari. Per accendere lo schermo del device basta sollevare il polso o premere uno dei tasti fisici: ci si trova immersi in una GUI particolarmente famigliare, con delle icone che ricordano da vicino quelle di iOS 8. Con le dita si possono spostare tali icone, raggruppate in una sorta di nuvola, per scegliere la preferita. Per accedere o chiudere un’applicazione, invece, non si fa altro che agire sullo zoom con la corona digitale. L’utilizzo appare perciò immediato, facile e del tutto fluido. Non sono ancora disponibili nel dettaglio tutte le applicazioni di cui lo smartwatch potrà pregiarsi, molte delle quali di terze parti – come Twitter e Facebook – grazie all’apertura di un’apposita sezione di App Store. Prima di analizzare alcune delle tante, vale la pena di ricordare come lo smartwatch non sia standalone: servirà l’abbinamento a un melafonino, da iPhone 5 e successivi (fino all’attuale iPhone 6), con connessione WiFi e GPS attivi. Chiamate: Apple Watch permette di effettuare chiamate in vivavoce sfruttando microfono e altoparlante. Non essendo dotato di alloggiamento SIM, la feature è disponibile solo in abbinato a un iPhone; Messaggi: è possibile partecipare a conversazioni iMessage o inviare SMS dallo schermo del device, sempre in abbinato a un melafonino. Per inserire il testo si ricorre alla dettatura vocale, l’unica tastiera disponibile è quella delle emoji; Mail: similmente ai messaggi, si possono controllare le proprie mail, a cui rispondere sempre con la dettatura vocale; Mappe: sono presenti delle mappe molto simili a quelle di iOS 8 e OS X Yosemite, tenendo presente come la funzione necessiti della localizzazione GPS di iPhone per operare correttamente. Allo stesso modo, è possibile attivare un navigatore passo-passo; Fitness: l’orologio intelligente può suddividere le attività salutari in esercizi di fitness o veri e propri workout. Monitora il movimento, la quantità e la qualità delle attività giornaliere e stimola a non essere troppo sedentari con degli speciali avvisi. Può inoltre tener traccia delle sessioni di cardio o di allenamenti intensivi come la corsa o la ciclette, calcolando frequenza cardiaca e calorie bruciate; Condivisione Digital Touch: gli Apple Watch possono comunicare fra di loro con un sistema non solo innovativo, ma anche particolarmente sensoriale. Richiamando il contatto con l’apposito pulsante laterale, è innanzitutto possibile disegnare a schermo una sorta di messaggio da inviare all’interlocutore: una lettera, uno smiley, un breve disegno. Vi sono poi delle comunicazioni più emozionali: con un tocco si può far capire a una persona di averla pensata, mentre mantenendo premute due dita sullo schermo si invia al partner il proprio battico cardiaco, che verrà fedelmente riprodotto dal ricevente grazie al motore di feedback tattile. Per i più esigenti, infine, vi è la possibilità di utilizzare Apple Watch come un improvvisato walkie talkie; Rullino fotografico e camera: accedendo alle fotografie di iOS 8, ci si ritroverà di fronte a un mosaico. Con la corona digitale basta effettuare lo zoom per ingrandire ognuna di queste fotografie. Inoltre, vi è la possibilità di comandare alla distanza la fotocamera posteriore del melafonino; Meteo, calendario e Passbook: così come evidente dalla scher[CENSORED] iniziale, lo smartwatch può accedere facilmente a tutte le informazioni memorizzate su Meteo, Calendario e Passwork, anche da iCloud; Personalizzazione e glance: l’inFunzionalità software Apple Watch stupisce più per la sua interfaccia che per il suo design, quest’ultimo forse non troppo originale considerato come il settore degli smartwatch stia progressivamente abbandonato i quadranti rettangolari per approdare sull’universo di quelli circolari. Per accendere lo schermo del device basta sollevare il polso o premere uno dei tasti fisici: ci si trova immersi in una GUI particolarmente famigliare, con delle icone che ricordano da vicino quelle di iOS 8. Con le dita si possono spostare tali icone, raggruppate in una sorta di nuvola, per scegliere la preferita. Per accedere o chiudere un’applicazione, invece, non si fa altro che agire sullo zoom con la corona digitale. L’utilizzo appare perciò immediato, facile e del tutto fluido.
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  12. with password tolerance levels at an all time low, alternatives to the pesky and insecure authenticators are beginning to abound. One of those alternatives could be the Apple Watch. Even before Apple's latest gadget began shipping last week, MicroStrategy announced it was extending its Usher enterprise security solution to the Apple Watch. Usher, launched earlier this year, lets an enterprise use smartphones to authenticate its users and eschew user names, passwords and tokens. The solution has two parts: a back end that runs in the cloud, and an app that runs on mobile phones. Usher on the Apple Watch allows it to act as a digital key that employees can use to log in to business systems, unlock devices, validate an identity and open entryways. The Usher app uses all of the Apple Watch's repertoire -- glances, notifications and force touch -- to perform its functions. It is designed to detect a variety of business systems through a wireless connection as users approach. For example, as a user walks up to a workstation, a notification will appear on the watch to unlock the hardware, which can be done with a tap of the timepiece. Security Plus Convenience With Usher, an enterprise can remove the need for user names, passwords, physical IDs and badges, and replace them with a software key that can reside on a smartphone or the Apple Watch. "That can be a transformational and important application for the enterprise, because it rids it of one of the real weaknesses in enterprise security," said Paul Zolfaghari, president of MicroStrategy. "What the watch does is give Usher one more level of convenience," he told TechNewsWorld. Actually, the watch may be better suited for authentication than a phone. "The watch is designed for short interactions," Zolfaghari explained. "A short but important interaction is the transaction that takes place when somebody is being granted authorization to do something." The watch has another benefit for the overseers of enterprise security. "If you think about enterprise security and security in general, what you find is that for something to be more secure, it has to be less convenient," Zolfaghari said. "It's the opposite with the Apple Watch," he continued. "You get greater security with a higher level of convenience." Bad Password Hygiene As if any more evidence were needed about the insecurity of passwords, LogRhythm released the latest in a long line of surveys finding that users continue to ignore good password hygiene -- except in maybe one instance. Only 19 percent of users created unique passwords for all their accounts, according to the survey of 520 full-time employees at organizations with 250 or more employees in a number of industries. However, when it came to their personal banking accounts, 78 percent of the respondents said they used a unique password there. Despite the apparent concern users have over their personal finances, there seems to be little change in their general attitude toward password hygiene. "Weak and stolen credentials is still one of the most common threat vectors used by the bad guys," said Mike Reagan, chief marketing officer at LogRhythm. In addition to finding 81 percent of participants reused passwords in one way or another, the survey found that 79 percent of the respondents changed their passwords less frequently than once per month. "The reality is that credentials are going to be stolen. The question is, what is the value of a credential to a bad actor?" Reagan said. "The value of a stolen password drops precipitously when a person frequently changes passwords," he continued. "If I'm changing my password every 15 days, I'm really limiting the value of my stolen credentials." Zombie Apps Appthority waved a red flag last week over a what it sees as a growing problem in the mobilesphere: zombie apps. Zombie apps are created when a program is removed from an app store but remains on a person's device. Apps can be removed for any number of reasons -- a developer pulls it because he doesn't want to support it anymore, or the operators of the store toss it for violating their terms and conditions. "When it's removed from an app store and not from the devices, it's the equivalent of announcing a product recall and not recalling the product," said Domingo Guerra, president and cofounder of Appthority. "It's like saying, 'We can't sell this car anymore because it's not safe,' but not telling the people who are driving the car," he told TechNewsWorld. Because zombie apps are no longer supported by a developer, any flaws found in them by bad actors can be exploited without fear of being corrected. That can make them dangerous to a user -- even more so than mobile malware. "We looked at over 500,000 apps on enterprise devices," Guerra said. "Less than half a percent contained malware. More than 5 percent of iOS devices, and almost 4 percent of Android devices were dead apps," he noted. "We also found that every single enterprise has dead apps," added Guerra. "That's not true of malware." There would be a major corporate data breach this year that leverages a mobile device, Guerra predicted. "We're starting to see mobile devices replacing laptops and desktops in the enterprise. The [attack] surface vector is increasing tremendously because of that," he explained. "We also seeing more and more work being done on mobile devices, so the value of the data on them is increasing." Breach Diary April 21. A group of small banks and credit unions request injunction against completion of US$19 million settlement announced March 19 between Target and Master Card. Group claims settlement is designed to undermine its claims against the retailer for data breach that placed at risk personal and payment card information of 103 million customers. April 21. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduces bill to reauthorize Section 215 of the Patriot Act through 2020 without ending blanket surveillance of Americans by U.S. intelligence agencies. April 22. H.R. 1560, the Protecting Cyber Networks Act, passes the U.S. House of Representatives on vote of 307-116. April 23. H.R. 1731, the National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act, passes U.S. House on vote of 355-63. April 23. Adobe grants extension to the end of May to finalize a settlement of consolidated class lawsuits resulting from data breach that compromised some 3 million payment card records. April 23. Gen. David Petraeus sentenced to two years probation and a $100,000 fine for illegally disclosing classified information to his mistress, including code-word information, detailed discussions with the president, and the names of covert operatives. April 24. Seton Family of Hospitals in Texas informs some 39,000 patients that their personal information may be at risk following data breach discovered by the organization Feb. 26. April 24. Congressional Budget Office estimates cost of implementing the Data Breach and Notification Act passed by Congress April 22 will be $1 million. Those costs, however, will be offset by $9 million in revenue from collection of fines imposed by the proposed law. Upcoming Security Events May 2. Now that We Know: Technology, Law, Journalism and Policy after Snowden. 12:30-5 p.m. ET. Friends Center Convocation, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. Forum sponsored by the Center for Information Technology Policy, the Program in Law and Public Affairs and the Woodrow Wilson School. Free with registration. May 2. B-Sides San Antonio. Texas A&M, Brooks City Base, San Antonio, Texas. Fee: $10. May 5. Preventing fraud in the Contact Center. 11 a.m. ET. Webinar sponsored by Contact Solutions, IDology and Pindrop Security. Free with registration. May 5. Why DDoS Attacks Are A More Serious Threat Than Ever. 2 p.m. ET. Dark Reading webinar. Free with registration. May 6-7. Suits and Spooks London. techUK, 10 Saint Bride St., London. Registration: government/military, $305; members, $486; industry, $571. May 9. B-Sides Boston. Microsoft 1 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Fee: $20. May 13. SecureWorld Houston. Norris Conference Center, Houston, Texas. Registration: open sessions pass, $25; conference pass, $175; SecureWorld plus training, $545. May 14. B-Sides Denver. Society Denver, 1434 Blake St., Denver, Colorado. Free. May 15. B-Sides Knoxville. Scruffy City Hall, 32 Market Square, Knoxville, Tennessee. Fee: TBD. May 16. B-Sides Chicago. Concord Music Hall, 2047 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Free. May 27-28. SecureWorld Atlanta. Cobb Galleria Centre (Ballroom), 2 Galleria Parkway Southeast, Atlanta. Registration: open sessions pass, $25; conference pass, $175; SecureWorld plus training, $545. May 30. B-Sides New Orleans. Hilton Garden Inn, New Orleans Convention Center, 1001 South Peters Street, New Orleans. Cost: $10. June 8-10. SIA Government summit 2015. W Hotel, Washington, D.C. Meeting Fees: members, $595; nonmember, $795. June 8-11. Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit. Gaylord National, 201 Waterfront St., National Harbor, Maryland. Registration: before April 11, $2,795; after April 10, standard $2,995, public sector $2,595. June 16-17. Black Hat Mobile Security Summit. ExCel London, London, UK. Registration: before April 11, Pounds 400; before June 16, Pounds 500; after June 15, Pounds 600. June 17. SecureWorld Portland. DoubleTree by Hilton. 1000 NE Multnomah, Portland, Oregon. Registration: open sessions pass, $25; conference pass, $175; SecureWorld plus training, $545. August 1-6. Black Hat USA. Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, Nevada. Registration: before June 6, $1795; before July 25, $2,195; after July 24, $2,595. Sept. 28-Oct. 01. ASIS 2015. Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California. Registration: through May 31 -- member, $895; nonmember, $1,150; government, $945; student, $300; June 1-Aug. 31 -- $995, $1,250, $1,045, $350; Sept. 1-Oct. 1 -- $1,095, $1,350, $1,145, $400.
  13. Facebook on Monday announced that it will expand Internet.org to ensure that it doesn't conflict with the principles of a free and open Internet. CEO Mark Zuckerberg responded to criticisms of Internet.org and outlined plans to make the free service even more open. "Soon, we're going share an open technical spec, and any compatible service will be available through Internet.org across the whole world," he said. "This will give people even more choice and more free services, while still creating a sustainable economic model to connect every single person in the world. This is the next step forward for Internet.org." To participate in initiative, websites will have to comply with three guidelines. The Internet.org versions of their websites must encourage users to explore the entire Internet, must use data thriftily, and must offer pages that are optimized for both smartphone and feature phones. The Controversy Internet.org seeks to give free Internet access to the billions of people who are offline, despite being within reach of cellular connections. Because the costs of data are often too much for those in emerging markets, Internet.org has been partnering with telecoms and websites to offer basic Internet services for free. Users can access a small collection of websites free of advertisements. However, despite its presentation as an altruistic service, Internet.org has drawn heavy fire as of late. Criticism from Net neutrality proponents recently sparked a backlash in India, one of the underserved and underconnected markets Internet.org has targeted. The Times Group spoke out against Internet.org and proposed to pull The Times of India and its language publications from the program if its rivals agreed to do so as well. The Internet.org initiative ran into trouble because it was partnering with a select group of content providers, putting outsiders at a disadvantage. While Internet.org isn't supported by ads, simply being included in the service meant participating websites would get traffic that was unavailable to organizations on the outside looking in. The Forecast With Internet.org now doing more to avoid hurting online competition, the service could offer a world of promise for reaching the goal of universal Internet access. There's a need for an initiative like Internet.org, maintained Patricia Vila, senior account executive at the Conroy Martinez Group, who experienced connection problems firsthand during her six years in Cuba, when she helped launched CNN's Havana bureau, among other things. "I'm ecstatic that Facebook is pushing this program and being proactive," she told TechNewsWorld. "The goal here is to bring people out of poverty, and the way we bring people out of poverty is by educating them and introducing them to technology." The move to open the Internet.org platform to everyone is a step in the right direction, but there are still many concerns surrounding the program, noted Michael Dub, a partner at DXagency. "I'm skeptical about Internet.Org being able to fully reach their goal, as meeting the platform's guidelines and having the available resources to implement changes will be challenging, especially for smaller companies throughout the world," he told TechNewsWorld. Along with possible trouble in complying with Internet.org's guidelines, there are Facebook's infamous privacy concerns, according to Dub. "That includes lack of encryption and allowing Facebook to track users," he said, "and then sharing that data with telecom companies."
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